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Everything posted by Deltaguy

  1. I have always enjoyed the 767 from Captain Sim. The exterior model is nicely done, there are a lot of liveries and the VC and function is great. I know they have made some rather poor aircraft lately, but the 767 for P3Dv5 is nicely done and worth the money, even when not on sale.
  2. I bought the early version and have had this aircraft since they released it for P3D. The aircraft is really nice visually. Model and cockpit are great. It is extremely buggy, I mean extremely. They have been working a lot on it, so it continues to improve. They really ticked me off when it first came out. They released it for MSFS about two months before the P3D version. Then they continued to improve the MSFS version before releasing the P3D version, almost as if they weren't going to finish a P3D version. To their credit, after a lot of ticked off users, they finally started to work on the P3D version. I think everyone will be impressed with the aircraft. It is as nice or better than the PMDG version from years ago. It will have some bugs and non working features when it's released, but they said those would continue to be improved. It has been a long wait for this bird..I think it will be one that is worth the wait.
  3. P3D 5.4 for me, and I don't really care what others are using.
  4. If you use Immersion, the lights don't work, you have to uninstall it from ORBX each time if you want lights to work.
  5. Finally got everything working correctly. Not sure how, but did a system restore, and everything now works and no more invisible wall.
  6. Well, I uninstalled every FSdreamteam product and reinstalled it. No more wall, but now half my add on products like Aerosoft aircraft and a lot of my scenery is missing. Did a system restore and gonna try again
  7. At KMEM it's an invisible wall on the taxiways and the runway just about at the start of the numbers. Never had this issue before.
  8. I have noticed the same since updating the latest GSX update.
  9. Wow, what a great hobby we have isn't it? A lot of people on this post need to look in the mirror and grow up. I come to this forum to gain new knowledge about P3D, and this is the garbage we get to read every single day? Who knew P3Dv6 would be so polarizing to the community? I personally have gained a lot of knowledge from Adam and his videos. He is probably the most knowledgeable person outside of maybe the Lockheed developers on the subject of P3D and how to get the most out of the sim.
  10. Of course it works for version 5. I just ran the installer and chose my version 6 folder. Works perfectly.
  11. I found that if you can set your monitor refresh rate to 30hz, it is the single best way to get a fluid, no stutter experience.
  12. I know it's an old aircraft, but the Quality wings 757 works perfectly in V6
  13. I must say it is very smooth and I do see a huge improvement in a lot of areas. Now we must wait to see what works and doesn't work with it. If most payware somehow work, this will be a huge improvement over P3Dv5.4. Time will tell. I like what I have seen so far.
  14. I moved the scenery to the bottom of my library and it solve it for me.
  15. It has? I don't see anything on their website or in the app that shows an update.
  16. I really like the look and feel of P3D over MSFS, but that is just me. I find it funny how people start threads like these. Why does it bother people so much that there are some of us that still like P3D over MSFS? It's almost as if you have to convince yourself that MSFS is better for everyone, and we are beneath you. People enjoy this hobby in many different ways, and for me, it will remain with P3D. I am excited to see what version 6 has in store for those that still enjoy this great platform.
  17. Glad they are finally getting close to finishing this project. It's been in the works for so long. There was a great merge out there a year or so ago, but I believe the company took it off their website due to an issue with the original engine developer. Tropical something. I think they merged a Neo engine onto the Aerosoft model. Can't remember exactly the combo, but they didn't get permission or something and had to shut that download down. From the screenshots, it looked really well done.
  18. Tried all of that, still no luck. I can follow an aircraft on take off, but as soon as it lifts off, it disappears. No flights in the air at all.
  19. Using P3dv5 and all the traffic is great on the ground around the airport, but the minute the plane departs the runway it disappears. Same happens when an aircraft lands, it suddenly appears out of nowhere down the runway. Is there a setting missing somewhere? All seems to be perfect on the ground. I can't get a single aircraft to show up in the air. I have waited 30 minutes and tried several airports.
  20. Same here, doesn't happen on A320 series.
  21. Oh my, I can't wait to get off work and try this. These are the most incredible screenshots I have ever seen for P3D. Thank you Adam. I just recently stumbled on your youtube on how to make PBR for aircraft. It worked like a charm and makes my sim so much more enjoyable.
  22. For some odd reason, I don't get any stutters or loss of FPS anymore. My P3D has been running absolutely perfect the last few months.I did upgrade my machine to a new PSU recently. I can't imagine that helped, but maybe my GPU needed a little extra room to breathe. I don't want to touch a thing. My biggest improvement came when I limited the refresh rate on my monitors to 30. My FPS just stay at 30 and never move more than one or two off of that. I probably just jinxed myself!
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