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Everything posted by krazyk

  1. To add to this, you will find the FTX Central application housed here but no uninstaller. There is no uninstaller for FTX Central so you're just supposed to delete the entire ORBX folder in the location above.
  2. Interesting and has me curious. Have you detailed the information that you edit and perhaps a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this? I don't have a problem making these manual changes if the result is satisfactory.
  3. AirDailyX never caught my fancy and from visiting in the past, it seemed like a lot of comments were moderated heavily because the majority of them almost always fell in line with what D'Andre himself believed to be fact. That plus his sometimes arrogant attitude meant it quickly fell through the bookmark list on my browser as well as the group of friends I made through VATSIM and other simulation channels. If you're interested in just reading about the latest news and maybe even listening to what the authors of the website think about certain products, you should check out SkyLoungeTV. Their forum gets all the news pretty quickly and once a week, the guys running the site do a video called 'On Approach' reviewing all the news of that week on YouTube. These videos also feature the gentleman operating FSFX (creator of PrecipitFX, ChasePlane and numerous Immersion packages for add on aircraft). The best thing is that they go through news regarding all simulators so you get a large chunk of information in one place.
  4. That second shot is the winner out of all of them for me. Beautiful lighting, I wish XP11 was as complete as others so it could become my primary product of use.
  5. Thanks, Oliver. Can't do without your AddonOrganizer and you make sure we never have to look for alternatives, so win-win. :)
  6. That was a fun read. Glad to know you've discovered the joy of flying the big boy toys. Look forward to reading more from you.
  7. Hearty congratulations for hitting such a large milestone!
  8. Add my name to the list. While in the real world I don't have the option to get a clean pit each time, I'd very much like it in my sim at least. Be gone with that dirt!
  9. Lack of shared cockpit is why none of the PMDG aircraft get any air time in my sim. I'm much happier taking the excellent Majestic Q400 instead that offers shared cockpit as well as a host of other features while delivering incredible performance. I will, however, give PMDG planes another chance if you manage to build a robust shared cockpit add-on for it. I find it bizarre that developers who have made a name by delivering top notch system fidelity on their aircraft still don't consider shared cockpit an essential feature. Totally breaks the immersion if you ask me.
  10. I usually have phases with the aircraft I own. Currently, it's the FSL A320. So, I load up FR24, take a look at a general region I'd like to fly in and then set the filters to show me only A320s flying to/from airports within that region. Once I find a flight that is around the time I'd like to spend in the sim, I'm off to the repaint sites and PFPX to plan the flight.
  11. I think the tool being used for the claps in the video is called Landing Rate Monitor.
  12. This is awesome, thanks! Now, if only I could have that little landing rate box that used to show up back in v3 days thanks to a custom FSUIPC lua script, my v4 sim would be complete then. Edit: Landing Rate Monitor for P3D does what I wanted so guess I'm all set!
  13. Another vote for the Majestic Q400. It is insanely good on performance yet somehow manages to rival (maybe even surpass) system depth to the larger players.
  14. Try your luck with Tivat (LYTV) [Made by SkyHighSim] circle-to-land with flight tracks for RWY 14 (day time only). +1 on Samos (LGSM) [Made by 29Palms]. I've done it in real life and it is one of the most exciting approaches you'll ever have the pleasure of experiencing. What makes this entertaining yet a true test of skill is the hilly terrain and the close proximity of the Turkish border while you make a Kai Tak like turn a few 100ft above the little villages below. While you're in Greece, take a look at Skiathos (LGSK) [Also made by 29Palms] as well. It's known as the St. Maarten of Europe and may not offer a difficult challenge but makes for a fun arrival nonetheless.
  15. On AVSIM through the iPad right now but I can't go back to the mobile version. I use Chrome and it has those three vertical dots on the right side where you can request the desktop/mobile version of the site but for some reason mine is stuck on desktop mode even if Chrome says its now showing the mobile version of AVSIM. Only happens with this site. I'd tell you one thing though, trying to browse AVSIM topics on mobile with some members that have signatures as long as what seems like the history of the entire human race is incredibly difficult.
  16. I'll soon be a part of the VR generation myself but what about Augmented Reality (AR)? Does it have any potential in the simulator market?
  17. Hi Oliver, Thanks for responding. 1. Unfortunate but not a deal breaker so I can live with it. 2. I was usually grouping scenery based on the developer. So, based on my last example, there was one group by the name of FlyTampa and all my FlyTampa products were included in that. Doing so only allowed me to enable/disable the entire FlyTampa group without being able to select individual products within the group. As per your suggestion, I'll keep them separate. 3. I had no idea there was such a limitation from LM. If that is the case, I sure hope they will address your concerns which would enable us users to adapt to their new methodology while still retaining some form of functionality when using P4AO. 4. You were right. It was ORBX that was conflicting with the scenery order. Turns out ORBX FTX Central was set to automatically adjust the scenery order unless the user enforced strict settings. I configured FTX Central to follow how I wanted their products to be placed and I didn't see the products jumping around anymore. Thanks for all your hard work and making such a useful software free to use. This could easily pass as a paid program given the power it has. Much appreciated!
  18. Hi Oliver, thanks for the update. A few questions from v1.14. 1. Is there any possibility for the user to resize the application? Sometimes things get difficult when you want to look up the exact path in the 'Other addons' or 'Packages' tabs. 2. I created developer groups to minimize the amount of folders that get created in the 'Prepar3D v4 Add-ons' folder under 'My Documents'. This does what it says and I can enable/disable entire scenery groups from a developer in one go but is there a way to selectively disable only a few in a group? For example, I have FlyTampa Dubai, Athens and Amsterdam. If I want to do a flight from Dubai to Athens, I need to disable only Amsterdam in the group. So far, I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. It's either you keep all entries individual (i.e. no groups) or enable/disable them all at once. 3. Many a time I've noticed that enabling a scenery by double clicking on it in the 'Scenery' tab still leaves it in bright red highlights. I can click on the scenery and then select 'Edit Scenery' which shows that it is 'Active' but it doesn't show it in bright green in the UI. I reviewed the manual that comes with it and it says I must click 'Save' in order to reflect the user changes but it's a hit or a miss. Sometimes it works while other times it remains the same, even after saving and restarting the app, and lastly 4. The scenery library order changes infrequently without any user intervention. For example, I recently purchased Terra Flora from Turbulent Designs and it inserts a 'TD Libraries' in the 'Scenery' tab but at random times when I start the program, it would have moved to another position or an airport scenery would have jumped up or down a few places. I'm still trying to locate the cause but haven't been able to find anything. I'm sure I've either missed something in the manual or my ways are incorrect so feel free to guide me in the right direction. I thought I'd bring it up so you could examine it when able but the lack of reports about any of these issues makes me think it is definitely something local that is causing these problems and not the program itself.
  19. Thanks. 1070 seems to offer the most for what it costs so I thought it would be a great way to enter the VR market. My current 970 might work with VR but of course the low memory on it and the high requirements of Oculus mean I'll be in for a disappointing experience. Of course, I wish I could afford the 1080Ti but as you said, the 1070 seems to be just fine in order to provide the baseline experience required for the sim and VR.
  20. Thanks for sharing your experience. I ordered mine through Amazon a while back and it will be in my hands (on my face?) end of September. I'm currently sitting with a GTX 970 4GB GPU but will soon be upgrading to a GTX1070 8GB as that seems to bring the best bang for buck. Do you guys think it will be enough? I've heard of FlyInside and look forward to it being compatible with P3Dv4 in the near future. Hopefully that will provide consistent FPS needed to run the sim in VR. The GPU will run alongside an i7 4790K (4.6GHz) and 16GB DDR3 RAM operating Windows 10 Pro.
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