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About guenseli

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  1. Do not release before monday, please. I'm on vacation and folks demand StreamDeck profiles in less then 24 hours after release 😉
  2. You do most probably not know what I have reported. I told you already that I'm still in several betatests and some since more then 10 years. No, I do not change reporting bugs and suggestions to developers, or, as you call it "delivery". Developers can decide if they take this and improve their product or if they ignore it and let the customers decide. Perhaps you remeber the first Aerosoft Airbus (was it P3D or still FSX?) back then? I have told them to not release during beta. They ignored and I left the beta and it ended it a very unsatisfied customer base. According to you I should have told them that everything is perfect!? Guys, can we get on topic, please, now?!
  3. Who says that hasn't happened? I am and was part of many, many beta tests (Hifi, A2A, AivlaSoft back then, FSReborn, etc), mostly for over 10 years. With ATC developers (VOX and FSHud) I do not have luck as they throw me out when I pronounce obvisious opinions, showstoppers, bugs, suggestions. What does make it a bad taste if, when these devs do not discuss or even deliver one argument, just cancel my account in the beta. In the end - and exactly this has happened already with BATC now - customers yell why the "beta testers haven't done a better job???"
  4. Not on my side back then. Alone the scenery indexing which lasts more then 15 minutes without any progress bar etc. Looking forward what will be released and I'm sure then the dev has a lot people which will share if anything is buggy or complicated. Hopefully not.
  5. Beta is at discord and development progress was all in all very silent. So I wondered after aome months if sth is going on and I got informed from Kevin that the dev removed me. No discussion, no information. Even after a personal mail he didn't answer me. Seems, ATC developers have all a very similar mindset 😉 Very curious what VOX ATC delivers once it is released.
  6. From your description it seems, VOX ATC has made very, very big steps since several month ago after the developer has thrown me out of the beta (silently, without any comment) as I repeatetly pronounced which aspects I see as showstopper (weird installation process, decluttered into several single programs, very difficult setup, forced to have a microphone plugged-in, 1990s interface, several CTDs and freezes, no reliable button inputs, not to use without voice (no button only usage). So, I feared that these things will future customers make very upset, but all that seems to be solved now?! Great!
  7. I have little tears in my eyes ... never thought I would live to see it
  8. I have little tears in my eyes ... never thought I would live to see it
  9. Fantastic news!!! many thanks for your work!! I'm just a bit disappointed as I have had hoped that the long silence was, beacause MS/Asobo have hired you for MSFS2024 AI live ship traffic meanwhile 😉
  10. Hello, I have a suggestion for LNM (or perhaps it is already implemented and I do not know it) Could the current range or distance rings be enhanced with the option to show flight time also? Means: I have a certain plane profile loaded, where a approx max speed is included. Taken this as base to show a ring how long the flight time would be. Imagine I click into the map and draw the ring, similar to distance currently, and then it shows me the flight time of the aircraft for certain rings (maybe user setable: 15min, 30min, 1h, 2h, 3h, etc) I often need such a feature to simply make choices where to fly and what addon to use, simply because I know I have e.g. 2h spare time to fly. Would be a nice feature, thx!
  11. My advice would be to check in tomorrow again and see if the store is still online (1st April, cough, but I'm not sure myself at all as it is a lot of effort for just an aprils fool))
  12. Be careful, you easily get banned from the official forums. Happened not just me. Developer is very sensitive about critics.
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