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  2. Should have tested this with Pilot2ATC as well.
  3. Also, be extra careful to write the variables and events in the same syntax every time. A different space character, upper vs lower case and AAO will treat them as different variables ( and needlessly query the variable value multiple times in paralel)
  4. IIRC these indexes are for selected vs managed vs ?? AP modes. But that is probably aircraft dependant too. Index 0 is somehow special, but I don't remember what the deal was. I think that 0 is the equivalent to not supplying any index.
  5. WUT That is so kind of them. Due to this very reason... I......Sir Sonosusto Dark Helmet (Captain Piett, be quiet and let me finish) the III, have decided to finally join the beta for MSFS. How do I join the beta. Dear gosh.
  6. The ini has RNAV and Missed approaches so I will likely use it more than the FBW. Granted, I also have the Fenix which beats them all.
  7. A fine simmer Ron, a fine simmer indeed! I would not be the painter I am today if it weren't for all of your beautiful artwork over the years!
  8. Thanks! Was just suprised that A:AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED HOLD VAR, knots would return different values to the screens even though AAO confirmed the current dial was set to 166 kts. We are now using the INDEX for airspeed and mach.
  9. Yep. I got into DCS because I wanted the challenge of landing on a carrier and the options in P3d were um... Less than awesome. Then like you, I discovered the immense systems depth in the F18 and F16 and started learning it. And of course, in order to learn it you have to use it, which means it's time to learn BFM which is also fun. My limitation in DCS is that I've sunk all my hardware money into civilian stuff - Fulcrum yoke, Bravo, etc. Not real useful for fighters, and the T1600M is, while decent, not precise enough for things like smooth aerial refueling. So now I'm toying with getting a really nice HOTAS setup, preferably one that's reversible so the stick can double as an Airbus sidestick. 😉
  10. There is no default, you have to supply the correct slot index when using these variables. Same goes for the events, they are indexed too. In MSFS each slot has a different purpose, see SDK doc.
  11. You shouldn't have to deactivate anything to get it working well. It is most likely the app settings you are using are too aggressive for your system's capability. Can you post up your main system specs and the app settings you have set.
  12. I suppose at that point it really depends on your personal definition of "quite well". There are definitely real world boxes that get flown commercially daily that don't necessarily perfectly hit every case either, although like sim avionics, they get updated over time. That's a list of some of the least intuitive (and sometimes borderline/non-compliant on the spec in design) procedures. From a more global standpoint those particular cases are in the vast minority and their construction isn't necessarily well covered (or in some case at all covered) by spec. So, you have to compare the chart to the computations and continue to add more and more design specific edge cases. It isn't really just a matter of loading up the latest PANS-OPS volume and coding to that (and especially not 424, which covers nearly zero of these types of pathological cases). In other words, saying one is coding to 424 and PANS-OPS doesn't indicate case completeness (it's what we're all doing already), as the cases that break and their resultant solutions aren't enumerated in those documents outright anyway.
  13. Fenix is on v2.0.0.407, no longer the v1.0.6.146 listed in the spreadsheet. Does that alter the results? Would be interesting to see FBW A32N and other capable aircraft tested in MSFS.
  14. Interesting phenomenon in the StreamDeck XL (MultiGauge) vs the StreamDeck + (Rotary Canvas). Code below is used in Horizon 789 Mod on the ground for indication of SPD. On the XL the code seems to always default to slot index :0 value of 166 kts, but the exact same code on the PLUS unit wants to default to slot 2 or 3 (200 kts). The work around was always to use :0 index, but any thoughts as to why the behaviors would be different? On the plus if you switch to another profile and then back then it trues up to SLOT :0, which is unusual. Code S: (L:XMLVAR_SpeedIsManuallySet,Bool) if{(A:AUTOPILOT MANAGED SPEED IN MACH, bool) if{%(A:AUTOPILOT MACH HOLD VAR, number)%!0.3f!} els{%(A:AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED HOLD VAR, knots)%!3.0f!}} els{' '}
  15. A shameful cut and paste from another forum but - Shameful cut n paste from our SM post today (apologies) here’s the latest and a bit about or joint decision in terms of the Duke release. Regarding our plans for release we have considered all options and feel the right thing to do is release as soon as it’s ready (offering options during installation in terms of which version of the Sim you are running) . This means that users of both Sim Updates will be able to enjoy the Duke immediately, and once Sim Update 15 releases, all users can simply rerun the installer to install the Sim Update 15 compatible version and take full access of the new Sim Update 15 features. More info will be available on release. If you do want to be informed the minute the Duke releases you should really head to the product pages and sign up for an email notification by using the ‘Email me when available’ tab and remember the money-saving bundle will also be available immediately upon release. Note, release will be only from our website initially. No timeline or current plan to add to submit to the marketplace. When things calm a little we’ll be discussing options on that front then. Product pages: Turbine: https://www.justflight.com/product/black-square-turbine-duke Piston: https://www.justflight.com/product/black-square-piston-duke Product page for the bundles will be live as soon as the products go live. Hope that helps. Shouldn’t be too long to wait now.
  16. Indeed that will be the problem. I don't know why Thrustmaster decided to use a rotary for that function - do any Airbuses use a rotary for autobrake? Edit: Checked the actual assignments - I really shouldn't try to do this from memory. I have mine mapped as follows: Button24 - set autobrake med Button23 - set autobrake lo Button26 - set autobrake hi This way if the rotary is moved to LO you get low autobrake and then you immediately move it back to BTV (which isn't assigned to anything) - this does not 'unset' the autobrake, just makes it so that it will be released when you commence manual braking. Similarly to get medium autobrake you move it to 2 then 3, and to get autobrake max you move it to HI then 3. I've been running like this since I first got the Thrustmaster and it always releases normally as soon as I hit the toe brakes.
  17. Made by Boris Audio Works, he's the absolute best. I have begun flying the dreaded Aerosoft CRJ again thanks to his soundset.
  18. The archive still shows 04/30 date.
  19. He needs to show some proof... come on, the 777 was supposed to be released by now and they don't even have some substantial previews ready?
  20. I am still gobsmacked by past screenshots and wish each day I could fly in Live Weather skies like these again.
  21. @ryanbatc You probably know this already but both FSHud and P2ATC do the weird taxi instructions thing.
  22. These are diesel engines on very large trucks. Something that cannot be converted to electricity any time soon. These trucks are run 20 hours per day on average so forget about stopping to charge. These trucks produce "maybe $25,000 per hour so when it's not in the dirt working, it's not making the money." These trucks had a 69 liter Caterpillar engine with an oil change every 250 hours with 89 *gallons* of oil per change. The technology extended this to 500 hours, and could have gone longer but the company had a 500 hour mandatory limit. (They changed oil based on condition of the oil.) The operator said it saved $180,000 over the life of the engine in oil changes alone. This "archaic technology" is the only technology there is to do the job. Hook
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