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Everything posted by Sekstifire

  1. I recommend online networks like IVAO and Vatsim. Its hard to beat having a living human controlling you. Its by far the best experience in my opinion. You are expected to know about rules, regulations and general airmanship before you connect tho. Not being able to fly some aspects of a flightplan you have filed is not acceptable online
  2. I didnt read what you said, I just wanted to comment on the topic title. Please, PLEASE make the topic title describe your topic. "I can't find..." is a very selfish topic title that forces everybody to read the topic to know what its about. Personally I never read threads with selfish topic titles like that. I know many other people that feels the same about it.
  3. Kyle says "we" about ATCO like he's a controller himself :P
  4. I think Windows Media Player also depends on uiautomationcore.dll.
  5. It wouldnt surprise me if they sold far, far better than the average FSX addon
  6. I dont know about the FSCrew NGX, I dont own it, but I do know that you can set altitude, heading, speed etc with FSCrew Maddog edition. It would surprise me a lot of they for some reason removed that functionality. I do infact refuse to believe that
  7. Are you using the HIGHMEMFIX=1 tweak in your fsx.cfg? It should be located in the [GRAPHICS] subsection
  8. The Course setting on the MCP does not matter when you are tracking a LOC. You cannot fly radials on a localizer, you simply track the point where the radio signal for the intersecting radio beams are the strongest.
  9. SATCO. I dont think there are any efforts to cooperate, there's no willingness to do that. How would you organize such a merger anyways, when you got two sets of staff for every FIR / ARTCC. Seems like a huge obstacle to overcome
  10. I spent 10+ hours sitting on the ground listening to radio chatter before I connected. I also read all the documentation multiple times. I expect other pilots to have the same amount of knowledge when they connect for the first time. Being totally oblivious to basic aviation rules and regulation is not OK in any way shape or form when you connect to an online network.
  11. You say that like its a good thing to tolerate pilots that havent done the proper "preflight"
  12. Well, ATC and AI does not matter to me, as I only fly online, but the lack of airports / scenery is of course a big problem. I'm also interested in if its possible for developers to build their own modules for this sim, so they can model advanced systems.
  13. I dont know about that, in a real airplane you could basically reach out and operate the heading selector knob blindfolded. In the sim you have to fumble with the mouse to find that exact clickspot
  14. Cant agree more. 2D is the practical choice for IFR pilots, and the usage is more realistic in that you dont have to fumble with the mouse trying to hit that exact click spot (which might move, depending on what the plane is doing). Fumbling with the mouse is not my idea of realism.
  15. Removing 2d panels would not give any more frames, no.
  16. I'd be surprised if Boeing had any idea whatsoever what PMDG was doing, and I'd be even more surprised if they cared that they made an Airbus. Its not like PMDG is a Boeing company. That said, I cant think about a plane I'd like less than a PMDG A380. For me it would be a total waste of time. The plane is ugly, its too big and its far too long haul. Big planes are kinda lame imo.
  17. I dont think that the problem is people with low experience posting. The problem is more the very hostile environment that for some reason have developed. Inexperienced posters is fine IMO
  18. * IVAO is more active in parts of Europe, less active in other parts. Its not quite as black and white as more active in Europe
  19. It depends on where you fly. Some places are more active on VATSIM, other places are more active on IVAO
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