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Everything posted by mwilk

  1. You know absolutely nothing about copyright or software law. Take that attitude in court and let us know how that works out for you.
  2. It will be interesting to see how Asobo and Microsoft react to this. I'm not an attorney so I have no knowledge of any breach of EULA.
  3. I just tried it with the most recent developer update of the FBW A320. Everything seemed to work. I got the atis and was able to get a clearance from delivery. You might want to send the log file to Dave to see if he can figure out what happened.
  4. My guess, Mumbai. If I'm right I'll tell you how I figured it out. I'm more than likely wrong though.
  5. There are a number of airports where the jetways are missing or terminal walls.
  6. No Ryan, I was an Alpha|Beta tester for it since the beginning. I use it and P3D and occasionally X-Plane. Once PMDG releases their aircraft for it I'll probably use MSFS exclusively.
  7. Until the PMDG 737,777, and 747 come to MSFS, I’ll keep P3D on my computer.
  8. You might want to try the official PMDG forum. I'm sure a member of their team can help you out. https://forum.pmdg.com/
  9. This sim still needs some work but visually it's as good as we've ever seen... by a long way.
  10. Yep, that's the nasty beat up cockpit I remember from my airline days brake riding these things. They look nice when the airline first takes delivery but it doesn't take long for them to get this "used" look.
  11. There’s a fix for DFW night lighting on the .to.
  12. FWIW, I was getting crashes with the FBW A320 using the gaming drivers. I switched to the latest studio drivers and tried a flight between PHX and SAN. I was able to complete the flight with no issues. Who knows, tomorrow it might be back to CTD again.
  13. I'm using the TCA throttle and since SU5 you cannot move the #1 engine master start switch. The have it bound to another function and it cannot be changed. Asobo has to fix it.
  14. Hopefully the #1 engine start issues will be fixed in the next hotfix too.
  15. There's nine years to go as long as the ink on the ledger is black. If it ever turns red that ten year pledge won't mean a thing.
  16. I have P3Dv5, XP11, and DCS to keep me busy. Might even drag out the VR headset.
  17. It didn’t do anything for the airports with missing walls like PHX.
  18. For you airline flyers, it appears the upper level temperature bug has been fixed. UPDATE: After visiting the MSFS forums it appears that this problem still persists. Users are finding that their temps at high altitude are back to being way out of wack. There's some feeling that it's not the fault of SU5 but instead a server problem that is not reporting the correct temps. That's very disappointing.
  19. Adjust your rate of descent in P2A until it matches the TOD in your FMC.
  20. The beta testers are only useFUL if the developer listens to them. That has not always been the case with this software.
  21. We'll have to wait until our friends in Europe go to bed before we download in the US. You guys are going to bed, right? 😄
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