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Everything posted by JRMurray

  1. Ha! Great video! Like Robert, I would have seen some of those commercials, as I was in my 20s in the 80s. Interestingly, the aviation travel experience today is not so different from what was jokingly envisioned in the commercials--although no pay toilets yet. :-)
  2. Nice! Very realistic. Love the Harbour Air seaplanes in the background in the last picture.
  3. Wow! Good to know! I've just moved to P3D (it's GREAT, by the way), and I was missing the Uiver DC-2.
  4. Nice! I've flown into Nanaimo on Harbour Air and I've seen much the same view!
  5. After using EZCA for many, many years, I started to have problems with it (whatever the most recent version is ... 1.18.7?) a short time after a recent Windows 10 update. I followed all of the advice on the support forum (excludes of the folder and the process in Defender, etc.), and I still had problems. Like Domini99, I had to start EZCA after everything else, and even then, I would still get not only simconnect timeout issues but also camera weirdness--e.g., the view spinning uncontrollably as soon as I applied the throttle. I was so frustrated with EZCA that I ended up trying OpusFSI ... and really liking it. I bought it, even though I use ASN for weather.Opus FSI has a learning curve, but in the end, I find it easier to set up views than I did with EZCA. I also feel that the DHM is more realistic, but of course, that's a personal preference, so YMMV.
  6. My neck of the woods! Excellent shots!
  7. Don't know if this will help you, but I installed P3D v3.35 two weekends ago and installed the Aerosoft Airbus shortly thereafter. Everything works (very well, I might add).
  8. Great news, Phil! Wishing you the best.
  9. Great thread! I just bought and install P3D v3 two weeks ago (and loving it!), and I've reinstalled only a few of the many aircraft I've bought over the years for FSX for two reasons. One is financial: I've reinstalled those that already have a P3D v3 version (so I don't have to buy the aircraft all over again). The second is I've re-bought the P3D v3 version of those that I loved in FSX and really can't do without (my A2A Cherokee, for example). I'm going to try to limit myself in my future purchases ... the only other (re-)purchase I've got planned is PMDG 737s (just missing the NGX too much). Since it's pretty expensive in Canuck-bucks to re-buy the base version + 600/700 (CDN $150 = US $115), I'll probably wait for a little while yet.
  10. Sorry about that, Bjoern. You've done so much for the Metroliner that I had just assumed the autopilot was yours. :-) Hey ... thanks go out to lzamm as well. Between the two of you, you've made the Metroliner one of my favourite aircraft!
  11. Hi, Peter, Have installed the Bjoern's autopilot mod? I had a terrible time with the default autopilot. Cheers! Joel
  12. There are some good craft breweries on Vancouver Island. :-) Might join you myself!
  13. Can't say I've had any issues with pressurization. The majority of my short hops are at 16,000 or lower, but even at 16,000, I haven't had any problems. Are your busses set properly?
  14. Quick update: I bought the P3D version (great price!) and installed in the mods ... and it all works in P3D v3.3!
  15. That's great! Thanks, Peter, for the quick reply. $10 is really reasonable! So ... once I buy it, the mods work in the P3D version, too? ... and another question: on Simmarket, it says the Metroliner is for P3D v2. Does it install/work in v3?
  16. I've just installed P3D and whoa ... what a difference! I'm in the process of switching over, and I know that I'll miss the Metro if I can't install it to P3D. Is it possible to install the Metroliner in P3D v3 and if so ... how?
  17. Wow! Now THAT's a flight simulator! Impressive!
  18. Ha! Good point! My son was 6 years old and my daughter 2 when I joined--and that was 1 house and 4 cars ago. He's now almost 21, and she's almost 16. Time flies when you're flight simming.
  19. Looks like the weather in Metro Vancouver today. Bravo!
  20. If you haven't already, you should also consider Coolsky's DC-9 Classic: http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=uadc9classic. [Hey, my 500th post!]
  21. Just donated, and by the way, our Prime Minister has stated that the Canadian government "will match individual donations to the Canadian Red Cross in support of wildfire relief efforts."
  22. In Greater Vancouver here, and like many others in BC, I'm following the Fort McMurray fires. My thoughts are with everyone affected. Those who want to help can do so through the Canadian Red Cross here. I'm going to donate now.
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