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Everything posted by markmasterson

  1. Like all FlyTampa's products, it is an excellent scenery. Please keep in mind this is older it is P3Dv4 compatible but as Fly Tampa completes new scenery they get better with each rendition
  2. You are right. I was talking about the Cheap ones not the ones sold for 500.00 ouch
  3. Rob, I watched your Youtube and I don't see where you added the Texture_Size? I never have tweaked P3D (Like I did in FSX). Do I have to add the statement above (TEXTURE_SIZE_EXP=10) in Prepar3d.cfg and what section do I add that in? I do appreciate all you do for our community. Thank you in advance.
  4. These are some of these easiest to follow tutorials that I have every used. I very much appreciate the work Chuck did and continues to do. Cheers.
  5. I enjoy both. There are a lot of Captain Sim bashers. It works much better then the QW 757 with more capability. It is not a PMDG level sim. The QW 787 is very good also. Really comes down to how far you will fly. 787 has more capability in distance then the 757.
  6. I completely agree. Not enough thanks go out for their tireless efforts to make the skies real for all of us
  7. I for one appreciate everyone that gives to this hobby. I normally don't reply to these posts. There is nothing like going to your favorite airport and feeling like you are there. Without the "Artists" both builders and repainters, I would never enjoy this hobby as much as I do. I started with the first MS Simulator through SimLogic to P3D4. Realism in these years has come so far. All those that give and even those that sell I appreciate your art and enjoy it everytime I fly...Keep making this a great hobby!
  8. I am having problems starting engines. Even in the only tutorial on line video they had problems. Followed Captainsims tutorial and same problem. I don't think this is minor. FMS works great. Flying is as above....best captainsim to date. But if you can't star engines from cold and dark scenario they gave us then.... see capt forum.
  9. Look at CaptainSim their 732 and 727 are compatible to version 4.1
  10. I agree, very good artwork...For all of us who fly and sometimes don't pay attention to the "Who" does the great work we enjoy. I thank you. I hope you have a great holiday and hope to pay attention to more of your work now that I found it!
  11. Steve, All I can say is wow...I searched AVSIM but did not have the right keywords obviously. Your work is greatly appreciated!
  12. Well I took the plunge....Not so happy but I thought I would update everyone so they know what they are in for. Wing lighting does not work. As they stated taxi and take off lighting is very light. Certain functions have not been coded for example setting flaps etc. On the positive side if you bought McPhat textures for the FSX version they work on this one also. At the end of the day this add-on is just slightly better then Vcols at almost triple the cost. Plus there is no PaintKit so there are alot of repaints that are not covered. I wish some publisher would take this project on and do service to it. The 175 and 195 are great aircraft.
  13. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would purchase because this is a missing spot in my Jet Hanger...I have the FSX version and all the repaints. If someone buys this what Repaints come with it? Will the old ones work? Thank you for your consideration
  14. After many years of using UT2, switching to MT6 after Prepar3d, I am now back on UTLive. I could not be happier. I don't look up a schedule to see if flt353 is leaving on the same schedule as real life. I look at a couple things: 1. Models 2. Paints 3. Performance. For me I had MT6 at 25% to keep it usable. In UTLive I have it at 100%. The Models are better (Better than the stick gear on MT6), Paints are alright (Still better then MT6, but what I like more is a can install better models, and paints (Finding them are hard with Redcarpet75 being down). I am a happy customer. If you owned UT2 this is a no-brainer for the price. If you don't then I recommend it
  15. I am downloading this as we speak. I believe it would be more productive if users that actually own and use the product make constructive specific comments so that a. potential users know what does not work or does work and b. the developers can continue to improve it. I will document any issues as I fly. No need to bash a company. Your wallet can do that.
  16. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have not seen any topic in this forum on this new release. That surprises me considering how many people flew their 757. Since I long left FSX for P3D and I know it has not yet been released for P3D V4, I was wondering what the people that took the leap to purchase this think. I have not seen any reviews or demos...Thank you for your time.
  17. Umberto, Happy Birthday! I wish I could run out and buy something I did not own. But I own them all. Thank you for making such great products that have brought me satisfaction for over 10 years.
  18. I also would be interested. I went to the website and there was nothing said about P3D versionX it said a major upgrade for FSX. Where did you get this information
  19. SimBrief is free. I have PFPX how often are you going to take 30 mins to fully flight plan. You are using Flight Aware that tells me a lot. Try SimBrief and if it does not do enough for you then go after PFPX. I don't take the time to do all that PFPX offers me. SimBrief is more accurate when it pulls runways for weather....Just my opinion. have a great flight day
  20. Has anyone noticed the same thing. I go from 60 FPS to 32 FPS when this is ticked.
  21. Look up under AVSIM file library. I found two skins that work with new colors.
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