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Everything posted by JRMurray

  1. Thanks, Bill. I've spent the last hour or so catching up! :-) Wow ... PMDG and 747 v2, A2A and flight sim in a box, REX Weather Architect. Gosh, what else have I missed?
  2. Tell me about it! I was in Puerto Vallarta for the past week, and although I stayed at a five-star resort, the wifi and Internet were terrible. I could hardly connect, and when I did, I wasn't able to log onto Avsim--even though I tried every day. I've been out of the loop for a total of eight days!
  3. You could also try Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) from Aivlasoft. It will show you the airport, gate numbers, taxiways, and runways in real time as you taxi. Of course, it does much more than that, too. I suggest you check out the website. The only downside to it is that it is payware, and some would call it expensive. I've owned it for years and find that it is indispensable.
  4. Great thread! Two experiences for me. I'll try to be brief. First, I was in Japan in 1987, and was flying home to Vancouver. I hadn't planned it this way, but I had been staying in a small city near Nagoya, so my then-Japanese girl friend arranged for me to take a domestic flight from Nagoya (RJNN, I think) to Narita (RJAA). Once I was at RJAA, I'd catch my flight home. I can't remember the carrier, but it was a domestic one. Anyway, I got on the plane and quickly realized I was the only gai-jin (foreigner) on the plane--a 707 if I recall correctly. Everyone else, and I mean everyone else, was Japanese. The flight, which was packed full (no business class or first class, either) went well, right up until we were about to land at Narita. I heard all the usual sounds that accompany a landing--gear descending and locking, flaps extending, etc.-- and I saw the ground getting closer and closer. I could see the tops of the trees on the approach to the runway. All of sudden, the gear and the flaps retracted, the plane tilted up suddenly, and we started climbing--rapidly. The captain addressed the passengers over the intercom system ... entirely in Japanese. Which I don't speak. At all. After he finished, the passengers around me looked very concerned. "Great," I thought. "I'm in Japan, in a plane with some sort of problem, and if we all die, I'll never know why." I was starting to feel alarmed when once again, the gear and flaps were extended, and we started our approach. After a long delay, almost right up until we landed, the pilot or co-pilot came over the intercom and announced in very halting English that we had had to abort our landing because another plane was on the runway. I guess one of the flight attendants went to the cockpit to let the captain know that there was one foreigner on the entire plane and that someone should make an announcement in English. Second, I had been at a conference in San Diego and again was coming back to Vancouver, this time by way of Seattle. I was travelling in a 737, so I had an older woman beside me and a young man in his late teens or early twenties beside her. The young guy slept most of the way, right up until we were just south of Seattle. At that point, he woke up and started screaming, "we're going to crash! I know it! We're all going to die!" The older lady turned out to be the young guy's mother, and she apologized to me and everyone around us that her son had been experiencing some mental issues and that she was taking him home. Looking back, I know now that the young fellow was just at the age when bi-polar disorder can make itself known, so that is probably what had happened. She probably had to pick the kid up in San Diego to bring him home. Quite sad, really. In any case, she managed to get him calmed down, and he stopped screaming about everyone dying in a plane crash a few minutes before we landed.
  5. Thanks, Chase. Noticed the performance increase immediately.
  6. It was a shock to hear of Tom's illness such a short time ago, and it is a shock to hear that he's been taken so soon. How sad. My sincere condolences to Tom's loved ones.
  7. I was deeply saddened, Tom, to read that. I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said by others. I must say that I'm proud to have met you in Victoria a few years ago. Although I don't post often, I read AVSIM daily (sometimes, multiple times daily), and AVSIM has been a big part of my simming life for more than a decade. I wish you and your family peace and love in this challenging time. You will be in my thoughts always. Sincerely, Joel
  8. Ha! I'd pay extra to have a Basil Fawlty controller set! I'd love to hear the Major give confusing directions or Manual responding with "Qué?"
  9. Interesting. I might try "send to FS as normal axis" rather than calibrating through fsuipc as I do now. By the way, I've set my delta to 130, and it seems to work fine for me.
  10. Wow! Great, Nurmblitz! Glad to hear that! Merry Christmas! :-) Oh, and Happy New Year, too.
  11. Nurmblitz, I had the same problem. I tried everything, and I was still getting the same error. As a last resort, I edited panel.cfg again, except this time, I deleted all the CR/LFs until the next line (an FS Captain gauge, if I remember correctly) was immediately after the gauge07 line, with no spaces, as so: gauge07 = DSD_FSX_XML_Sound!Sound, 0, 0, 0, 0, .\Gauges\RM3_Cockpit_Sounds\BK_LZ_merge.inigauge08= etc. etc. etc. Then I pressed Enter twice, resulting in a blank line between gauge07 and gauge08, as so: gauge07 = DSD_FSX_XML_Sound!Sound, 0, 0, 0, 0, .\Gauges\RM3_Cockpit_Sounds\BK_LZ_merge.ini gauge08= etc. etc. etc. This seems to have solved my issues (crosses fingers). I don't know why, though, other than the fact that there may be extra unseen characters at the end of the line that are somehow causing confusion in the parsing of the line and that deleting everything and adding two Enters seems to have eliminated the issue. Cheers! Joel
  12. If you do get the Metroliner (I highly recommend it!), be sure to apply Bjoern's and lzamm's mods (and also, kfdw's). Check out this thread for more details (you'll have to work backwards).
  13. Just wanted to thank Bjoern and lzamm for the mods (and kdfw, although I haven't tried his mod yet). You've really enhanced my enjoyment of the Metroliner, already one of my favourite aircraft! Cheers! Joel
  14. Merry Christmas, everyone. It's now 1:00 am, and I think I'd better go to bed or Santa won't come to my house. Best wishes for the holiday season regardless of what you're celebrating! Joel
  15. Wow ... lots of us CYVR folk. Robert and I met at the AVSIM meet in Victoria a few years ago, and it might be fun for all of us to meet some time ....
  16. Nice shots, Derek. Love the Air Transat A330. Were you able to take many pictures in all the nice weather we've had? Cheers! Joel
  17. Wow, Derek! Beautiful shots! Even better that you're from the same neck of the woods.
  18. Good luck, and get well soon.
  19. The Meatwater voice packs should be right here on Avsim. By the way, RC is the only ATC I use, and it works well with My Traffic X (my current ai) and Ultimate Traffic 2 (my past ai).
  20. Happy birthday ... Avsim is as old as my son!
  21. Welcome back ... and a hearty thank you for all you do.
  22. I have, and no, no problems. Joel Murray @ CYVR (actually, pretty close to CSK8)
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