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Everything posted by joby33y

  1. Is DX12 a requirement in order to utilize DLSS ? Or does it also work with 11?
  2. I installed SU10 yesterday, & took a midday / clear skies flight in the TBM. To me, the view out the window inVR looks much better now. Much less washed out. I am using the HP Reverb 2. The change log for 10 (vr section) mentions this issue, so at least they’re ack / working on it. I haven’t yet tried the 737 but will today.
  3. Working on fixing this today. Wasn’t sure if it was just me or something amiss after SU10, but same thing here….takeoff in the TBM requires an enormous amount of left rudder. Didnt occur until now. I am using FSUIPC7 and T-Pendular pedals for rudder / steering.
  4. It is a well documented problem specific to MSFS VR & their ‘camera exposure’. Flying in mid day with sunny skies, its hard to see any detail while looking outside when airborne….and runway markings from the 737 cockpit are a white-out, its so washed out. yes, as op states the OpenXR toolkit will help some, but not enough. One fix I suggest: set a solid overcast, blocking / reducing the sun. I set a thin overcast layer at FL350 - Quite a bit better. Or, you can also try flying early morning or later afternoon, ie, placing the sun lower in the sky. Much better visuals. Check out the changelog in the SimUpd 10 that just released…this issue is listed at the top of the VR section & supposedly being addressed, but I’m skeptical. Its an ongoing debate within the user base, because alot of folks dont use VR & so do not agree or notice the over-exposure. I always fly VR, during departures and approaches / landings. To me, this is the #1 problem / flaw of this sim. I haven’t yet installed SU 10, so I can’t comment. Too busy flying other sims to mess around.
  5. I have used the CV1, Rift S, Quest 2 (link), and just upgraded to HP Reverb G2. The Reverb is the best bang , and I believe its still on sale from HP direct. You’ll be really pleased with the improved clarity from the CV1. Huge difference. Then get a nVidia 30xx card & you’ll be all set.
  6. I would like to try this. Q: are you using bluetooth to connect the Xbox joystick to the PC? I have a Xbox series ‘S’.
  7. Appreciate the post & advice, because last Saturday, I ordered the G2. I have reached the end of my patience with the Quest (&I’ve been flying in VR for years). Good for stand alone VR experiences, but I too will move on for MSFS & P3D flights. Thx,
  8. Turn down ‘Terrain LOD’ , and please try a link cable if you have one. Trying to fine tune / optimize MSFS over WiFi is tough.Turn OFF Photogrammetry. Since you have good clarity w/ native apps, then something basic isn’t set correctly. I’m not a believer in trying to push this much data over WiFi. If the router is blocking or otherwise creating a bottleneck, then you’re facing a tough problem to nail down. Also, please assign a key so that you can adjust your position backward or forwrd (ie, closer or farther from the panel) while sitting in the cockpit, and let us know if your ability to see the instruments improves after adjusting your position. My rig is very similar to yours - I am using the Quest 2 w/ a link cable - decent results. But it can always be better. Best of luck,
  9. Is the overexposed / washed out sky being addressed in this update?
  10. The -700 looks great on the Quest 2, so I imagine the -6 would also look great.
  11. I have it & it works great. I really enjoy a true earth experience while flying over the coastlines & keys. .The PuntaGorda area, PortCharlotte & Peace River…awesome, to name a few great sights. I also own TE for all the west coast too…WA all the way to SoCal. It looks fantastic. I should mention however, that I am still running P3D4.5. I just can’t get around ‘device hung’ errors in P3Dv5, and it always happens over TE areas with a complex airliner such as PMDG or FSL.
  12. You run the risk of Device Hung error, which has yet to be solved. The ‘fixes’ for this problem do not work for all cases.
  13. I didn’t realize they had updated it, thanks for posting …it’s one of my top 5 destinations, been flying there for years. Love that airport.
  14. Very clever solution! Thanks for sharing that one. I typically ‘peek’ through the nose - opening in my headset to see the Foreflight screen on my iPad.
  15. Sure. Suggest you go to youtube and search VR for MSFS2020. There are great resources there including reviews on Varjo and Pimax. VR Flightsim guy posts some good tips. However, I’f you’re not happy with Oculus performance, you might look at your system in general. I agree that Quest 2 has some quirks, but I’m hesitant to go spend another $ x00 dollars (x = pain) only to discover that another headset is only slightly better. I’ve used Oculus Rift, Rift- S, HTC Vive, and now using Quest 2 w/ USB link.
  16. You dont click. Oculus runs its own XR. It aint broke…dont fix it …just enjoy. cheers,
  17. They’ve missed the bus. 😂😂
  18. Can someone that has tried the OpenXR toolkit report back on progress? This issue must be solved. It is super annoying. I’ve resorted to setting an overcast layer at FL350, playing with thickness & then flying below that layer just to tame the brightness/ bloom of the sun. Obviously not an ideal solution.
  19. Running it with Quest 2 & link ….fantastic performance, butter smooth. Better than P3D.
  20. …a developer who, over the years, has supported our beloved P3D with some great sceneries in fun places to fly. Now they release a version that they will stand behind for P3D 5 install and general compatibility, and this is what they get? The usual AvSim bashing and negativity ? C’mon guys, lets throw something positive out there and show support for devs who have had to figure out the new flightsim landscape. They realize that putting a huge amount of effort for a v5 update is probably not going to net them a reasonable ROI. I have really enjoyed T’Sim sceneries over the years, and I really hope they continue their good work and stay profitable, even in these times of change. Now, off to Aruba. respectfully,
  21. Absolutely, positively yes. I just did the same thing. I’ve been flying with old faithful CV1 for years. I bought a ‘link” USB cable for the Q2, and I was surprised at how much better everything looks. Fantastic visual & much higher resolution. Im still tweaking performance, but its already very good.
  22. Quest 2 & PC link requires Oculus rutimes. Within the Oculus environment, OpenXR is referenced.
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