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Prepar3D V 3.4 Released


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Does anybody know if the current FSUIPC version is working?


pete is in holidays .... of course  :P


This is Just too good.  http://forum.simflight.com/topic/82090-pete-dowson-is-away-until-september-20th-2016/


Yeah, Pete goes in Vacation and P3D releases.  Looks like this is a defacto a P3D early release ritual indicator.  I always check his schedule but this time I missed it and he posted in Sep 8.  So for next time we all can make some inferences that his vacation schedule is always near a release or patch upgrade or something to do with P3D

  • Upvote 1

Active Pattern: MSFS2020 | In Long term Storage: Prepar3d  

How I Evaluate Third Party Sim Addon Developers

Refined P3Dv5.0 HF2 Settings Part1 (has MaddogX) and older thread Part 2 (has PMDG 747)




for me it seems to work fine so far



FSUIPC or the update itself?

Guenter Steiner

Betatester for: A2A, LORBY, FSR-Pillow Tester




yes Sir. Still the same Version i used with 3.3.5


thanks for the info. Will update then ...

Guenter Steiner

Betatester for: A2A, LORBY, FSR-Pillow Tester



Nav aids visualized in the 3D world, ILS, jetways, airspace, intersections, weather stations, airports, VOR



How to activate this feature?

  • Moderator

Do you get the scenario screen and THEN no launch, Rich or just nada when you try to start P3D?





RIG#1 - 7700K 5.0g ROG X270F 3600 15-15-15 - EVGA RTX 3090 1000W PSU 1- 850G EVO SSD, 2-256G OCZ SSD, 1TB,HAF942-H100 Water W1064Pro
40" 4K Monitor 3840x2160 


Windows10 anniversary user beware - after only updating client and content P3D will not launch - not good


Isn't it fun to be a beta tester?   :wink:


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020  iFly 738Max, PMDG 777    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  Beyond  ATC  , Flightsim First  Officer 

A Pilots LIfe V2-L3 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310




Isn't it fun to be a beta tester?   :wink:


Yah no kidding - been a joke lately 

Do you get the scenario screen and THEN no launch, Rich or just nada when you try to start P3D?





Hi Vic nothing happens tried deleting p3d.cfg file and Prepar3D_Default.fxml  &  Prepar3D_Default.wx files - still nothing 

Rich Sennett


  • Commercial Member

Don't forget all those add-on dlls listed in "dll.xml" are supposed to be compatible. And most have yet to be updated.


One of them could easily cause the crash on startup.

  • Upvote 1

Don't forget all those add-on dlls listed in "dll.xml" are supposed to be compatible. And most have yet to be updated.


One of them could easily cause the crash on startup.


look into that now makes sense - thanks

Rich Sennett



Looks like a new install in order - super removed anything that could be causing the issue - oh well 


Small update uninstalled FSLABS Spotlights and P3D started up so this might help some others had a feeling that was it even though I did remove exe and dll files which probably didn't help because new p3d version wouldnt run


Also uninstalled EZDOK so not sure which one or if both caused the issue - should have done one at a time 

  • Upvote 1

Rich Sennett



Shift + F5 (cinematographer mode)

Nav aids visualized in the 3D world, ILS, jetways, airspace, intersections, weather stations, airports, VOR

Many bug fixes including a long term bug around click input delay (very noticeable on FMC's) now fixed, DR fix, and many others

VR support

AVATAR person can fire/aim guns for those with a military flare (I'm sure can also be used for non-military with some creative flare)

Control input can be set to RAW or Direct

Bunch of other new features that don't work in FSX but is available for P3D that "I hope" will someday be used by 3rd party vendors (I keep hoping)


As always, you should wait for 3rd party content providers to provide updates (if required) BEFORE installing the V3.4 update.  


IMHO, this is a must have update for my needs, DR fix, mouse input click delay fix, and Cinematographer mode.  Work continues over at LM so more to look forward to in the future.


Cheers, Rob.


Same routine as always just wait and when the major ones are there time to do the update :-)



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