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Everything posted by kdfw__

  1. oh my! "serious bugs!" go file a support tix with pmdg and tell the man himself how he's not up to the task and you know better. never ending whining on avsim ain't going to do no good.
  2. took few hours to get the download link but this 77w is a clear winner. they even got the cockpit night lighting pretty much perfect. the vc eyepoint needs a little adjustment, tho.
  3. And the usual suspect(s).
  4. relax, no need to get all worked up and have a stroke. works fine on pms750.
  5. just do your vr in full screen mode (alt-enter).
  6. "people" who? and "being put in his place?" is this some sort of macho avsim dominance talk?
  7. what does this have to do with msfs? been drinking?
  8. Tubeliner: 757 buzjet: cx overall: f14
  9. things are fine except the mouse interaction is a little lacking--mouse pointer doesn't skim the vc surface, it hovers a bit above it until it hits the click spot and then the pointer touches down on the click spot. hope this gets addressed for v2.
  10. already too many airplanes in the rotation but i guess now is a good time to buy the airplane with 5 APUs. but then the 777 is coming soon and the dukes...
  11. This is an avsim topic on pmdg, don’t expect reasonableness or logic. Whining, trolling, and personal vendetta are served hot and spicy here.
  12. it's now fixed. i had to do two updates in a row for it to show the options.
  13. This must be the place where the rf legs troll bots, pmdg troll bots, and cartoon texture bots come to dump their payloads. happens Every. Single. Time.
  14. Dallas pg has always been bad. Best to look elsewhere for better pg quality. Regardless, doesn’t look nice in real life either.
  15. Seems there’s an unhealthy compulsion to stalk a guy who posts yt vids. Don’t know what’s up with past history to make this a personal thingy, but honestly, it’s weird.
  16. just because of this thread i hope fsr3 will not happen.
  17. nice explanation of the iae power plant's gauges using the b2.
  18. didn't rename profile but otherwise it's working fine on msfs store version. btw, had couple of weird runaway tlod sessions on the auto tlod version v0.4 where tlod kept going up even as fps crashed. happened on 2nd flight in the sessions, didn't happen immediately after flying. it's a vr setup with fps locked at 30, target set to 28 to give it a chance to increase tlod. regardless, on my setup don't think it's powerful enough to chase fps with tlod. the reset edition seems the best for it.
  19. nice aircraft but i'm waiting for the f100. and also for the rj100.
  20. tried both the reset edition and the autofps versions and for my setup (vr, modest hw), chasing fps with the autofps version doesn't run as smooth as the reset edition. at least for my setup, fps isn't a good proxy for performance (smoothness). the original premise of dynamic tlod was to decrease tlod close to the ground for improved performance (smoothness) and as altitude increased, freed up hw resources could be used towards loading a larger tlod radius. the reset edition does this well.
  21. looks like a good model. but seems too much like the default da62 which is pretty nice with the same wt g1000.
  22. umm, no. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/microsoft-is-discontinuing-windows-mixed-reality-wmr/622334/185 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/microsoft-is-discontinuing-windows-mixed-reality-wmr/622334/191
  23. msfs store version readback=
  24. Best you should go to the pmdg forum to directly ask the dev’s flying cred if so concerned about it, instead of taking pot shot posts here at avsim. Go to the source, i say. don’t have any idea of your flying cred (and don’t care), but once you start questioning others, you shine a spotlight on yourself. And all this drama over a $70 make-believe airplane model?
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