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Everything posted by PWJT8D

  1. Sometimes you can get lucky and google a specific airport's terminal map and you can find that information. For example I'll use San Fransisco http://www.flysfo.com/flight-info/airlines-at-sfo Other times you can use flightaware.com and that will also list the departure and arrival gates for that specific flight as you can see listed under the airport names it shows Gate D1 and Terminal 4 http://flightaware.com/live/flight/CAL12/history/20160428/0930Z/RCTP/KJFK
  2. Great video! I was a triple monitor user for a few years but I too as well over Christmas purchased the same Dell 34" monitor as you. Much nicer and I'm not regretting my decision.
  3. They are printed on, and very well done I must say. The printing doesn't appear to be anything that will wear off. I do use FSUIPC mainly for my axis configuration and VAS monitoring.
  4. If I may jump in here, that could be a conflicting axis problem. Scroll through all of your peripherals in the controls section of FSX to make sure you don't have a rudder input assigned to something else such as a joystick or keyboard entry. For myself personally, FSX liked to assign for example, the rudder axis to my rudder pedals, and then also another rudder axis to my Thrustmaster Warthog joystick. I could take off just fine but then when lets say trying to coordinate a turn, I would use a left aileron input and left rudder, then the inputs would jump around because FSX did not know which input to listen to. It's something to at least check and rule out. Also I forgot to add that having an axis input in FSX and in FSUIPC at the same time can cause a confused control input.
  5. I have had this keyboard for about a month now and I really like it. I personally don't find the keys noisy, although I wouldn't consider myself picky in that sense, seems rather normal decibel levels for a keyboard. The build quality is great, packaging is not cheap. I really like the backlighting as it is adjustable. There is no software to speak of, it worked right out of the box with my Windows 10. I would recommend it for sure. I don't do any other gaming other than FSX/P3D and DCS so a designated flight simulator short cut labeled keyboard appeals to me a great deal. If you're gaming resume extends farther then that, probably not.
  6. I just went to Windows 10 (on a clean install) with FSX Steam and have had no problems. I actually like the operating system. I have not had any issues with FSUIPC, Saitek, Thrustmaster Warthog, TrackIR or any other drivers. ASN, REX, everything installed and works no problems for me.
  7. I actually just upgraded my system from a 3770K to a 6700K but installed Windows 7 64bit. Of course I keep seeing the Get Windows 10 icon on my toolbar every day and I really have no opposition against Windows 10. I just want to make sure my FSX/P3D/DCS and all that comes with it will work properly before doing so.
  8. Yes you can use only two monitors with NVIDA Surround. NVIDIA does recommend that the monitors being used in Surround be identical. It obviously is the best case scenario. However, there is a good chance that it will still work just fine with two different monitors, you just have to try for yourself. The specifications that need to be the same for it to work are same screen size, same native resolutions and same clock speeds. If you have this, you should be good to go. If not, it may not work, or it may but with smaller resolutions or slower timings. The connectors do not need to be the same. But make sure that the connectors you are using both support the same resolution as your monitor and GPU can handle. This is more important for people using really high resolution monitors as HDMI isn't really the connector of choice for 4K gaming. If you end up being able to span your VC across both monitors, you'll want to make the wideviewaspect ratio in your fsx.cfg to true.
  9. If you go look at your current motherboard at newegg and look under the settings at Memory Standard, it just lists 1600/1333/1066 as available RAM clock speeds. But if you go look at the MSI Z97 PC Mate and look under that same setting, it lists a whole bunch of other clock speeds with an (*OC). So any clock speed that has a * next to it is an overclockable speed that the motherboard supports. Your current motherboard does not support overclocking of memory however that MSI does. You can also see without overclocking memory, it supports the same base clock settings of 1600/1333/1066 as your Rock.
  10. My opinion would be to stick with the motherboard you have. Have you tried using the new ram in your existing motherboard? If it still boots, the motherboard will just down clock the ram to 1600 and then from there you can try an overclock. I don't think the MSI motherboard is much of an upgrade over your current ASRock. You'll lose two USB 3.0 slots. Personally I've never had to install a different motherboard into an already functioning computer, but I have read that if you do so, you will have to do a clean install of your OS. So keep that in mind.
  11. Are you using REX4 Texture Direct by chance? There are two airport light textures for use with triple monitors. I'm not at my computer but I believe one of them is named triplehead2go.
  12. I had a similar problem like yours about a month ago. I would be playing FSX or P3D and then my computer just shut off.. like someone pulled the plug out of the wall. Hitting the power button would result in everything spinning up and then shutting right back off. A few attempts it would make it to the BIOS and sometimes not. I spent a few hours trying to get it to boot into Windows. Two of those attempts resulted in the overclock failed message so I hit F5 to return my BIOS to default settings. Another time attempting to boot I got an error saying my motherboard detected a power surge and shut down. I then suspected my Corsair HX750 power supply had failed and still within warranty I contacted Corsair which they accepted my request for an RMA. When I installed the new power supply my computer would then again boot up normally. However now it crashes every time I try to do something that uses the GPU. Open P3D and once I get dropped on the runway it crashes. Try EVGA's OC Scanner and do a benchmark, the test starts and I get a crash. Try BurnItTest 3D graphics test and it crashes. Browse the internet all day long no problem. So now I'm waiting for my RMA of my GTX 980 to get to my door to see if that fixes that problem. Seems as though my surged power supply may have fried my GPU. So one problem resulted in another.
  13. I'd have to agree with louis on this one. Seems your CPU may be okay but your GPU is on the minimum end of the spectrum for requirements for V3. Anyone on a budget I'd recommend a GTX 970 and I bet you'll see an improvement.
  14. Awfully nice of them! Thank you for the heads up.
  15. Thanks for making the review. Your video definitely proved to me that this aircraft should be in my hangar.
  16. i'm not entirely sure as I'm not at my dedicated sim computer however I do have something quite simple you can try. As My Traffic is just providing AI Aircraft textures and routes for them to fly, FSX is still controlling how many AI aircraft you see. I would think if you were to go to your FSX settings, click the Traffic tab and slide the Airline Traffic density slider to 0% and then move your General aviation traffic density slider to the appropriate setting that suits your needs. Hopefully this will give you no commercial and only GA as you would like. It is also highly recommended to use this freeware Traffic Optimizer alongside My Traffic if you don't already do so. This will significantly improve your frame rates while running My Traffic.
  17. I feel that FTX Global is almost a requirement at this point in time. It helps out a lot to update the dated textures of FSX. I have both the Airbus bundle and the NGX. The Airbus bundle is a fantastic add on and I really love flying it. I think for it's systems depth per cost, per variants included and P3D ready, there's nothing else out there as cost effective. If your looking for the best of the best the NGX is it for your medium range airliner. But you do pay more for it...and then again for P3D.
  18. Great report concorde. I will definitely admit to being skeptical about this airport. It seems that everyone is very happy with how it's performing better then we had all expected. As a PNW user, I've decided to just have patience and wait it out until they get the terrain issues figured out.
  19. Hi Tom, The Coolsky DC-9 is a fantastic add-on and I highly recommend it, especially if you are into older generation airliners. It sounds great, flies great and looks great. The DC-9 comes with a Flight Center for everything from aircraft configuration, training videos, load manager, failures and ground equipment. With this particular aircraft I do fly it strictly via VOR routes. As I understand your in Europe and as you mentioned a lot of current routes no longer use VOR intersections. However here in the US, they are still in use and most of the DC-9's in the air today still will have VOR routes that you can see in Flight Aware. I also use skyvector.com for making my own or modifying routes and it seems at a quick glance, they have Europe covered as well. One thing I would like to point out is the DC-9 comes with a Navigation Simulator which can assist in navigation via VOR's and NDB's. It has a lot of settings and filters to your liking. Clicking on a VOR or NDB in the moving map will auto-tune them to your radios which is nice. I have never tried it but I also believe you can import an FSX flight plan to the Navigation Center and it will draw the route. I do not own the Flight1 GTN 650 or 750 although I do want it...I'm sure it would be great assistance to the DC-9. Also don't forget about McPhat Stuidios where you can find additional livery packs, DC-9 Cargo Expansion and HD Flightdecks.
  20. Fantastic! I will be looking forward to it's release in the future.
  21. It's certainly not an aircraft you can walk away from. It helps to keep current every once and a while. Watch Bunyap Sims youtube channel. He is very good with explaining the A-10 systems as well as other DCS aircraft. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCChA7JzaWoakPbvpmUzMH5g I have also printed this image so I have it on my desk nearby. If I lose memory of what switch does what it only takes a quick glance. http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/5517/hotasqg4.png
  22. I agree with Craig. The Everts Air Cargo livery is fantastic and a favorite of mine when operating cargo runs in the DC-9.
  23. Awesome! Seems like a good progress report. It's a great fun little aircraft to have in the hangar. I enjoy it.
  24. Sure I understand. I see how in your situation it wouldn't be worth it. Every country has their own rules.
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