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Everything posted by pedrotrindade

  1. It looks great but how about flight model and systems? Bugs? What are your impressions overall? Thanks
  2. The exterior model looks outstanding but being a Carenado under the wood it's probably a no go. But I dare to ask how is it regarding systems and flight dynamics?
  3. Hi José, not the helpful soul you are waiting but.. I recommend you to post your issue on the dev forum. They are very helpful and you will not get support here since this is not their official forum. Good luck. Cheers
  4. Gary, like in real life there is no radios on the Vega. However the dev is considering a simple radio in the future. I agree with you, it's a great little plane.
  5. Outstanding work. And, if I may, for other platforms XPlane 11, IL-2 and DCS Guides: http://www.mudspike.com/chucks-guides/ Many thanks for your efforts Chuck.
  6. Looks pretty good. Does it work in P3D v4.1 or is 4.2 only? Really happy to know that an Electra will come in the future.
  7. +1 btw, Benjamin, might be a good idea to change the title from CD757 to CS757
  8. Welcome back to the virtual skies Alan, good to know that after the stormy days, sun is back again in your life. Cheers
  9. Indeed. Let's just hope for a quality addon.
  10. +1 That was pretty bad! Not the best way to show a "serious product". I'm looking forward to the release but this doesn't give much credit to QW IMHO.
  11. Amazing shots, love the colours, well done.
  12. Thanks for your input Thomas, that C310R really looks good.
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