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Jim Harnes

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    Venice, FL

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  1. There is a FAQ at Thrustmaster support about Windows calibration interfering with the drivers. It explains how to removed Windows calibration. Fixed the same problem with my TCA Boeing yoke.
  2. RNAV/RNP AR capability is there (and has been for some time with iFly 737s) and Navigraph is used.
  3. RNAV/RNP AR capability is there (and has been for some time with iFly 737s) and Navigraph is used.
  4. Yep, A350. Video over at pprune shows the hit. Wonder why the RJ was stopped at that location.
  5. "As things stand now (the Intel mess) I'd suggest "no"." With the new bios updates and extended warranty that may be a bit short sighted. The 14700K is perhaps the best upgrade path now available for Intel users. It's reviewed as providing the most "bank for the buck" and approaches the 14900K in gaming.
  6. Very interesting! I would not put too much faith in the expression "low cost". 🙂
  7. Agree with Ed on this. However, if you are "tied" to Malwarebytes try to restore the quarantined MSFS files(s) then exclude all MSFS folders from scans.
  8. I could not spell it when I was one!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Why not use a P3D view group? More info in the P3D support forums.
  10. Works OK for me: https://www.fsipanel.com/ Maybe post in the support forum.
  11. The FSiPanel support forum displays for me.
  12. Thanks for the heads up. Was always glad when Black Pony arrived overhead to help take care of things.
  13. Product page says it's compatible with P3D v5: https://www.flight1.com/products.asp?vid=flt1sf&pid=gep3d
  14. This says it is compatible with P3D v5: https://www.flight1.com/products.asp?vid=flt1sf&pid=utx2usa Do you have the correct version installed? How about your GEX version?
  15. Copy from the LM page: 29 June 2023 Update: Watermark on Prepar3D v6 Personal has been removed.
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