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Everything posted by PWJT8D

  1. I'm another fan of the redesign. It is very smooth and clean, very modern. I love the feature of being able to hover over a topic and it will give me a glance of the contents.
  2. First and foremost let's get the remote directory invalid fixed first. What has happened I believe, and has happened to me with ImagineSim entries is the installer has placed the scenery in your scenery library but it does not have a path. What you must do is go into your scenery library and find where it has "Imagine Simulation - KLGA LaGuardia 2016 P3D V3.0" under the Scenery Area. And on the right side look under the Scenery Location and you'll probably see that it is blank. Highlight the line and click edit, here you can go find the path to the scenery and hit okay and that field should populate to the path to where youre scenery is installed. In regards to the uneven terrain, I would first get the scenery unload error fixed first and see if that corrects the issue of that as well.
  3. If you have not done so already, try running your TrackIR as an administrator before you start P3D.
  4. Wow those screenshots look astonishing. Looks like some great work and care has been done with this scenery package.
  5. This scenery is very nicely done. I'm using ORBX Global, Vector, OpenLC NA, ASN2016, REX4 Textures and MyTraffic 6 and I'm not getting any performance issues at all, even with all of the scenery settings activated. My FPS was good and did not seem to have any issues with VAS either.
  6. Mine won't work unless I right-click and run it as adminstrator.
  7. Just wanted to say what an amazing aircraft. I am truly shocked that this is your first release as it is on par with the pro's. I will log many many hours in this 717. The VC, external, systems and sounds are all wonderful. I am not getting any performance issues, quite the opposite rather as it is performing great for me. I'm not having any FPS or VAS issues what so ever. Thank you to the TFDi team!
  8. You are getting what is known as an Out Of Memory (OOM) crash. PREPAR3D is a 32bit program so it is limited to using 4GB of memory regardless of how much VRAM your video card has. It certainly is a nuisance for most. If you have FSUIPC, it has a way to monitor how much memory your P3D is consuming, this is a good reference to see if you are getting close to that OOM crash. My advice to you is to use lower settings when using your PMDG 777. You can turn down things such as Level Of Detal, autogen, traffic and cloud draw distance. Also in your REX Essentials, if you have an option to turn down the cloud texture resolutions, that can also save you some memory. If you find some settings that work with your 777 that no longer cause out of memory crashes, save that profile setting so you can easily select it later if you choose to fly that aircraft.
  9. I think this is the best tip here. I always have all my scenery activated in my library. I never have made a fuss about only having active what I will be using. But I think the biggest unnecessary VAS draw would be overflying big airports and what not and having them load when you don't need them to. Such as for myself, If I were to fly from Monterrey to Sonoma County in California I would deactivate FlightBeam's KSFO and ORBX KSQL. I don't need those drawing VAS when I'm going directly overhead at 20,000 feet. So other than anything you'll be directly overflying, I wouldn't worry about it much.
  10. Did you watch this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxiWffeuuxs&feature=youtu.be The MFD is not a touch screen, you have to use left/right clicks and scroll wheel on your mouse via the little joystick below the center lower MFD and enter flight plans by your physical keyboard not the touchpad keyboard in the VC. The softkeys are not intended to work, use your keyboard.
  11. Their main page is down but you can get to the online store. I hope to hear some early reviews as I'm very interested in buying this one. http://www.irissimulations.com.au/ols/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8&products_id=53
  12. I'm very happy with MyTrafficX. It comes with generally aviation, military and commercial traffic. But if you just wanted to see general aviation traffic you could just move the traffic sliders in your P3D settings, commercial to 0% and general aviation to what level pleases your needs.
  13. I got it all sorted it seems. I was told to try forcing a new migration in the troubleshooting tab of FTX Central. I did that and re-checked OpenLC NA in the scenery library and did a quick test flight with no more blurred out ground textures past the initial LOD load. So to the original poster, give that a try if you have some ORBX landclass addons installed.
  14. No it can't unfortunately. It's what everyone wants to happen but it seems that the developers of the Twin Otter have moved on and consider the product to old to revisit at this time to allocate resources to integrating any 3rd party GPS support. However you can use the Flight1 GPS's as a 2D popup.
  15. I did a clean install of P3D and installed Global, Vector and then OpenLC USA. Went into the sim and took off to some wonderful looking textures but again, left the area of the initial LOD and flew into blurry ground textures. I paused the sim and went into my scenery library and unchecked the OpenLC NA entries to disable it, returned to the sim and it reloaded my ground textures and I went flying away from the initial LOD area and sure enough my textures stayed sharp. So it appears to have been narrowed down to OpenLC NA. I submitted a thread at the ORBX support forums so I guess I won't be able to use OpenLC NA for now.
  16. I did in fact just install OpenLC NA and that's when the ground textures stopped loading after I would leave the initial area. Like I said I needed to update my P3D anyways and I wanted to try to install my sceneries outside of the root folder as it seems that is recommended.
  17. I've been battling this same problem over the last week in that same version of P3D. I've tried everything from lowering settings to next to nothing, affinity mask and hyperthreading as mentioned by Richard and nothing has worked. I was beginning to think it is an actual bug rather than a hardware or settings issue. So this evening I actually trashed the whole install and am currently sitting through a clean install of 3.3.5. Do you have any terrain addons installed like ORBX Global?
  18. It looks so awesome, thank you! I bought the Commander two days ago with full intentions of being ready for this paint to be released.
  19. Purchased the WX Radar this evening and integrated it into the VC of the Milviz 737. Awesome little piece of equipment to have added to that aircraft. I'm looking forward to using it with my other aircraft and more importantly hoping for more VC integrations from other developers. Thanks!
  20. I still haven't had the chance to buy the Commander but this gorgeous paint has definitely made me want it even more!
  21. I have a 21:9 panel as well and I find that the side distortion is very minimal. Not nearly as bad as when I had three 27" monitors. Check to make sure in your P3D Graphics Settings that you have Wide-View Aspect Ratio checked.
  22. Product page is up and for sale for $34, go get it! https://www.fsdreamteam.com/products_kmem.html
  23. I don't think you will have a problem with a single card. As always, it comes down to how many add-ons you would be trying to use.
  24. I was one that started off with a 27" 2560x1440 monitor. Wanted more immersion much like yourself. I then got two more 27" 2560x1440 monitors to use the three with NVIDIA Surround. Although it was really cool and definitely immersive. I got tired of the distorted edges, and the performance hit on the GPU didn't seem worth it to me. Now I am most happy and content with my Dell 34" curve. Wonderful monitor, just wide enough and a slight curve to give you that immersion I was looking for and a heck of a lot less of a performance hit than trying to run 8100x1440 resolution.
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