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Everything posted by GCBraun

  1. For me, the choice is clear: I switch to XP12 when I'm in the mood for adventure. MSFS is pleasing, safe, and dependable, while XP12 is unpredictable, risky, and almost psychedelic—just like having an affair.
  2. MSFS has supported frame generation for a long time, so there's no need to limit yourself to 30fps in that sim if you have a supported DX12 card. Even if that's not the case, frame-generation mods like lossless scaling can essentially double performance without generating extra heat. This allows users of legacy sims and cards to achieve the fluidity that is missing at 30Hz.
  3. One should not forget that freeware includes not only community-produced content but also dozens (or even hundreds) of high-quality scenery and aircraft made available by Asobo/MS over the years for free. This level of support and content release is unprecedented in previous sims.
  4. Sorry, I have a full-time job and kids and don't have the time to fiddle with outdated tools to generate content for an outdated sim. MSFS clearly stands out with the most engaged and productive freeware content creators of any simulation platform to date. Truly plug & play in the majority of cases.
  5. I've ended up using the Samsung browser, which also has this full-screen functionality. It works without issues there.
  6. Was that the case with Italy as well? Anyway, I actually think Kane deserves to win a title at last, so I won’t be bothered rooting against England this time.
  7. Beautiful. That VARIG livery is one of my favorites of all time (number 1 is the original VARIG livery).
  8. That's precisely my approach too. I've always been platform-agnostic and have invested heavily in all of them over the years. The issue with P3D is that it's now so far behind the competition that I'd rather use the disk space for my MSFS community folder or XP Orthoscenery.
  9. I’m not criticizing you. I just find it interesting that you always make a point of saying you haven’t purchased MSFS, don’t plan to, or would only use it for VFR and sightseeing. You’ve made that clear over the years, so perhaps there’s no need to repeat it. My reference to FS9 highlights what we've avoided with the Microsoft-Asobo synergy. Instead of lethargic side-steps, we now have a modern, forward-thinking platform that has increased value and enjoyment for millions of simmers, including casual players, hardcore enthusiasts, and both IFR and VFR fans. I have no issue if some people are not ready or willing to switch or add another sim to their collection. However, I am concerned when those individuals criticize the very reasons why MSFS has been an undisputed success. I want more innovation, not less. Otherwise, I’d purchase P3D V6.
  10. And we are all glad for that. Otherwise we would still be stuck with the FS9 way of doing things.
  11. If someone has also used the Rotate MD-11 for XP and could do a quick comparison, that would be appreciated. As a user from both sims, I generally do not purchase the same aircraft type twice, unless there is a significant reason to do so.
  12. What’s even the point of selling old versions of products for a defunct platform? I believe that most people who wanted to buy the P3D version have already done so. Surely PMDG has taken that decision based on data and facts.
  13. No. Will be trying in a different Android Tablet soon.
  14. Non-sense is criticizing what others decide to do with their simulated flights. Personally, I sometimes use time compression and sometimes I don't. Sitting at a computer for 12 hours just to monitor the autopilot is not something I'm willing to do. Nevertheless, I do want to experience flight-deck preparation, take-off, climb, approach, and landing with heavy aircraft in a long-haul scenario, so time compression is a completely legitimate thing to do. It's also fully supported by PMDG with their auto-cruise functionality.
  15. I am using a Samsung Galaxy Tab A with Android 11 for the 737 and 777 CDUs. When using the 737, after creating a link to the CDU in the home screen, the Chrome Browser is launched in full-screen. This does not happen when applying the same procedure with the 777 CDU (the address bar and other Chrome UI elements are always shown). Any ideas what I should do? Thanks
  16. Yes, it works with time compression.
  17. Doing my first flight with this beautiful beast. MSFS 2020 is now feature complete to me! Looking forward to MSFS 2024.😀
  18. Precisely. Anyone who still claims MSFS is just about visuals in 2024 is beyond help. In my many years of simming, I've never seen such a thriving ecosystem of third-party support, offering enhancements that surpass what we could have imagined just a few years ago—often for free. Thank you, Jörg and ASOBO, for developing such an excellent base simulator for the mass market that also caters to hardcore enthusiasts. While perfection is unattainable, 2024 will surely bring us many steps closer.
  19. Give me high-quality 727s from different devs and I'll buy them all.
  20. Yes, I would never do it in real-time also. x2 or x4 in the cruise part makes things more enjoyable. In APL, you only get proportional rewards when using time compression, so it is not cheating.
  21. Of course you can, I do it all the time in the long-haul flights.
  22. So, it took 20 years, but it looks like we finally caught up to FSX’s DX10 concept art!
  23. Removing Global Forests v2 back in b3 solved the stutters while on ground for me.
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