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Everything posted by UAL4life

  1. Hopefully when they update the FX they can work on the effects of going through clouds and rain as right now it doesn’t look like the wipers have any affect on the droplets
  2. Downgrades Ubisoft Style! Must be a French thing (j/k of course)
  3. A bit of hyperbole sure, but watch from 14:07 to 14:15 and look at the left side of the runway as hes getting closer.
  4. The problem I have is the pop ins are a major issue. Worse in some areas than P3d (my biggest issue with that sim!) The taxiway signs pop in at 20ft away.
  5. Add another day to download it. :ducks:
  6. LOL where else would they find the seeds to the enormous trees they had to plant all over the globe? uh oh.
  7. Yeah a clear difference between their p3d screenshots and MSFS’. Can’t have it all my friend!
  8. Also on a similar note, I wish city lights would turn on based on how dark it is outside as sometimes the storms make the sim really dark to where the street lights would be on irl.
  9. I know Right? that would be a major blow.
  10. I’ve heard that in the updated version that was removed, can anyone confirm?
  11. But for real, absolutely no footage or screenshots of contrails. Doubt they will be in at release.
  12. Yeah the clouds have issues sometimes looking like pyroclastic flows which would be cool around Mt Fuji and other volcanos. but they also look awesome 69% of the time. Can’t wait to see what 3rd party devs do with the engine, (unless the rumors of a super restrictive API are true. )
  13. To be fair, they have a pretty poor track record on doing that. Look at Flight.
  14. “They better” lol what entitlement. It’s the whole world get over it. If they won’t customize it, 3rd party devs will.
  15. Just need Drzewiecki Design to port their DC city addon that’s all.
  16. The one thing I wanted gone in P3D... drat.
  17. Nor would I, but still it’s nice to see an old pal like that 🙂
  18. I hope so. Especially since after COVID, airline schedules are a joke compared to what it used to be.
  19. Saw a bunch of classic P3D auto gen pop ins in his video. “Hello old friend!”
  20. Why not? Older and weaker jets could back in the day at TWA.
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