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Everything posted by tgsweat

  1. 2 things i noticed on my short fly around in the TBM (my go to usually). Definitely feels smoother, i get the random stutters a couple times from things loading i'm assuming, but overall definitely smoother. Secondly, the trim is smoother now as well with my honeycomb yoke. It wasn't terrible before, but I found myself making small quick clicks because if i held it for more than a second the plane would pitch hard in that direction. Now if i hold it to trim, it does so smoothly.
  2. I was excited unitl i saw KDCA is not included. How and thats the airport literally downtown lol that my main airport. Oh well. I'll take the landmarks and be happy for now. Edit: I now see from their FB page that they will be adding KDCA at a later time.
  3. My 1080ti runs around 90-100% with temps max around 70 with fans only at 52%. It seems happy. CPU is usually around 40-45%. Runs smooth on ultra. Airliners might make it take a hit at dense area airports, but i don't flight the airliners so no biggie to me. Even still, i sit around 30fps at jfk in the A320. 100 scaling.
  4. Its this simple!! Who cares what the next person thinks it is! It is what you want it to be. Tired of this argument lol
  5. Just set up custom cockpit views. I have my height, zoom and angle set to my liking. You aren't locked to the default views the sim ships with. I also have at least 8 other cockpits views set up for panels and such.
  6. Over water is not a problem, but over land at high altitude its definitely blurry. And yes i know in real if its not perfectly sharp from high altitude, this is different.
  7. Set a view to zoom in on the panel. Makes it easier to turn knobs even with movements. Since we don't have pop outs.
  8. Yes this is really annoying, it makes it hard to maintain a stable approach for one. I get the same slow movement with my logitech throttle quadrant.
  9. i actually noticed some moving clouds last night while i was sitting on the run way. It wasnt on live weather though.
  10. Ok i have a question. After seeing all this talk about what a perfect flight model/behaving aircraft should be, has any sim thats available right now pulled it off? Please let me know the sim and the aircraft that is perfectly modeled because I would like try it out, or does that not exist? I genuinely would like to know, not trying to be smart or take shots at anyone.
  11. This is why i'm not upset PMDG isn't releasing the 737 until Q1 2021. Take your time and get it right. Don't just throw a product out at release to grab all the money you can.
  12. I've been playing all day and came on different social media sites seeing the mess thats going on today. I guess i should consider myself lucky to not have issues. Yeah its some bugs here and there but overall i'm enjoying it. That being said, from what i'm seeing from the community today, it saddens me and I don't see this ending well unless Microsoft starts to listen and fix these issues. I know its the first day, but looking at the reviews on MS and Steam....this is not looking good lol Austin, this is your time to shine with a new x plane lol
  13. Agreed. I knocked it before trying it but it turned out to be fun seeing other people out there. It actually added to the "realism".
  14. Mine went perfectly smooth. Downloaded in 2 1/2 hours. No errors.
  15. I've always noticed that a joystick was more sensitive than my yoke. Could never get my TM TCA to feel right in xp11, so i sent it back lol i'll just stick with my honeycomb for now
  16. Of course I did, even told my boss why lol
  17. I'm not a computer guru, but why would you not want your gpu to run at its max? Isn't that pretty normal in most games these days? I know my 1080ti runs 99% in most games i play. Isn't thats what producing the graphics and such we see, kinda makes sense.
  18. Or use a free ad blocker like i do. It works great! Best download ever.
  19. Yep thats the conclusion i've come to. Which is why I'll stick with the standard version and fly GA until we have some 3rd party airliners available. Which is perfectly fine with me.
  20. Its not useless. She made a disclaimer in the beginning that its default and realize a lot of things don't work and its not study level and shes just pointing out what she does in the real world. Was interesting to hear her thoughts in general.
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