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Everything posted by Kevin_28

  1. Wait for FSDT or Drzewiecki Designs (whichever is better to you) to release KORD. FSDT KLAX is still pretty good imo. They are looking to update it later though.
  2. I could be very wrong about how I've been approaching this, so someone feel free to correct me. One thing when it comes to installing liveries is that it would be a good idea to note which ones go with which model/variant. It's not really that big of a deal since it will give you an error message and it won't install that particular livery if the model is not matched up. If you have a livery for both the 757-200 and -300 you will need to select each model and upload the corresponding liveries for that.
  3. Yeah I agree with you there. I think it's awesome that they did provide a hotfix for 757 at least when it comes to the control lock and lighting. I hear there are some issues showing up with sounds, etc. It's nice to know that they are still working on getting some fixes out though.
  4. Just out of curiosity. When a company says that it is no longer in development, does that only mean that they won't add any new features or does that mean that they aren't planning on providing major fixes to things, etc? Maybe the latter falls under "no additional support"?
  5. Just to be clear, you're saying that some kid convincing his sister that she has a terminal illness or some guy who fakes an eruption is equivalent to a software company faking a planned product? Equivalent in the psychological/emotional/monetary damage? Not quite sure I follow.
  6. Ah OK! I can deal with that. Thanks 🙂 I didn't know there was a work around for those pink polys
  7. Meaning they stopped working? So they just sit there, correct?
  8. Glad to see IFly continuing to add more to their 747 lineup! It's a fantastic plane. Also worth saying that it is just a model update. They did not simulate the freighter systems/performance/etc. It is a free update so I'm not complaining at all.
  9. Been on the 787 twice and rode window both times. Never noticed it being hot either. I was perfectly comfortable.
  10. Forgive me for my potential lack of understanding, but it looks like the pilots failed in at least two important points, inputting the wrong temp in the fmc and not monitoring their N1 gauge during the take off roll. Stating that it only gave them 60% of the require takeoff power is quite a big discrepancy to not notice at some level, regardless of whether they did the calculations or not. Sure a 5-10% off is understandable but 40%, especially for pilots who have many hours in that flight deck?
  11. I feel like i'm missing something. It is true that the default 34L in P3D is now 34C on current airacs as seatac added an additional runway to the west and named it 34L. It is a bit strange that he said it took him to intercept TIFYS, with an ILS Freq of 111.7. That is correct 34C (34L in default scenery), so it shouldn't have been a problem(?). Kevin Woo
  12. I had an issue somewhat like yours where after 4-5 hours my p3d would start stuttering and freezing up for a second or two every 5-10 sec. It didn't matter if I restart P3D, it would just stutter from the start. I had to actually restart my computer in order for the freezing/stutters to go away. Also, if I turned on my computer and left it on for 5 hours or so and I launched P3D, it stuttered from the start. Wound up that it was my asus AI suite program that was causing my sim to lag. None of my other games lagged like that, it was just P3D, so I have no idea what it was doing.
  13. Yea you're dealing with updates on all the instruments so that makes sense that you can get some frame drops in the vc. What are your system specs?
  14. Hi there, Not sure if this will help. The beep at 10k sounds like what happens when the seatbelt switch is on auto. If you have it set to on or off, it will not beep when you pass 10k. As for the FPS, is it basically stuttering for you (it looks fine for a second or two, then it freezes briefly)? Another question I have is if you don't even sign into P3D, but have your computer on for 5 hours, and you launch P3D does it actually stutter right away? I've heard of Navigraph Simlink.exe causing those issues for a few simmers as well.
  15. I remember Umberto stating that they are planning on updating KLAX to native P3Dv4, but they want to get KORD and KJFK out of the way first since they are in more need of an update.
  16. The only three that I am waiting on is KORD v2 by FSDT or DD, Flytampa KLAS, and SSJ KDTW
  17. I have FSDT KLAX and I really haven't noticed much performance issues with the airport. I know they were renovating a 1 or 2 terminals last year so I wouldn't mind seeing a v2 integrate those changes, but I am quite happy with the one I have now.
  18. Just received a response that I have to remove it manually by deleting a couple of folders.
  19. Just need a little help. How did you uninstall v3? It doesn't give me that option through the usual uninstall method.
  20. Yup that's what I get on the left and 1.03 on the right.
  21. Yea I noticed the site has been a bit slow today. I'll tinker with it a bit more when I get home tonight. Thanks again Richie. Yea if you can provide me with the EPR value when at Edwards AFB with only clear weather that should be good. I know I tried hitting F1 to bring the throttles all the way back to idle, but it might still conflict with the calibration. We'll see.
  22. Thanks RichieFly! Yea I figured that it depends on MTOW. I actually have never started cold and dark, and just had it load up in the ready to fly scenario, so I just assumed it would be close to MTOW. I could be wrong though. But it inching forward even on parking brake is a bit odd to me.
  23. Haven't really had much of a chance to test out the plane or admittedly read up through the tutorials. Just hand flew it a couple of circuits to get a feel, but with the parking brake and (and to a much less extent with the parking brake on) does the plane start moving forward? I haven't seen this happen in a long time with the default aircraft. I was just wondering if that's normal. The throttle and joystick is calibrated.
  24. They also have KSNA for xplane 11. I wonder if they will release that for p3d v4. I do have latinVFR's which is a great, but it would be nice to see a comparison there.
  25. Sure that makes sense as well. I also assumed that runway length had a bit of say in it as well. I generally see longer runways being used for departures over shorter.
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