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Everything posted by harrry

  1. So everytime you fly the DC6B you have to redo the contols?
  2. Only a week. My daughter 40 years later still holds a grudge because I ate the leftover chocolate pudding in the fridge while she slept.
  3. Why do topics that martin-w posts in turn into catatonic catastrophes.
  4. This will show them up. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/official-community-fly-in-friday-snowy-himalayas/477827 Or would if they had not prepared a custom weatherset
  5. I hope they investigate and fix this global warming of the upper atmosphere before friday or the Himalaya flight will be a bust. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/official-community-fly-in-friday-snowy-himalayas/477827
  6. If is has to go through a whole flight (Probably a first for Asobo) hope it is not a short and low one so they can say look no problem.
  7. It may be an idea if they did. They may learn something.
  8. Asobo is good at what they do. They maybe think flight sim is just a game so users can play something else while the bugs get sorted instead of beta testing. Not the greatest but a good newcomer. Not sure that Microsoft is free of blame either although I used to have a lot of respect for that company over the last couple of years they have taken a few turns I am not so sure of.
  9. If you arm approach before you have the glideslope alive at a sensible altitude you run the risk of the aircraft wrongly locking on to a node which is also transmitted above the glideslope, similarly to making sure you are in a sensible position before arming the localiser. https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/160/what-is-the-behavior-of-false-glideslope-signals gives this in a clearer way than I can.
  10. One of the problems is we are forced by this to update to the buggy version. In the past we could remain on a version of the sim which was stable and delay updates till the bugs seem to have been partially sorted out. We now do not have that option so effectively flying by the numbers has to stop each time till they sort the worst problems out and force you to accept this to their timetable together with a new batch of problems. Yes it is possible to play this as an arcade game which was strongly denied as the claim was it was a real simulator but we cannot fly to a schedule having planned our flight fuel and timings so that our imaginary passengers or cargo can have a safe flight, In both of the opposition sims we can still plan a flight take off at the scheduled time and have the pleasure of seeing on flight aware or flight radar24 how well our real life mentors are performing to match what we are seeing with our flight in Navigraph charts. Maybe in 10 years we can do that. There is no doubt that for general aviation sightseeing this sim does in general meet what some want.
  11. I have never been to Gilget but will never forget two months spent on a houseboat on Dahl Lake in Srinigar and the beautiful Gulmarg. It is sad that there has been so many years of tension and restriction in such special places. I will never forget that road journey on the old road that wound up there. Flying is less stressful.
  12. I am talking about MSFS, orbx has stopped cross product discounts long ago and I cannot think of any p3d developer giving a cross platform discount for x plane. Few of the xplane ones did for x plane 10 to xplane11 either.
  13. There is one and only one reason I will make my purchases on the Marketplace. I have lost too much money with fly by night resellers like theFlightsimstore who when they felt like it just shut shop leaving its customers lost. Microsoft is not likely to be able to do this.
  14. There was one reason I have been doing most of my flying on MSFS recently, scenery. There is now no reason to fly here as that is gone. They must have a rather foolish contract of exclusivity with their so called weather provider as they are certainly taking a lot of much deserved flack and loss of customers through this.
  15. Better than me when i was training and forgot to descend early enough to land.......the asked. ":VH123 what are your intention" and my instructor replied "Honourable but we will be going around."
  16. Just to clarify, ILS aproaches still exist but are being phased out, VOR navigation is no longer taught in PPLs in australia at least as GPS has taken over. VORs are being removed from lesser and even major airports as GPS and RNAV do not need the equipment both on the ground and in airports. ILS has been retained at some airports as a help to the older aircraft which are not RNAV rquiped but may not last long,
  17. https://skybrary.aero/articles/instrument-landing-system-ils should put you on the right track ILS has nothing to do with GPS
  18. https://www.airservicesaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/16-087FAC_Aus-aircraft-nav-modernisation-program_WEB.pdf gives some information on the Austraian impementation of this. Other countries have similar policies but a different timeline.
  19. There will be even less soon as in Australia VORs have almost been phased out and Europe and the USA have agreed to do the same though they have kept pushing the action dates out. In general RNAV has taken over.
  20. A beautiful place. I spent a few weeks at the on the ridge where you could see Everest by climbing a ladder many years ago. (A friend of mine got many years of war stories by breaking his leg on that ladder...he kept saying he broke it climbing to see everest) .As long as the toy train does not make the horrible screech it did in 1984
  21. This shows the part of msfs I dislike most. Everything is so flat.
  22. If you can afford to keep it as a reserve with the disk cloned I would as it is the only real way of getting up and running quickly. I would put it in a usb box just for this. Every couple of weeks overwrite it with a new clone. That way if your main drive fails you can be up and running with a complete system in a few minutes
  23. https://savannahairport.com/business/about/graves/ they are still there
  24. Not sure about a prince....a Duke may be OK. A Saunders-Roe Princess would be great for the long term relationship;
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