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About JetClipperJR

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  1. Years ago, with less resolution on our screens, antialiasing was so good. I don't know what happened in the meantime to make us have this word not allowed now.
  2. I flew with iFly's MAX yesterday and I didn't like the result. I found the speedtape tolerable but the fonts on the screens were all blurry.
  3. I had 50GB in MSFS, I'm now going to increase it to 150...
  4. I was being ironic, although it's true that I can't (and don't want to) buy an XX90.
  5. ‘Upgrade’ to 4090 or 5090? I can't. I'm poor so I'll stay in the ‘2020’ for poor people.... Seriously, how can they say such a thing considering that MSFS also runs on the word not allowed console?
  6. The ‘TrueSky’ thing as default, I think.
  7. OK, v5 had SOME problems, but nothing comparable to ‘this’ 🙄 PS: and even so, I don't forgive LM's lack of support to solve the problems that still affect v5. But that's a subject for another thread and I now use another platform...
  8. What were the problems with each release of Prepar3D? as far as I can remember, it was just waiting for the compatibility of some addons... I don't remember any P3D release having a DISASTER like the one we're seeing with ‘2024’.
  9. This. A thousand times this!
  10. What's your CPU and GPU?
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