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Everything posted by JRMurray

  1. Nice livery! Saw some Canadian North 737 Combis at CYOW earlier this month.
  2. Anyone arguing about what this EULA means will be banned from ... I kid, I kid! Merry Christmas, everyone!
  3. 10% Christmas discount on Eaglesoft aircraft ... http://eaglesoftdg.com/announcements.htm
  4. How tragic! My heart goes out to the victims of this barbaric, senseless act.
  5. Just saw a Canadian North combi 737 at the gate at CYOW on Sunday, so Canadian North has my vote.
  6. Very, very interesting. Thanks for letting us know about the site.
  7. I had the paid version when I still used FS9. I used the freeware version for FSX until recently, thinking that I didn't really need the paid version. Swofford in the previous post says that FSUIPC is invaluable, and I agree. I was wrong about the payware version being unnecessary. The ability to run my joystick/throttle through FSUIPC for calibration and button assignment for individual aircraft is worth the cost alone. Couple that with all the other functionality mentioned above, and ... well, the payware version of FSUIPC is without a doubt a necessary utility. I can't recommend it enough.
  8. You know you've been using TIR maybe too much when in real life--for example, while driving--you turn your head a small amount to the left or right and immediately wonder why your view hasn't changed as much as it usually does when you're flight simming.
  9. Interesting that you should point that out, Ernie. I wear progressives, too, and I experienced exactly the same problem. In fact, when I first bought my TrackIR unit a few years ago, I was just about ready to take it back: I was starting to get a sore neck from tilting my head up so that I could see through the bottom part of my lenses--something I hadn't expected when I bought the thing. :biggrin: Fortunately, I had an old pair of single vision glasses which I started using ... and in fact, they did clear up the peripheral vision problem you accurately identified. I even bought a new pair of lenses this summer, since my eyesight had degraded a little in the last few years.
  10. I used thick doubled sided tape to stick the bottom of the panel to my desk. It worked great! I'm very satisfied.
  11. Very sorry to hear that. My sincerest condolences to you and to his family.
  12. Thanks to Howard, et al., in another thread for all the information/explanation/advice concerning the Thrustmaster Warthog. I'd love to see one and try it out before I buy it, but based on my searches, it appears as if it isn't stocked anywhere in Western Canada. It also appears that the only way to buy one is online--and pay an exorbitant amount in shipping. Does anyone know where one of these can be bought in Vancouver, Canada, or perhaps in Seattle?
  13. After reading through this thread and after watching Howard's video, I'm seriously tempted to get a Warthog--or perhaps a PFC yoke/throttle combo. The PFC is somewhat expensive, so I don't think that I can justify almost twice the cost of what I'm considering with the Warthog. However, Christmas is coming, and with my birthday being just 4 days afterward, the Warthog would make an excellent combo Christmas/birthday present. I currently have a Logitech G940 setup, which I've been happy with for the most part. However, I'm not entirely satisfied with certain aspects of the G940: build quality, some button programming issues, force feedback issues, and so on. The only question I have about the Warthog concerns how much force is needed to move the joystick. I've read about the springs (and how some people have replaced them). Howard and other owners of the Warthog, how much force do you need? Does your arm get tired when flying helicopters, light GA, etc?
  14. Nice pix, but I agree ... the subject header was rather misleading. I'm glad, though, that it didn't go in the direction I thought it would! :smile2:
  15. :LMAO: Guess I'm a pretty lucky husband. My wife doesn't want me to fly in real life (she believes it's dangerous ... sheesh), so she's more than willing to allow me to spend whatever I want on software--or hardware, for that matter--as long as I'm "flying" in the basement. I agree with this 100%. My wife and I have been married for 20 years, happily I might add, and we do not have separate accounts. We have just one, into which our pay goes and out of which all of our bills are paid. In those 20 years, we've never argued about money.
  16. I lived in Vancouver for many years until I moved to a nearby suburb called Surrey seven years ago. I fly mostly out of CYVR for airliners and CZBB for GA aircraft, and I'm still amazed at how close FSX is (of course, FSX with Vancouver+ and Orbx PNW) to the real thing here.
  17. My favourite, too. ... although when I first saw the subject header, I thought it was going to be something to do with "Airplane!" :biggrin: Great one, Geoff! :LMAO: I was wondering where that was going ...
  18. I share in the addition. I try to limit myself to one or two add-ons per month--mostly aircraft, with a few airports thrown in every now and then. Sometimes, I'm successful; other times, not so much.
  19. Darn ... Mark beat me to it ... FSX default weather.
  20. Amazing! Can't help thinking, though, that the helicopter pilot took a pretty big risk getting so close to the treetops.
  21. Out west, we're not in the path ... but we do have to worry about earthquakes. Anyway, good luck, everyone. Stay safe.
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