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Prepar3D V 3.4 Released


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How do you see your keyboard/controls if you have VR on your head?


No idea yet, I haven't installed 3.4 yet - will wait a day or two.  I need to see what problems others run first into and little busy with work for the next few days.


I noticed most people use flyinside+VR for P3D. Will this still be necessary now that there is native VR support?


I will see on what really is going behind the scenes on this on.  From the release notes, it looks like Native Support is there now but I will have to test P3D 3.4 in a test system.  But it could be day or two based on my schedule.

Active Pattern: MSFS2020 | In Long term Storage: Prepar3d  

How I Evaluate Third Party Sim Addon Developers

Refined P3Dv5.0 HF2 Settings Part1 (has MaddogX) and older thread Part 2 (has PMDG 747)


Shift + F5 (cinematographer mode)

Nav aids visualized in the 3D world, ILS, jetways, airspace, intersections, weather stations, airports, VOR

Many bug fixes including a long term bug around click input delay (very noticeable on FMC's) now fixed, DR fix, and many others

VR support

AVATAR person can fire/aim guns for those with a military flare (I'm sure can also be used for non-military with some creative flare)

Control input can be set to RAW or Direct

Bunch of other new features that don't work in FSX but is available for P3D that "I hope" will someday be used by 3rd party vendors (I keep hoping)


As always, you should wait for 3rd party content providers to provide updates (if required) BEFORE installing the V3.4 update.  


IMHO, this is a must have update for my needs, DR fix, mouse input click delay fix, and Cinematographer mode.  Work continues over at LM so more to look forward to in the future.


Cheers, Rob.


I am not a Prepar3D user yet... but reading the list of fixes to memory leaks gives me hope since the few Twitch and Youtube streamers I see all have problems with OOM and crashes.


Oh dude, get on that...I just moved to P3D last week and will NEVER go back to FSX.




Since native weapon usage only exists in the Pro Plus version, the avatar enhancement won't impact 99.9% of P3d users.


Just my two cents but there is hardly anything in the release notes that would make me jump on a upgrade.



IMHO, this is a must have update for my needs, DR fix, mouse input click delay fix, and Cinematographer mode.  Work continues over at LM so more to look forward to in the future.



Sorry if I missed this, but what is DR fix? 

Let me guess.... you want 64bit. 

Josh Daniels-Johannson


Just my two cents but there is hardly anything in the release notes that would make me jump on a upgrade.

I fly solely VR now-so this is a BIG DEAL in my book!


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Oh dude, get on that...I just moved to P3D last week and will NEVER go back to FSX.

I could but I own one aircraft that is compatible, the Q400, but not much scenery is compatible that I want to use, a lot of Aerosoft scenery that does not work good in P3D. And I would have to get the Estonian Migration Tool which I would rather save my money and buy a new scenery. I will upgrade the day FSLabs release their Airbus.


Does anybody know if the current FSUIPC version is working?


pete is in holidays .... of course  :P

Guenter Steiner

Betatester for: A2A, LORBY, FSR-Pillow Tester

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