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Everything posted by PWJT8D

  1. I don't see the fuss about getting the DVD's in the mail... as if FSS is sending you a box full of black liquorice or smelly socks. I purchased three airports and looked at the bottom line with shipping included and it came out to be $33.45 USD. If I were to purchase the download copies only I would spend $61.59. This is a no brainer. My three airports are downloaded and already installed, who cares if I get three DVD's in the mail in a few weeks. Put em on the shelf or in the garbage. Not a big deal or hassle for in my case a 50% off deal.
  2. I would first check in your FTX Central V2 under the Settings and make sure you have BOTH "Use Orbx trees" and "Use FTX Trees HD" checked. This is required in order to see the HD Trees. See page 7 of the FTX Trees HD User Guide.
  3. If all three monitors are identical models and all have the same settings, I know this may sound too easy but could it be the angle that you are viewing them? If they are a matte screen especially, the colors could change slightly depending on your viewing angle. Just a guess really, other then that the only thing I could recommend is pausing in the night situation and adjusting the side monitors colors and contrasts to match the middle monitor.
  4. Great job Shez! For myself, it is nice to have another airport so close to home.
  5. Order placed. Awesome, thank you for the sale! I love the Q400 and by no means am an expert at it.
  6. I had MyTraffic installed on my version 2.4 but since doing the clean install of 2.5 I have been patiently waiting for the native installer to have some traffic back. Very exciting indeed to have a native traffic addon for P3D.
  7. I'll second that one. I think Palm Springs has an excellent surrounding area.
  8. It seems people are seeing the biggest improvements with a PMDG aircraft am I right? I don't have anything PMDG for P3D, just their NGX in FSX. However I took the hardest hitting aircraft I have for P3D, the Aerosoft Airbus bundle and dropped in at ORBX KPSP. With the setting left at 0 I had 21-23 FPS and with the setting at 1 I had 23-26 FPS. So a slight increase there as well.
  9. Awesome! I seriously just searched for this livery last week after wanting to do some California routes and came up stumped. And here it appears! Thank you!
  10. Thanks Bri for the explanation! I will give it a go this weekend.
  11. What is the best way to do this? Is there a way I can save a heavy VAS rendering option and a low VAS rendering option and then choose which one I want for a flight? As of right now I just manually adjust sliders around.
  12. I had took a spin in the demo today and it is a great little aircraft. I love the simplicity of it. It looks very classy, something I wouldn't mind showing up to a real world fly-in with. I agree with Ryan, definitely on the buy list.
  13. This really is a beautiful aircraft. I can see this Swift fitting in nicely with any of the ORBX Regions. I'm anxious to hear of any user reviews or videos. *EDIT* I just found out they have a limited demo! I will give that a try.
  14. If your just trying to use it as a second monitor for other windows it should work fine. As gboz has said, make sure the monitor's input is cycled to DVI. There is a good chance that the monitor will not auto-detect what type of cable it is being hooked up to, most will just default to HDMI. So on the bezel of the monitor you must press the input key (second from right) until DVI is selected and hopefully you'll get a signal. If you get the monitor to go on DVI input, you may still have to go to your Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Display > Change Display Settings and select the monitor via that window.
  15. I do not own this Hawker from Just Flight but have you seen the work in progress pictures for the Carenado Hawker 850XP. That one may be worth waiting for.
  16. I absolutely love the Coolsky DC-9. It has a lot of systems depth and it's Flight Center works brilliantly.
  17. As long as there is a panel.cfg that has entries for [Window00] and so on then yes you will need to add the pixel_size entry to all of them. Some aircraft such as the Coolsky DC-9 will have multiple panels depending on what variant, passenger or freighter version your flying. I don't have the PMDG 777 but I would assume the freighter variant would have it's own panel.cfg. So it would be a good idea to check all of your aircrafts and their variants. As for the FSINN I can't help you there, I don't use it.
  18. Most people like myself just live with the distortion. I have not tried the fix mentioned above bye BIGSKY. However for the 2D popups causing the flickering mouse, single digit frame rates and sim crashes can be fixed. Navigate to your SimObjects>Airplanes folder and in each aircraft folder find the panel folder and open up the panel.cfg. You'll find a list of all the windows for that aircraft listed as [Window00] and [Window01] and so on. In each window look for where it says size_mm=1280,960 for example. Under that line you need to add pixel_size=1280,960. So what ever numbers it has listed under size_mm=, use those same numbers in an added line under pixel_size= Here are two example windows taken from my Coolsky DC-9 panel.cfg and the added changes are in bold. [Window01] file=CSDC9 - Overhead Lower.bmp size_mm=1280,960 pixel_size=1280,960 window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0 visible=0 ident=10090 zorder=29 [Window02] file=CSDC9 - Overhead Upper.bmp size_mm=1280,731 pixel_size=1280,731 window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0 visible=0 ident=10100 zorder=30
  19. Thanks for the heads up. I just bought the PMDG 737. I know I know, you all are wondering how someone exists in this community that does NOT own it. But I just never bought it. I've always wanted it, but never pulled the trigger. I'm no stranger to it, my friend has it and when I would go to his house he would always load it up. But my own sim is geared more towards ORBX airports and regions, general aviation and the Q400, nothing as large as the 737. So with that said, I was kind of iffy about buying a boxed version but saving $10.06 is a good chunk, especially for PMDG.
  20. I will most likely run out of fuel before putting rounds on another aircraft.... Then I see this video and while he's talking he's just like aaaannnnd boom oh and that's all there is to it!
  21. ORBX's Christmas sale was really good. I think it was 30% or 33% off everything, I put a hurtin' on that one. What you could do if your interested in previous sales, take a look in the Bargain Hunter's Shack here on AVSIM and just go back to the thread dates in December and you'll get a good idea.
  22. It is indeed a very nice looking website. I like the layout.
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