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  2. The cruiselevel.de article has now been corrected and no longer makes a reference to "15 dollars".
  3. Same here, but Steam PC version. I thought it had something to do with me, installing FS cockpit hardware. Will check the tips from orchestra_nl tonight.
  4. AT, that's very misleading...here is the whole paragraph: He includes companies like OrbX, are they working on the core sim or developing addons?, all a bit of shady usage of terms imo I guess preceding the Number with "I think" gives some leeway, its all very Loose and stating 700 working on as if its a fact (note its only simmers doing that not Asobo) is not accurate
  5. Very nice pictures! Is this 'live' formation flying? If so, how to do that?
  6. Wobbling isn't really a huge issue with Smartphones, as they have pretty good image stabilization now. The sensors are small though, so a full size SLR with a big sensor has a big advantage. My S21 Ultra has a 100X zoom, but its very blurry at such a big magnification.
  7. X-plane is moving forward in a different way than other simulators, 12.0.9 is already a very good simulator, for me much better than the competition, in the points that matter to me personally. FSHUD and other add-ons have nothing to do with Asobo or Laminar, they are third party add-ons.
  8. Perhaps they already have.....πŸ™‚ .
  9. Yes, they meant confident in terms of being confident they were candidates. πŸ˜€ Candidates, of course, doesn't mean they are trully Dyson Spheres or Dyson Swarms. Just "might" be.
  10. Thank you for your question! Percentage calculations throw up a lot of people, but they're really easy if you just remember that "percent" is Latin and means "for one hundred". I hope I was able to help you with your query. Have a great day!
  11. Same here, what a pain. I learned long time ago, re-instilling flt sim is a waste of valuable time to fix issues.
  12. jcomm


    ROGER that πŸ˜‰
  13. G-RFRY


    Let`s not go down the this and that sim AGAIN. It`s about ORBX 3D.
  14. They posted a picture of the right hand landing gear on their Discord and invited people to guess what it was. It didn't take long πŸ™‚
  15. Will the answer still be hilariously unrelated to the question asked, a decent percentage of the time? 😁
  16. The video said that 50% of the current monthly charges goes to ChatGPT. So 15$ out of the 30$. This if ChatGPT 4o gets 50% cheaper and assuming SI.AI forwards this to clients then the subscription may come down to some 23$
  17. No, it was with Basic voices. Strangely, the initial responses were rapid-fire, but by mid-flight they stretched into minutes.
  18. Is it with Premium voices? If yes, try Basics as it could solve your problem.
  19. Thanks for the link! Google Translate gave the following translation for that article: I think the article writer misinterpreted the video. But at least that is cleared up πŸ‘
  20. Today
  21. [...] Reduzierung der monatlichen Nutzungskosten auf 15 Dollar zu erwarten, wie Brian im Video erklΓ€rt [...] Yeah that is a big misinterpretation of what Brian actually said in the video.
  22. I got this from the German-language flight simulation site cruiselevel.de: https://cruiselevel.de/sayintentions-mit-neuester-ki-anbindung/ Appears they got this wrong or interpreted something into the statements that wasn't said. Sorry for spreading wrong information.
  23. So... I spontaneously decided to use BATC for an approach into Kathmandu (only visual, VOR and RNAV available). And started BATC mid-flight. I was able to select cruise phase, and got some initial vectoring and an altitude. Then nothing. Not sure what happened, but the Indian accents were quite nice. Eventually I just quit BATC and chose a VOR approach.
  24. Hello everyone, I've recently downloaded the demo of AaO having been a long time user of another axis management plugin. I've so far managed to get axis assignments on the yoke portion of the Velocity one working, along with a number of buttons, but cannot get the throttles/vernier controls or buttons on the throttle bit to be picked up. It makes no difference in or out of sim, this behaviour is the same - but the devices are all responding to input fine in the controller dialog in Windows and if they have they are managed out of MSFS' controls dialog or the other axis management plugin (and yes, I have checked that both those alternatives are disabled before enabling AaO). AaO does recognise the device as a "gamepad", but doesn't recognise any input at all, even disabling all the other devices I have connected. I am using the Asobo Beech default to configure AaO. Has anyone else successfully configured this hardware? I've found some older posts here regarding the trim wheel, but those all suggest that they have been able to successfully set up the throttles and yoke. Having a root around in the xml files, both the yoke and throttle (listed as gamepad) have almost identical GUIDs, I think just a few characters difference. Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong or what I have missed? Thank you, Louise
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