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Everything posted by 188AHC

  1. 188AHC


    As a pro then semi-pro musician i lean to the 60s and 70s Rock and then to 80s Country. Absolutely can't stand today's garbage.
  2. Oh heck no with the way people drive today.
  3. Redirects result when you have persistent ads on your computer, tab, or phone. Try C cleaner to clear this mess up then use a good Adblocker. I use Adblocker on my tab and phone and have no problems. I also donate when I can.
  4. This has been discussed ad infinitum. Ads are at fault. Why you ask? Ads pay the bills here the same as almost any other site you visit today. There are two ways to stop this. 1. Donate to Avsim 2. Use an ad blocker as most do. However donations help keep the site up.
  5. Sad but true. In Florida we still either shoot you or give you a memorable butt whooping.
  6. I guess that unless you try to really try to act as one you can dress as you like. However in the USA if you receive goods or services illegally you can go to a gated community with a bunch of like individuals of the same ilk.😁
  7. I watched this a bit back and am very proud if her composure and skill.
  8. Tried but not interested at all. Different strokes guess.
  9. Darn. As a semi and pro drummer for almost 6 decades when u saw your title I thought you were introducing me to some sticks. Silly me.😂🤣😅
  10. Please please please members. PRUNE YOUR QUOTES. Anymore multi-paragraph posts will be either laboriously pruned or hidden. Most likely hidden. We got other stuff to do.
  11. Having been blind in my left eye since birth depth perception is something you learn. It has never prevented me from flying airplanes and helicopters (in real life) or driving most everything from motorcycles to Semi trucks. However, in my advanced years I'm much more cautious than in years passed.
  12. Now you have to get a phone box for your living room. 🤣
  13. This whole topic defines 2 fools and two innocent beings. The dog owner and the father are both fools for letting this happen. Naturally the two innocents were the child and dog. Dogs react to stimuli emitted from others, in this case either the father or the child. So happy nothing serious happened.
  14. So sad. Prayers for the families healing.
  15. Ill say some prayers for you Bill.
  16. I'm not too far from KDBA and have gone to the races many times. I've also had a bit of aerial activity over the area. You are c aware Embry-Riddle is roughly SE of the track . Great area to fly.
  17. Jack, it's pretty rude and sad that you would accuse Avsim of not caring about someone's health issue. That's just downright false and insulting. Have you ever mentioned this to the Admins? Several members have mentioned a solution that works with Apple products. Give them a try.
  18. This topic is locked due to a number of forays into the political arena which is a violation of our TOS.
  19. Are you certified in any version in ATRs in real life? If not I suggest you keep your "rubbish" comments to yourself.
  20. I spent the day honoring my WWII savior and father along my 6 Vietnam veteran brothers that came home in a box. Semper fi brothers. We love and honor you.
  21. At least you won't get lost during a late night forced march to the head.😁
  22. You know what guys. Isn't there enough unrest, sarcasm, rudeness, hate and any other negative adjectives being tossed around now? Here's the deal. Anymore of this disrespect for a friend's site (RIP, TOM) and the hammer will fall. If it appears that I'm a bit out of sorts, you're right. I come here every day as much as an old man can and if you can't play nice then go elsewhere. I'm old, tired, and have had enough of this. I love our members and Tom's legacy. Please be nice to each other and be respectful.
  23. Oh my gosh. You guys are killing me. I have to pay my taxes, tags, car times 4, insurances times 5 and you bring this up now. I'm so sad I'll never be able to upgrade.😇
  24. I'm looking forward to this. I can see them from my house.
  25. My father was an AA gunner in the army, Pacific theatre at this time. He was on Midway, Hawaii, Guam, and Okinawa. He was scheduled to be in a forced flank attack on Japan when the bombs were dropped that ended the war. Thank you Dad. Else I would not be here.
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