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Everything posted by mwilk

  1. If it kept these people off the streets for a few hours, then it wasn't wasted space.
  2. Great shots. I live about 3 miles west of DFW and that's exactly how it looks.
  3. An aircraft under tow needs to be powered for hydraulics for brake pressure and for the beacon and nav lights and the radios if you're repositioning on a controlled ramp or taxiways. We always started the APU but maybe the 787 has a different feature where you don't have to do that.
  4. Ask and you shall receive.
  5. You must not be a Game of Thrones fan.
  6. Hi Dave, Is the current version of P2A considered a release candidate or is it still considered a beta release?
  7. If you could take every ATC program that has been written and combine them, you might be fairly close to a perfect program. None of them are perfect and a lot of it comes down to the service that the developer provides after the sale.
  8. Actually, it says beta in the bug reporting forum on this site. Regardless, the software is updated monthly if not sometimes weekly, so I'm missing your point.
  9. Remember that P2A is in beta so there are going to be issues. The developer is as engaged with his users as any I've encountered.
  10. Pilot 2 ATC is the one that I use. It has a 10 day demo, I believe.
  11. If I'm not mistaken, there an issue with the latest version that causes you to be vectored even though you've been assigned a STAR. I think I read where it is supposed to be fixed in the next update.
  12. Is FedEx still MIA when it comes to AI? I know World of AI pulled their FedEx package.
  13. I've had the same issue using MT6.
  14. Very nice shots. DFW is ridiculously large. I worked there for 13 years. The Delta hanger on the east side is now an American Airlines hanger.
  15. P2A sees the AI aircraft but doesn't control them. It's basically you and P2A. That may be about to change with the next version of World Traffic.
  16. Great aircraft. I'm patiently waiting for the P3Dv4 compatible A320 to be released.
  17. I'm not at my computer so I'm going from memory. If you look down by where your left leg would be, there's a place to store the tablet. If you click on that it comes back up. I could be wrong though.
  18. Do they have all of the correct liveries? I read where there will still old liveries being used.
  19. Anyone noticing a performance loss when turning on the landing lights? I'm running 8 MSAA with DL on. With either the PMDG NGX or 747 I get a ~ 10 FPS loss at night. I haven't experienced this with any other scenery.
  20. British Airways Virtual, Scandinavian Virtual Airlines, Air Source, Air France Virtual, Royal Dutch Virtual, QVirtual (Qantas), Air Canada Virtual, and a whole bunch of others. I've found the majority don't require online flying. They may require that you have a Vatsim ID but that doesn't mean you have to fly with Vatsim. I don't.
  21. I didn't see anything that smacked of gouging. If they are truly updating the scenery by adding new buildings or runways and using the new features of P3Dv4 then they're entitled to charge. If they were just changing the installer, that would be a different story.
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