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Everything posted by UAL4life

  1. I’m pretty sure I read that they would be updating it now. But just so it would work in v4 no new features or improvements.
  2. This. There is not middle ground any more. Wish we could design pbr profiles for aircraft like you can with TS. But seeing how long it takes for developers to release pbr updates it’s obviously not simple. Shame.
  3. Thank you Chock! I’ve had AH2 for a while now but I learned some things from your post thank you.
  4. Sorry mate I’m pretty sure there isn’t any, I’ve spent countless days looking myself. The folks that know how, learned by trial and error from what I gathered. I’m 99.9% sure of it.
  5. I was just thinking about this driving home! Thank you.
  6. I will pay big money, BIG MONEY for this.
  7. Would the FlightBeam Manager work after that?
  8. Could just be the unfixed cloud shadow bug where you pan around and the shadows disappear making it brighter because now the sun is out vs when you pan another direction and the shadows reappear. I just landed in KDEN and this was happening constantly. Edit: just read you fixed it, so never mind! 😛
  9. Any chance to implement the now “free for all developers” windshield effects from A2A?
  10. SODE jetways are not the same as GSX Level 2 SODE Jetways. FSDT GSX2 will not support their jetways attaching to AI due to performance risk. So Latin KMIA included SODE will dock, but Flightbeam KDEN where you used GSX2 to replace the jetways to SODE will not. Hopefully that hat will clear any confustion
  11. Kinda hard to believe that it’s an LM problem when many complex aircraft don’t have this problem. Shame. I’m curious what makes the 717 unique in this regard.
  12. I have this issue with 4.3. This is made worse by Windows 10’s lame restart-every-program-that-was-open-when-you-shut-down “feature”
  13. I hope so, as from a disconnected observer (I may be missing something) but it seems Orbx has really toned down their development for p3d
  14. Any good tutorials that you can reccomend? For some reason I’m having issues with ADE and getting the scenery edits to load in p3d after compilation.
  15. Would love to see true glass implemented like the 87. Or even A2A’s free version. Thanks for this awesome plane.
  16. Even if they didn’t say this. One can make the claim based on their actions alone that UTL is DOA. @dal330200 wow that’s a great idea using both PSX and UTL. I’m gonna try it thanks!!
  17. Completely agree with everything you said. I used to pretty much live on airplanes back when Ch9 was still a major thing. With a career change I’m way more grounded but I can get my itch by flying in P3d! Glad I’m not the only one who equates this.
  18. It’s prob not a big deal to LM. I truly believe eye candy is way lower priority than developing systems.
  19. Hmm I’ve always had this and just chalked it to a limitation of p3d. No real FPS issues tho...
  20. No don’t delete that one! “C:\Users\<YOU>\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Shaders is the one you want.”
  21. That’s good news, maybe it’s only certain setups...
  22. I had this and it was tied to a couple shadow options, I then deleted my shaders and it fixed it even with the offending shadow options turned on.
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