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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Wait Richard you were quoted on their webpage as rating it 5 stars fantastic product uhhhh,
  2. +1 to that, animated realistic water and seasonal textures would be nice also...Traffic while nice I think will end up turning FPS into mud...
  3. Thanks for the heads up, this is a true surprise I thought this product was dead and gave up all hope of an update after a couple of years. I did too , it's because of the EMT, EMT tricks it into thinking it's FSX so delete the relevant section of the EMT from your dll.xml -<Launch.Addon> <Name>Migration Tool Plugin</Name> <Path>MigTool.dll</Path> <DllStartName>module_init</DllStartName> <DllStopName>module_deinit</DllStopName> </Launch.Addon>
  4. There is also another product called Experience X night lights from beetleprint. I really liked it compared to the ORBX lighting because there are actually the light poles and textures lighting up the ground instead of floating orbs of light...and it's worldwide coverage so no need to buy regions http://secure.simmarket.com/beetle-print-experience-x.phtml
  5. Isn't that what Rex 4 texture direct is....This looks like only the cloud portion of REX4 the feature list is nearly identical, or is REX 4 now going to be useless after a year?
  6. You can buy the 777 for P3D for the princely sum of 350 million and the expansion for a mere 300 mil more....merry christmas, keep the change ya filthy animal
  7. At least you will not have to stand in a long line and fist fight other simmers because they only have 5 L1011's in stock
  8. Thanks for the tip Richard, waves are ok now. Indeed they do fade the higher I get which is ok from what I remember in RL. The only time you could see them at 10k ft is if there were large whitecaps flying over Lake Michigan. Tesselation also effect water too if I remember right.
  9. There could be some commercial people using it in P3D and making money on it IE a sim center or some you tube person making money off their ads, who knows? The statement he made is pretty vague at best and everyone just assumed the rest.
  10. Are you guys just closing the FSX window by hitting the X to close the program? If you are try ESC, end flight then close the program. FSUIPC only helps with the G3D crash AFAIK.
  11. Isn't the flashing just a texture overload? When your switching views and you have high settings this seems to be a common problem in both FSX and P3D.
  12. Wait a minute where's yours lol?
  13. The new ones caused horizontal black bands or desktop showing through on my HDMI connections using Nvidia surround. The hotfix drivers 344.80 don't work any better
  14. Ok one other item in the CDU hit menu then FSactions/ground connections, should look like this: https://www.dropbox.com/sc/ncm2x6ski6k1i4t/AADuM99fEgbn6HzaJrp0W2u_a Possibly you have the ground chocks in, I also put pics of my rudder/brakes settings if that helps
  15. Its in the spot where you assigned the axis on the right side. Maybe go through all your axis assignments for each controller and make sure theres no duplicates. There always seems to be. Don't try to change settings for more than 1 controller at a time or it will not stay
  16. You can always use this free program to take control of your FSX files. It's often overlooked. http://www.flightsim.ee/freeware/simaccess
  17. Not sure it has anything to do with addons because on a fresh clean install if you disable tesselation you will be getting that error. Turning tess. back on will fix it for most people. I think it's a P3D problem myself and they just haven't nailed it down yet.
  18. You should have 0 for nullzone, its not like a joystick axis where you need nullzone to compensate for the slop around the center. Also i have the same pedals, do you have inverted axis on the toe brakes?
  19. You can disable it for clouds with the DX10 fixer in FSX. Why do I have the feeling that it is closely tied with the reason we now have annoying spinning clouds that everyone hates too... EDIT: and if you follow other sims I have a feeling that this is why there cloud "puffs" in XPX instead of hard cloud textures..
  20. I don't think there is any option at the moment for PFPX , I don't think the 747 uses the same format as their 737. I think that you can go on the free simbrief website though and get it to export to this format.
  21. What about stuttering and panning around with a TrackIR?...Guess I'll try this again, haven't used it since 2.0 as there always seemed to be an adverse effect at some point. If there is any problem it's sure to raise it's ugly head on surround resolutions because any effect to the rendering is exponentially harder on your system compared to a single screen...
  22. Some Orbx airpots the grass is what tanks my frames.
  23. I'm interested but I'll wait for the 757 quality version.
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