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  2. Therein lies the problem. Vatsim controllers are in the majority not retired and have a full time job as well. So most of them will only come online around 20pm local time. The best coverage is of course on the weekends.
  3. I have! These are mine, definitely not photoshopped (yes, the storm had a greenish hue to the sky) and show what happened to cloud rendering and especially the lighting. I also clearly remember many "Wow"-moments back then and many screenshots where I had to look twice to determine that it was indeed MSFS and not a real photo. These days i recognize MSFS at first glance, and "Wow" moments come from everything else but the way the sky looks. While I agree that we sometimes tend to think of the past as better than it actually was, we also tend to settle for mediocrity too easily even though we know there could be better.
  4. To follow up on the awesomely realistic taxi and TO out of nearly clear skies at KDEN a little while ago we did our descent to approach to KSHR in stormy weather and were presented with this. The landing was awesome!!!!!!!! Unfortunately compression degrades this image but it's easy to see the low cloud resolution but even so just contrast this w/ the 2D sprite based clouds in P3D of old and try to imagine just how much more processing intensive this is compared to the old model. Good Lord! I keep my frames locked at 45 despite the fact wide open was 64 or so here because rather sadly I've found Nvidia Frame Generation to be a colossal loser for me, for reasons I still can't come to terms with. Maybe it's my screen, or something else in the new and old builds but IQ suffers too much now that I'm completely spoiled w/ Render Scale 150 and TAA and AMD Fidelity at 200. Another shameless plug for Self Loading Cargo: if you need something to keep your head in the game this is highly recommended.
  5. I agree, @lwt1971 People forget that back in that time, forums were full of people complaining that MSFS does not run well on their potato because it is a well known problem that most are unable to use those strange things called "settings" and only know "ultra". People complaining as soon as the game does not provide 60+ FPS on 4K using "all ultra". But then accepting the consequences? Of course not... Not only MSFS suffering from this, basically every game that does not run everything on "ultra" with 60+ FPS on 4K after release will have the same sh*storm going on, mostly from people using mediocre hardware of course. Always the same story.
  6. Your settings are messed up somewhere, probably you have the render scale slider mistakenly set to 200? Check your screenshots, you use 1440p as monitor resolution, but your sim gets rendered in a whopping 3942x2218 resolution. Way more a 4070 can take. And furthermore, your post is even higher, 5120x2880. Both resolutions are HIGHER than 4K... So back to field 1: post your settings of MSFS and inside nVIDIA Control Panel showing the page for Microsoft Flight Simulator please. Something is seriously off here.
  7. People would have been just as certain not so long ago that something like the Dune expansion would have no place in the sim, as well. I'm never so certain as some, about predicting the future.
  8. I mostly fly during the day, in the US. Right now I am flying from KDFW to KCID on A pilots Life. I believe there is around 3 controllers online in the entire US,
  9. A lot of myths are getting repeated here, unsurprisingly... Firstly, the major change around clouds variety in live weather came with SU7 and METAR integration (something they've improved since then, but still not where live weather used to be in terms of weather variety pre SU7 when it was purely global albeit inaccurate locally vs METAR). Secondly, the push for performance in SU5 was not just for XBox, but also due to the #1 wishlist item (and loud complaints) at that time from PC users to improve performance.. and it's also the case that a wide range of PC users have lesser hardware than XBox-X. For XBox-S and XBox-X, given that settings can be tightly controlled and locked down by MS/Asobo without needing to open up configurability as with PCs, MS/Asobo have decided on a set of hardcoded visual fidelity settings in-sim that delivers acceptable performance for XBox-S (targeting 1080p) and X-Box (targeting 4k). As easy as it is to use XBox as the scapegoat for everything, it was the push to improve performance in general that perhaps also degraded the quality (not variety) of clouds in SU5.
  10. Actually it is possible in real life, and it's the main job of controlers. In high traffic areas they continuously monitor and request speed change to grant separation, at least in Europe, during approach and also on prior center if necessary.
  11. What an amazing video, such resolution based on film of that time. I even saw a large saloon car, just like the one my grandparents had when I was little. That video was taken 11 years before I was born!
  12. OOpps - indeed - I meant to say DA-62. Thanks for clarifying.
  13. newtie


    Or just not interested.
  14. 🤦‍♂️ ...and PCs. I know it's fashionable on Avsim to slam all things Xbox, but the degradation was also because many PCs were struggling with MSFS. With the advent of Frame Generation, AMD -X3D and higher Intel CPUs, and Nvidia 4000-series GPUs, people seem to have forgotten how 'Ultra' and even 'High' settings were problematic on a lot of systems.
  15. This statement seems to ignore the idea cloud resolution was reduced across the entire range from Low to Ultra cloud settings.
  16. Because the video ignores MS' desire to keep weapons out of a civilian-focused flight sim. (Everyone knows the A-10 Warthog carries a huge spotlight under the nose... 😉) Use the same base components as MSFS to possibly create a separate title such as Combat Flight Sim? Sure. If Eagle Dynamics is actually struggling and MS pushes ahead with attempts to win commercial contracts, CFS2026 could well be a thing. Just absolutely not as part of civil flight.
  17. From where I sit, Avsim reacted appropriately to an idiotic video. There's a real cancer of clickbait articles and videos making obvious BS claims. Sometimes they're more subtle - "PMDG 777 release date" headline with "we don't know when the release date is" in the body, and sometimes they're just stupid, like this video yakking on about things that will never happen. I personally don't care about putting combat in MSFS. Like others have said, there's no point. DCS will always do it better. But claiming they're going to do it is intentionally lying for clicks, because they're never going to do it.
  18. Today
  19. Am I the only one seeing (very) low-resolution textures? Very loud fuel pump? Engine sounds good though ... on medium-length flight and exploring what there is to explore.
  20. read the rest of my post. I edited it while you were writing that.
  21. Can they? Not is not technically possible, I know that is, but did they design this functionality into 2020? Is the design robust enough to adapted from an X-Box S to a high end gaming PC? My impression has been that they didn't, which is why in the end they may have needed to dial back some settings and changed the rendering parameters. Having launched for PC only I can easily appreciate when it came time to move the title to X-Box that issues they had not anticipated would arise. I also miss the depiction of the world pre SU5/7 but I understand why they needed to make those changes and I fully support the decision that they made -- because as Noel said the move to X-Box was undoubtedly necessary for the title to continue production and in fact I would not be surprised if 2024 was approved based on the X-Box achievement and results. We are in the 2020s no high-level studio-released game is going to be PC only, let alone high-end PC only.
  22. Some of them have dates in the file name, and they're dated 2020 They're not from that June 2019 blog, the user posted that blog just as an example of a blog that's missing screenshots.
  23. ICAO clearly states to not interpret it that way. "Pilot-interpreted Approaches (eg ILS) Phraseology The phrase ‘cleared ILS approach runway xx’ has, in the past, introduced some ambiguity whereby pilots have taken this to mean they are cleared to the altitude/height depicted on the approach chart immediately prior to the final approach fix. This should not be assumed; normally clearances to descend at this point will be given distinctly. " //ICAO Standard Phraseology, A Quick Reference Guide for Commercial Air Transport Pilots.
  24. You have a problem with gpu vram, need to lower texture resolution, most likely. Also your render scale is through the roof, check that also...
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