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Tom Wright

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Everything posted by Tom Wright

  1. Whenever you like really. I usually go for it when the aircraft is fully established and stable with full flap, and I have a clear view of the runway. Can be anywhere from a couple of hundred feet up to about a thousand.
  2. I noticed quite a considerable fps increase with the dev version too. Not sure if that was just a placebo.
  3. I read this a lot and I just don't think it's true. The A320 Neo is a perfectly flyable aircraft with the FBW mod. Granted, the autopilot does occasionally botch an arrival route and the VNAV implementation isn't fully there yet, but these are things that aren't difficult to work out how to do yourself if you've got the charts to hand. I've been flying it on Vatsim and having tremendous fun. I've actually learnt a great deal about flying SIDs and STARs using the charts and more traditional navaids, when normally I'd just have relied on the aircraft following the magenta line without really understanding what I was doing because I didn't need to.
  4. The mod installs over and replaces your default A320. The extra plane you're seeing in the menu/hangar is just a livery it installs. The stable version is what it says on the tin. But it also gets outdated rather quickly. The developer version gets updated almost every day and has quite a lot of new features now over the stable version. I don't know if its a placebo but I also saw a noticeable performance increase with the developer version.
  5. I've only ever had one CTD, and that was only when closing the sim after a flight. Done several flights now of well over 2 hours. Maybe I'm just lucky. You watch I'll get one now..
  6. Hmm yeah it used to work I'm pretty sure, but not in more recent updates. I'm getting similar issues now, for me it seems to log landings but never takeoffs.
  7. I had this happen to me as well. Using the latest stable build. The speed just bled off straight through the VLS speed and almost into a stall. Luckily I noticed what was happening in time and quickly put it back in selected speed with the VAPP speed dialed in manually.
  8. Both. If you fill up your RAM, it'll start paging the data instead which costs smoothness. If your CPU isn't fast enough, it'll cost smoothness. MSFS 2020 on low settings still looks better than FSX maxed out. You're comparing a 2020 graphics engine with a 2006 one.
  9. Those lessons hadn't actually changed since FS2004, in fact I think they were even in FS2000! But yes I agree, they were very well put together. I was thinking just last night actually, having a bit of a moment of reflection, about how much I've learnt from Flight Simulator over the years. This hobby and the community within it are such a wealth of knowledge. Everything from instrument approaches, how ATC works to how to fly Concorde - and even not directly related to aviation like how to build a PC.
  10. My wish list for it are for the FMGS to implement holds, calculate ToD accurately, and to fix the SID/STAR behaviour where it doesn't allow you to add or delete waypoints. It's already very good but once those three are sorted I will feel much more confident flying it online.
  11. Probably been asked before but has anyone got the model matching and liveries sorted for VATSIM? I've only got a couple of flights online under my belt but really getting into it and it adds a whole new level of immersion to the sim, but the default planes and liveries you see aren't very realistic. Also, the VATSIM traffic doesn't seem to show up on TCAS in the A32nx either.
  12. No it would be IFR to get ATC guidance. If you're using the flight planner and make it IFR then you should get the option in the ATC menu when you load up to file your flight plan and then you'll receive guidance.
  13. We have the FlyByWire mod for the A320 instead 😉 It's really good by the way. As has been said already. Zibo was a mod of the default Xplane 737. There is no default 737 in MSFS so nothing to mod.
  14. Because they chose to model an Airbus A320 instead which is considered an equivalent aircraft type I guess. And also it may be no accident that Asobo are based in Europe and the A320 is more prevalent in Europe than the 737.. The PMDG 737 is coming, it might be a while but it'll be worth it when it does.
  15. I tried Vatsim for the first time the other day. Gosh what an experience! As a complete newbie diving in at the deep end it was pretty stressful, but definitely adds a whole new layer of immersion I've never experienced in Flight Simulator before. I had to use the FBW Mod for the A320, as I couldn't get the radios to tune properly in the default one. Also, the FMGC still has some annoying quirks which make adhering to the SID and STAR quite difficult at times. It will be nice when we have some official models and liveries, as I was just seeing default aircraft representing other players. But overall it was an incredibly immersive experience. I will try it again once I've psyched myself up enough, and maybe when the aircraft has matured a bit so that the NAV isn't such a handful.
  16. Hi, Thought I would give flying on Vatsim a go as I never have done before! But run into an issue straight away.. The default A320 seems to have issues tuning radios? It seems once you've tuned it once and swapped the frequency into the active window, the knob to tune the standby stops working. Therefore I can only tune 3 frequencies (one on each radio) before I can no longer tune any more. Does anyone else have this or am I doing something wrong? Thanks
  17. Ah, maybe it's just the default that has an issue then. I've not tried the mod yet. Yeah fuel pumps definitely on. The engines start if you click on the switch in the cockpit view. But they don't start if you use the physical switch on the quadrant.
  18. Thanks. My assignments appear to be the same, very strange. They shut down but won't start. Do you use the stock A320 or the FBW Mod?
  19. Hello everyone. Has anybody who has the TCA Quadrant managed to get the engine start behaviour working properly in the default A320? I noticed that they've now fixed the problem of the Ignition/Crank switch not going back to the normal position, but I can't get the engines to start when I move either of the engine start switches to on. They will shut down when flicked to off, but in order to get them to start I can only do it by actually clicking on the switch in the cockpit. The switch does move in the cockpit view though, making it look like it works, but the engine doesn't actually start! If you've got it working please could you share your assignments? Thanks!
  20. I thought it automatically selects the most appropriate runway with regards to the wind direction. I've started using Simbrief now for my flight planning which seems to do a good job with the runway and routing for real weather.
  21. I'm deliberately taking it really slowly when it comes to add ons and mods with MSFS. My P3D and Xplane installs quickly became a mess and I was forever tweaking it trying to eek out every bit of performance I could. I don't even know what FPS I get in MSFS, because I know that as soon as I check it it will become a fixation! I'm sure at some point I'll cave and start installing some mods but the default experience is fantastic, and relatively stable as far as I'm concerned. It is my observation that very few, if any, of those suffering stability problems and CTDs are running the sim un-modded/vanilla.
  22. Ahh ok cool, thank you! I'll go for Community folder to keep it all together.
  23. Hi guys, I like the look of quite a few of the Orbx airports for MSFS but I notice that they're not available through the market place, you have to use Orbx own store app thing. Whilst I don't have an issue with that, can someone confirm where these airports will install to? I already have some Orbx products for P3D so have a library already, situated on a different drive to MSFS. I don't want these new airports simply to install to my existing Orbx library, I want to keep all my MSFS stuff together on the same drive. Is this possible? Thanks
  24. I get that. But I think a lot of people in this thread, myself included, are experiencing an increase in stutters since this latest update and haven't made any changes to their settings. I myself am not running any settings at ultra, and am seeing more stuttering than I was before.
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