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Everything posted by twharrell

  1. We've all been there. As for "justifying" the $70, I assume you are speaking about the prudence of spending $70 for entertainment when you need to eat and buy books! Understood and your priorities are in the right place. I would save $5 a week (or whatever you can put aside) and buy it when you have the $70. It'll be that much more satisfying when you can buy it, knowing you saved up for it. Good luck with your studies!
  2. What KDFW are you using? It appears to me that a flatten and land class are missing.
  3. Luke, the Airbus is actually a nice change from the 737 and 777. For the price, you get a lot of airplane (or airplanes if you buy both packages). It is actually a solid Airbus simulation, even though the systems depth may not be what you want. For those days you just want a normal flight using normal ops (which is probably 98% of what happens in the real world) it fits the bill quite nicely. It's worth having in your hangar and is a nice addon to get yourself familiar with the Airbus until the FSLabs version (which by the way will only feature the A320) is released. And that could be a while.
  4. I just use 512 px REX clouds and think they look fine. I would try that first before buying. Nothing to lose.
  5. Yes, you can disable Opus weather and use cameras only. I use ASN weather and Opus Camera with Track IR all the time and love it.
  6. I'm not sure it is pointless. I have some aircraft addons where lights look better at night with HDR on. Others are better with it off. Just my personal experience. Cheers, Todd
  7. Indeed you did, and I completely overlooked your post. I'll give your solution a try.
  8. Rob, thanks for your input. The way you have Shadowplay set up is exactly how I have mine set up. My issue is, when I want to record a video of my flight, Shadowplay will record in-game sounds and my voice but any ATC communication coming through the headsets is not captured. I've also tried to record audio with Audacity and I get the same problem. For some reason, sounds coming through my headset are not captured and recorded. It doesn't make sense (to me at least) that microphone sounds (my voice) are captured but sounds coming through the headset (ATC mostly) are not captured. I tried the virtual cable setup with Voicemeeter but was unable to get it working. I didn't think this would be so difficult, but I assumed wrong! Regards, Todd I should also add my setup specs, which is pretty basic: All audio comes from the HDMI output from my GPU to my monitor. SO basically, my audio comes through my monitor speakers. My headset is USB and is plugged into a USB port on the front of my computer case. I don't have a dedicated sound card or separate speakers. Todd
  9. Sorry, guys, I lost track of this thread. I really appreciate the input. I thought I'd give this a try (http://vb-audio.pagesperso-orange.fr/Cable/). Anyone with experience using VB-Audio? I'm not sure of the best way to set this up, though, and I have watched scores of youtube videos. Any tips or if anyone can point me to a good tutorial, I would greatly appreciate it. Regards, Todd
  10. Tony, make sure the props are in their start locks (shift-2 will pop up a window letting you know, or you can just look outside). Condition levers need to be in the start/taxi position. The switches just in front of the start buttons need to be flipped forward into the run position. Ignition switch needs to be flipped to the left or right depending on the engibe you are startjng. Also make sure you press the corresponding black unfeather button before starting. When I was having this issue, it was the start locks. Recheck them after you switch the master battery on. Cheers, Todd Looks like David beat me to it!
  11. Reinstall FTX Vector and that will fix it (you do not need to uninstall first).
  12. Depends on what you are looking for. In my opinion, the ESDG Citation X v2.0 is the best bizjet, hands down. That being said, the now in development ESDG Citation XLS+ will eventually take it's place at the top.
  13. I just downloaded v1.4 last night and haven't had the chance to fly it yet. Outstanding support, guys!
  14. Love it. Man, these guys are on the ball.
  15. What is fixed or added in this version?
  16. Joe, do you guys send emails about updates? I found out about v1.1 by stumbling across it in these forums. I just downloaded the new installer and it seems we are now on v1.2. Todd
  17. Thank you for your hard work, gentlemen. I am constantly amazed at the rich generosity of our fellow simmers. Too bad we can't donate at least some beer and pizza for your efforts!
  18. I respect Nick's contributions to flight simulation and glad he is on board with P3D. One thing to keep in mind, though, is he is using default airports and default aircraft. The only addons he is using are GEX and OpusFSI. Nothing wrong with that at all - he runs a lean system with minimal addons. So, mileage will vary with his recommended settings, as with any other tweak out there. If some benefit from his recommendations, then that is a good thing. Also, I personally prefer HDR enabled. But I also know a lot of people who don't like it.
  19. While I use P3D, I noticed the same issue. Load the aircraft, press shift-1 and select systems off. Try start procedure, and nothing happens beyond 1200 rpm. Then I made a strange discovery. Even though I confirmed start locks are engaged before going through he start procedure, after turning the master 'ON' I rechecked the start locks and they were disengaged. This happened no matter where my condition levers were set before turning the master 'ON'. I even shut the sim down and reloaded the MU-2, and went through the exact same procedure I mentioned earlier, except this time I watched the propeller blades. Sure enough, when I turned the master 'ON,' the propeller blades slowly rotated out of the start locks. So I had to manually reengage the start locks and then save the flight as cold and dark. Other than that and a few AP issues mentioned elsewhere, the aircraft flies beautifully. These things should be easily remedied in a SP. Todd
  20. WIP? I don't understand but I am intrigued.
  21. Mike, actually I think you are correct because I had the same problem today and it was repeatable. I loaded the MU-2 from the P3D startup screen, pressed shift-1 and turned all systems off (which does enable start locks). However, when the master switch is turned on, the props come out of the start locks. This happens no matter whether the condition levers are in the cutoff or taxi position when the master is switched on. Joe, can you confirm this? Todd
  22. I'm not having any stability issues on my end, just FYI. No wobbling whatsoever. Not doubting your experience, just reporting. I do not have Acufeel installed, FYI. I do agree something is amiss with the RMI and Flight Director. I actually have a had a few issues with altitude capture as well. Sometimes the AP will blow right through the selected altitude or after being stable it will begin a descent for no reason. Other than that,it's a joy to fly.
  23. I use FSUIPC with no issues. All axes, brakes, and elevator trim are programmed that way on my end. Oops, you mean switches.
  24. Mike, after you load the MU-2, go to the main menu (shift-1) and click "turn systems off" on the right side. That should engage the start locks for you.
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