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Everything posted by kiki

  1. Never mind, I am one of those who get the CTD before I can even start my flight. Sadly this is a no go product for me. P4.1.
  2. Sorry for this Basic question, but: Where do I find liveries for this aircraft? I would like to try it in P3D 4.1 but would not fly it much without real world liveries.
  3. That is so true and that is what I meant. I am not one of those study level plane seekers because I fly only once or twice per month. If Virtualcol had at lease some eye candy, I would be a happy customer.
  4. I have only one Virtualcol product, the CRJ. Yeah, cheap it was but still 100% waste of money. So ugly, so bad in every way. I hope they have done better job with the Saab.
  5. Not in their updates, at least not yet.
  6. kiki

    universal fmc

    I have a problem with Universal FMC and LNAV mode of the autopilot. I can fly and find my way with it but the airplane don’t follow the magenta line but flies a little off set of it.
  7. kiki

    F50 repaints

    Thanks. I wish everything in life would be that easy to fix! :)
  8. kiki

    F50 repaints

    When I try to use these repaints with the ”Lite”- version of the Fokker the Textures for the panel and cockpit are all black. Is it possible to use them as Lite Fokker?
  9. ... and if you don’t have payware GTN your only choice is to live with that Universal FMS, right?
  10. Is fps 31 so bad? I would be happy with it. In P3D v4 I can fly with fps 15-20, it would have been a problem with FSX but not in P3D.
  11. I second that question.
  12. This can be a little Basic question but how do you know already in that point which runway will be the right one in your destination?
  13. For me ORBX England and Scotland with some UK2000 airports is the best there is. As Real as it gets...
  14. Dynamic lightning, what does it actually do?
  15. Is that nose down attitude on approach normal or is it because of the model or just a pilot mistake?
  16. Occasionally I have seen that message myself but don’t see any difference if I restart the sim or not. I never use the active runway as my starting point.
  17. kiki


    Perhaps it is delayed because of the P3D v4.2...
  18. kiki


    10 liveries!
  19. Thank you, Matt! That makes sense. So, the presets by Thopat and Adam are broken and we should avoid them? I didn't even think about that, because many here seems to think they are very good presets.
  20. And the B1900 itself: how does it work in v4.1? Do I have to do anything else but just install from my original exe file for fsx?
  21. I remember how much money I spend on movies on VHS-tapes...
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