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Everything posted by pedrotrindade

  1. Beautiful shots, considering this one as a Christmas self gift
  2. https://a2asimulations.com/product/accu-sim-p-40-p3dv4/
  3. Beautiful shots Matthias, looks like you had a lot of fun. BTW thank you for your hints.
  4. I believe we should praise those who keep working on their products. Is a good thing, don't you think?
  5. Quote from QW forums: " Dear 787 drivers, thanks to the automatic crash reporting we have been able to make some progress and further improve the stability of the 787. We would like to thank everybody who has participated and hope to see even more improvements in the future. Even though we did not plan to send out another update this soon, we figured it would be good to share those bugfixes as soon as possible with you. The installer below will update your V1.1.2 to V1.1.2A and addresses the following issues: - AUX page related CTD - CDU RTE page related CTD - WXR Radar related CTD - A/T thrust oscillation in cruise (also affects step climbs) - slight descent before climbing when initiating step climb Important: V1.1.2 needs to be installed already. If you did not install V1.1.2 yet we recommend a full reinstallation. Installers on our website have been updated to include this update already. Files on the Flight1 page will follow within 24hours. Thank you on behalf of the whole QualityWings Team! "
  6. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Chris
  7. No rush here, I'll wait things calm down and see how it goes, good time to reinstall the old lady and test it first.
  8. Juan, do you have enough space on your new SSD to install the 737? Don't know if is this legal but can you try to install on other computer (from a friend or family) just to test the installer?
  9. Here in Portugal is charged 23% VAT, but I can't blame Aerosoft for what is decided by the portuguese gangsters.. I mean politicians...
  10. Maybe a corrupted installer? Redownload a new one and try it.
  11. +1 I'm really enjoying the CS 757. Still needs some work but is already a joy to fly.
  12. It looks fantastic but I still have a A2A Beech18 in my wet dreams...
  13. MK Studios LPPT released: https://secure.simmarket.com/mk-studios-lisbon-p3d4.phtml
  14. The 732 has been updated to v4. https://milviz.com/flight/products/B732C/index.php
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