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Everything posted by airernie

  1. Another outstanding work, but alas.. I'm looking for some east of the Mississippi love. :-)
  2. Not sure if it will work on ship traffic, but you might try something like Just Flight's freeware Traffic 360 BGL Checker to search for traffic files not in the default folder. Ernie
  3. The lesson in all of this is "don't put off until tomorrow, what you know that you can buy today". Spoken as a person who has watched a few sales slip by because I figured I would wait a day or two. :-)
  4. here you go: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=ric2017x.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search
  5. Yes.. FSX:SE natively supports multiple controllers. I currently use a Saitek Yoke, Rudder, TPM, and trim switch. It's also possible to switch out controllers, such as joystick for yoke, etc. I also use FSUIPC4 for my controls although it's not required.
  6. I use both a Saitek Throttle Quadrant and TPM with various aircraft. Although not an issue with GA aircraft I find that neither device provides for 'micro' adjustments of airspeed. The best way I can describe it is that the throttle movements are not equally linear. It seems impossible to fine turn a speed adjustment. As such I experience wild swings of too much or too little. I experienced this with the FeelThere ERJ and now again with the Majestic Q400. It likely occurs with other aircraft, but these two seem the most extreme. I've got FSUIPC4 and have the spikes setting checked, but any other thoughts on how to deal with this? Thanks Ernie
  7. Hi Ron, Are those the only entries in your DLL.XML? </SimBase Document> should be the last entry in your DLL.XML. Below is a sample DLL.XML having only the entries the you listed above. I've included a third one, FSUIPC4 just so you can see how they fit in. Ernie <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"> <Descr>Launch</Descr> <Filename>DLL.XML</Filename> <Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad> <Launch.Addon> <Name>Objectflow_CBB7</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>E:\AA Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_CBB7\Scenery\Objectflow_CBB7.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>AIDupe</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>E:\AA Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\AIDupe.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>FSUIPC 4</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>Modules\FSUIPC4.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> </SimBase.Document>
  8. I'm not at my flight sim computer right now, but I'll send you the entry and instructions tomorrow unless someone beats me to it. Ernie
  9. AIDupe in the Avsim library will get rid of aircraft with duplicate registrations. That may be the program that you are referring to. Ernie
  10. Thanks Bert, That was it! Plus it's now consistent with Shift+3, so I can call it up using the botton I have assigned for some of the other GPS panels. Ernie
  11. I apologize in advance if this has been asked and answered, but when I press shift+1 to open the GPS I get a reduced cockpit with it. http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/G3rE I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling to correct it without luck and have also tried editing the [Window00] data. Still no success. It's been a while since I've flown the C337, but I don't recall this being an issue a few years ago, but then a few years seems to be farther than my memory extends these days.. Is this normal, or can someone offer a suggestion on how to correct this and get a full size cockpit. BTW, this problem doesn't plague shift+2, +3 or +4. I'm running a 1920 x 1200 monitor. Thanks, Ernie
  12. A new product on sale for 50% off just a couple weeks after it was introduced? Won't that be a bit of a screw to those of us who bought it after introduction?
  13. Thanks Jim, You're correct, there is a bunch of Orbx stuff, but I'm down to the basics (Global, OpenLC, Vector), so can't do much to change that. I am removing Monument Valley since I very seldom fly in that area. You also answered why I'm getting stuff from FlightBeam KSFO, FSDT DFW, etc. loading.. ACES sure didn't give a lot of thought to potential VAS issues. :-) Ernie
  14. Have you posted to the FSDT forum? It may simply be a case of having to edit the airport in FSDT, but someone there will know for sure.
  15. I received a 'low on resources' message during the last two attempts at the Majestic Q400 tutorial flight. Today I tried the tutorial using the Virtualcol Dash8, a less graphically and memory intensive aircraft and the flight went fine. During the flight I ran Process Monitor to see if I could pick up on any issues. It all looked pretty normal, but I noticed that the Orbx Monument Valley scenery kept popping up in the monitor even though I was near the Great Lakes area of Canada. Is this because Monument Valley contains photoscenery? Thanks, Ernie
  16. If that feature as well as some of the others that the PRO version offers is important to you then it might be worth the $30 to upgrade from Pilot to Pro. Ernie
  17. I agree. When I import a flight plan created with SimBrief there are always a few entries flagged in red. I'm guessing that means that LittleNav can't find them in the database.
  18. Alex.. Massive apologies with a fair helping of embarrassment thrown in. Wrong app! Sorry for the confusion.. No issues with LIttleNav... Ernie
  19. Wow! FSPilotShop has the Majestic Majestic - MJC8 Q400 Pro Edition on sale for $60.30. That's $29.70 off their normal price...
  20. I'm using LittleNav with FSX, so perhaps it doesn't apply to me, but can someone explain the usage and location of the 'Path to NavData'. Perhaps in anticipation of Navigraph support? Also, on a more personal note, would it be possible to add skins or a way to modify the color scheme?. I'm a Windows 7 user and the Win 8.1 and Win 10 flat app look isn't always visually appealing.. Thanks, Ernie
  21. IMHO, Orbx has some great airports, but value compared against Flightbeam and some of FSDT's latest offerings?. Not so much.. Ernie
  22. I have Zinertek, albeit uninstalled, and the short answer is Yes. The main reason is that REX has multiple textures for each element, so you have something like eight (could be more) different jetways to choose from. Same for hangers, etc. I removed it sometime ago, but I seem to recall that Zinertek had only one texture for each scenery element. If I had one gripe with REX it is that you can't create a theme without specifying textures for all of the elements instead of being able to leave a few blank, so default or previous REX4 textures are not overwritten. Zinertek had the same issue, which is why I uninstalled it.. Ernie
  23. I don't have P3D, so perhaps this won't apply, but in FSX.cfg the user can specify which Control.xml file to use. The control.xml file is where FSX keeps the controller and keyboard commands. The filename can be included in a SIMstarter ConfigSet file under the [Controls] section. I currently have several versions of my control.xml file, named differently, that I use with certain aircraft. FSUIPC profiles is still the way to go for yokes, joysticks, etc., but the control.xml option is available for SIMstarter users who prefer it. Ernie The control.xml file is where FSX keeps the controller and keyboard commands.
  24. If you're referring to FTX Central, then updates can only be had by switching to v3. Updates are no longer supported in v2. You'll find the 'Get FTX Central' link at the top of the Orbx direct home page.
  25. In Orbx's defense, if you give a read of the forum you'll notice that many of the questions; such as issues with FSX-SE have been asked multiple times. A search before posting will frequently yield an answer to at least one of those times, but it doesn't appear that most users are doing that. Ernie
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