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Everything posted by UAL4life

  1. My nitpick is they could make the city lights turn on earlier or when there is a dark storm overhead. Sometimes the city looks like it’s in a blackout.
  2. Meh it could be better if they added some kind of effect when passing through the clouds.
  3. Reality sets in! Finally. It’s an piece of software not the second coming! Love the human psyche.
  4. This guy starts in fog... https://youtu.be/GC51KpOP5nQ
  5. Just to emphasize what everyone is saying going from tubeliners to GA. To chose my next destination, I used to use the random world city generator and then fly to nearest major intl airport, now I can actually fly to the nearest air field and preserve a good scenic experience so I am really excited.
  6. They really nailed the -8’s engine whine! Feels so authentic comparing it to my flights on LH’s 747-8i fleet.
  7. Which now it makes sense why they don’t want the testers to share anything. This is probably the biggest flaw that they won’t be able to overcome... and it’s to be seen how restricted 3rd party developers are in modifying core aspects of the game.
  8. Because you need Vector, which of course will never come as Orbx in their infinite wisdom along with seasons declared that it wasn’t needed anymore.
  9. Well guess I won’t be buying v5 after all. Truly “game breaking”
  10. Only reason to like default ATC over the various options is that the Default ATC controls the Ai.
  11. Exactly, what will happen when the MS2020 servers go dark? Yeah I’m not holding my breath...
  12. Being able to be a bush pilot in the islands and delivering supplies in bad weather is one of my dreams for a flight sim.
  13. Unless there is a monopoly in your area like mine. Or if all the options have the same exact caps.
  14. Hop from small airport to small airport in a caravan and do an around the world trip. Should be amazing to explore
  15. While apes could do it yes, many companies still chose not to. Glad we are still just blindly believing in MSFT. While I agree it is unlikely that it won’t be 64bit, it also hasn’t been mentioned once according to my searches.
  16. Because we don’t have a contract with them.
  17. Will 2020 be 64bit? A quick google search didn’t bring up anything which is really concerning.
  18. Way to go Simbol! You are so invaluable to this community which goes beyond your software contributions, Wish we could clone you! 🙂
  19. For real? Then I will be in the same boat fml.
  20. My worst fears confirmed yay! Just like Orbx, no seasons, no buy- My love for aviation comes from flying in the winter, and the challenges that it provides.
  21. I’m still on 4.3, I really don’t want to update as my FPS is perfect atm. But more and more products are becoming out of reach. (Which is to be expected) 😕
  22. Bought it, attempted to land a couple times and the aircraft won’t “flare” maybe it’s something I’m doing wrong but I doubt it.
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