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Everything posted by Twenty6

  1. Templates > Apply other config to this aircraft Then go thru each binding to make sure they're correct axis.
  2. https://secure.simmarket.com/fsipanel-fsipanel-2020-standard-edition-msfs.phtml might be what you're looking for.
  3. If he is it's listed as unavailable on FlightSim.to. I have and use it all the time. No problems so I don't know what's up with the listing. Original author was "Wingman" but now it shows "F1Pole"
  4. I've been using TrackIR 5 for forever and don't fly without it. I have the Trackclip stapled to my Cubs hat or Blackhawks hat depending on season.
  5. I use a close up camera view if I need to see things up close. I don't believe the TDS has popup window. Check on his Discord (if you dare) to see if it's being considered. https://discord.gg/CFmmfJvP
  6. 1,2,3,4,5... Hard to tell as MSFS2024 hasn't been released yet. Everything out there now is marketing hype.
  7. Airport Design Editor: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/forums/airport-design-editor-for-msfs-2020.160/ which has a substantial learning curve. Or maybe you could convince somehow to do it for you if it's just one airport.
  8. People said that same thing about WordPerfect and Lotus 123, among others. Wonder what the established automakers thought when they first heard about the upstart Tesla electric vehicles?
  9. Did you ever resolve this? AAO recognizes my yoke/throttle as VelocityOne Flight, not as a "gamepad." So I'm wondering if your input mode is set to Xbox, not PC. I switched my input mode to Xbox and AAO did not pickup any axes or buttons on the throttle quadrant. Switch back to PC mode and no problems. No problem setting up the default Baron. I'm also running the v1.40 firmware on the VelocityOne Flight and have the USB cable connected directly to the computer, not a USB hub (powered or otherwise.)
  10. DLSS anti-aliasing is much blurrier. Worse than before. Switched to TAA to avoid the headaches.
  11. Open Microsoft Store and go into your Library. "Get Updates." See if that solves your problem.
  12. Version 0.9.28+patch1 is the current version. Where do you come up with v0.9.02?
  13. Back a couple pages in this thread was a mention of a 787 mod interfering with the Duke's tablet.
  14. Question for the one person that actually got onto the JustFlight website and bought the plane(s). What's the price of each and bundle???
  15. I uninstalled their KGSP. Did they ever get runways 4 and 22 pointing in the correct direction?
  16. Nirvana! Stop coding and go enjoy your work.
  17. Yes, it was a beta update. Forgot what thread I was in.
  18. Anyone else get an update to v1.37.9 earlier today (Friday)?? It fixed the starting in windowed mode snafu, updated WT instruments, Wright glider and Hughes Hercules. Some other minor updates went by too fast to notice.
  19. I start TrackIR and immediately switch into precision mode for the rest of the flight. Been doing this for 12+ years without issue in FSX, P3D and MSFS. To the OP ... did you try cleaning the camera and receptors?
  20. Where I currently live in NE Tennessee I have a data cap so I try to save 1s and 0s wherever possible. That said, I do use the cache built into the Map Enhancement program and have since this program came out. Without issues. I can't see any advantage to not using a caching option, but to each his/her own.
  21. Never heard of that. I've used it since it first came out. It's a small utility that just works.
  22. https://flightsim.to/file/15033/toolbar-pushback might be what you're looking for. You can go forward and backward manually or by plotting out a route, turning this way and that way.
  23. https://www.inibuilds.com/
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