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Everything posted by airlinejets

  1. That's my mistake. The version 2.1 is for the vFlyteAir Piper Arrow III, sorry.
  2. I just added Skymaxx Pro V2.1 plus the fantastic VFlyteAir Piper Arrow III V2 to my collection and decided to put together a quick video.
  3. Can you post screenshots please? Also, how did you get it to work in X-Plane?
  4. I hope they don't count updates! Anyways, now we know who not to buy from in the future.
  5. You need to go to the org and post (attach) your log file in the 'Technical Support- Cuuby's Corner' forum. Someone will probably find the answer to your crashes. Like User72 mentioned, it's probably a plugin.
  6. You can move the whole folder anywhere you want, at any time. Just don't put it in the system-owned directories (program files). I guess the desktop is fine also.
  7. The problem is the $400 price tag that goes along with the software . Although the price is high, this is probably the best heavy simulator ever done for a PC. Some day maybe I'll splurge...
  8. Whoever said we don't need ORBX in X-plane is quite correct. We've even survived the last 3 years without PMDG!! Honestly, if IXEG were to actually release their bloo%& 737, it would be far more important than anything PMDG is doing presently. The potential is there, nothing compares. Companies come and go. There will always be someone to replace you if you don't heed the warning signs. Long live X-Plane! :wink:
  9. For some developers, this is more than just a hobby. IXEG have stated time and time again, they have other priorities and lives to live. Keep pumping them out Flight Factor!
  10. Good advice indeed. The X-Plane user interface is fine. Nothing about it is so complex or quirky to warrant flight simulation enthusiasts shy away. I'd expect as much if I moved from one software developer to another. There is a learning curve, as with anything new. cheers
  11. I'll chime in to counter Greg's analysis. I can tell you life will go on if you buy X-Plane. The simulation can stand on it's own merits and I have zero regrets of dumping my copy of FSX and it's bloatware. You can certainly use both, no one ever said it was not allowed. I have a suspicion you'll use one, more than the other. On the bright side of things, I'm saving a sizable amount of money using X-Plane. Money I can allocate to other, more important things. FSX was always about spending (for me). X-Plane is what the MS franchise was many, many years ago. A community of dedicated flight enthusiasts who share their time and work, so others can benefit. As others have suggested, try the demo and see if it's for you.
  12. Maybe RXP is RIP? Actually, I think they're working the commercial side of the business.
  13. J' ,they're are gonna get CREAMED on Steam. Are you certain this is your final stand?
  14. John, Jim, James (sorry I don't know your first name), we are telling them how to run their business. That's what customers usually do, ask for features that are important to them. If a company doesn't listen, they'll be out of business before they know it. Seriously, as much as I love X-Plane, they're very fortunate MS scrapped Flight and their flight simulation franchise. We're not talking about frivolous demands here, cube maps are old hat in the gaming world. Why am I discussing this with you anyways? As a developer, you should have these tools to enhance your wares, no? Don't you care what your customers would like? Don't you care an 8 year old sim has it and we don't? Now that Laminar has had the bright idea of moving to Steam, they had better get used to customer demands. Steam clients will be ruthless with them, as they were with Flight. What were they thinking? Two and a half years into production and not even half finished, then you put it on the world's toughest vending platform? We better hope they start listening to customers real soon.
  15. If you don't care about or do not want to implement this feature in your aircraft, fine. However, don't tell us what we can and cannot ask Laminar. Again, this should have been done long ago!
  16. I believe you're the one who's missing the point. I stated I knew of at least two developers who are quite unhappy this has not been addressed. As a customer, I am also very disappointed Laminar won't change their minds about coding it in this run of X-Plane. You can put all the systems you want in a plane but you need to follow the competition also as far as cosmetics go. One thing for sure is, Laminar are brilliant mathematicians but lousy marketers. This should have been done long ago!
  17. Well said, very well said. Laminar helps those who help themselves...
  18. I don't think art controls would help much. Photoscenery is highly reliant on the quality of the sat images provided. Maybe have a look at real terra haze?
  19. Correct. The effects are created using cube maps. They mimic nicely what resembles environmental, dynamic reflections. The problem is not enough X-Plane users have put pressure on Ben Supnik to implement this. I know of two developers who have taken their requests to Laminar and they have fallen on deaf ears. This is unacceptable. If these effects can be achieved on an 8 year old sim, there is no reason or excuse to deny users this feature for X-Plane. Get your act together Laminar, we're in 2014!
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