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  1. Past hour
  2. Hunted by the „don‘t understand your callsign bug“, I share the disappointment many of you have. From my experience with Pilot2ATC, FSHud, BeyondATC and SayintentionsAI, let me say… Dear developers, without being asked, my advice to you is: Please don‘t even think about controlling other traffic or adding feature after feature if the basics do not work.
  3. The answer is in the official BKSQ FAQs, so I'm guessing that this is a common mistake.
  4. Good lord, you guys, my comment was DRIPPING w/ sarcasm. I literally spelled out exactly what BATC had done for people who were purchasing it.
  5. Indeed there was. In huge letters! Both a 'warning' notice AND a confimration box, that you were understanding the caveats of purhasing and using the software. I assume (and hope) that the above poster was being sarcastic.
  6. Didn't you read the screens during the purchase process that said essentially that? I can recall at least two screens (prior to actually making the purchase) that warned that the software was early access and to expect bugs. It is also clearly stated on their website.
  7. Today
  8. Once again you are showing render latency not system latency. Also looking at your older post's you seem to believe that smoothness and Latency are the same thing. They are not, yes your sim may be smooth but once you turn on Frame Gen you add system latency, it cannot be avoided.
  9. Put this in your pipe and smoke it...
  10. Just flew RJFS to RJFY and it went really smooth. Good vectors into the ILS. I used the auto-reply feature mostly as the Japanese accents are SO strong, it's hard to understand a lot of what they say. Still fun for the immersion, though. Boy, I'm with you! They should have told you outright it would be incomplete and buggy. In fact, they should have had a statement in writing with a giant font and a voice that reads the entire statement out loud telling us it would be buggy and incomplete before we bought it. Why didn't they do anything like that? If they had, I could have chosen to not spend my money on something incomplete and buggy! Like an adult who can make my own decisions! Oh well, if wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak.
  11. Frame Gen itself add significant overall system latency, it's factual and cannot be disproven. Luckily MSFS is a very slow paced Simulator so that added system latency is basically un noticeable but in a fast paced First person shooter it is very noticeable.
  12. It's so ubiquitous now I see the airport states 3000ft runway and make a mental note it's actually 2000ft usable. Scared some 🐦🐦🐦🐦in their nests tonight in the B60. Talking of Dukes... I notice that 'coming soon' has arrived twice Capt? 👍 I know what I'm watching with breakfast tomorrow!
  13. I usually don't comment in threads like this but LVFR left the scenery scene to move on to the development aircraft model scene to make money off the XBOX folks that will buy anything. No more comments here from me but that is the truth. If people wan't to spend their money on addons buy the Black Square Duke and get what you pay for and do some G.A. flying.
  14. Typical LVFR…. I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face, their sceneries weren’t stellar, but that’s what they should’ve stuck with.
  15. This was my first plane that I purchase from LatinVFR and the chances are it will be my last. The cockpit textures are just abismal,Toliss planes have actually better textures,this A340 textures it’s not for MFS standard by any means. Trying to flare this plane is a nightmare,the moment the AP gets disconnected the plane is to sensitive and then just floats down the runway then just plumbs to the runway. It’s just a complete dogs breakfast. I would have more respect for the developer if he was to say this thing was in Early Acess then releasing it not even half baked!
  16. Looks GREAT. https://store.x-plane.org/AW-109-SP_p_1891.html
  17. Some problems I have after 10 flights or so. - I really really dont like that I cant ask for a different runway or different aproach . I thought that wont be a problem but it really is. And I dont understant why, even the default ATC let you chose those if you really want. - If I try to request engine start and only engine start I`m getting a cleared to align or backtrack the runway, I have no idea why. -When its asking you to call when ready to descent and you confirm will call when ready to descent the AI will interpret that you are ready to descent and give you a lower altitude. On the same note, if you asked by mistake (like me pressing first option when in climb) for descent the whole flight is bricked. I was 500 miles away of my destination in climb and asked for descent. From there all I was getting was a heading and a lower altitude. Had to fly offline rest of the way. -you ask for descent once and thats it. You cant ask again even if you are at the asigned altitude, you need to wait until you get further descent even if that is way late. -I got a visual approach and because I couldnt find the airport fast the ATC activated missed approach and even if by then I had runway in sight and was ready to land I couldnt tell that and had to go around. -Some of the time is a really good idea to omit saying your callsign. If I`m getting a new frequency just saying my callsign at the end lower the chance of being understood by 50%. If I readback only the frequency no problem almost every time. I`m kinda dissapointed because I feel that the state of the program now is in no way ready to launch. And I`m only speaking about the IFR part not traffic. IFR aproach has maybe a 50% chance of going okey and they said that part is mostly done and in 2-4 months will have traffic. Yeah, not gonna happen. Maybe in a year will have traffic if they will fix the current problems with approach and vectoring. I`m almost certain that they run out of money and they need to lauch something asap whatever the state. The poll was only to have an excuse when people will complain about the multiple bugs and missing features.
  18. Thank you for the well laid out suggestion For Twenty6. I mistyped I meant to type version 0.9.28+patch1...Thank you for pointing that out
  19. Minor Update 1.0.26.EA - Added Upgrade to Supporter's Pack option for anyone that has the base product and wishes to upgrade for only half the price. - Added ability to call established on an ILS approach. - Added the active runway as a UI info box to IFR clearances, even if it is procedure not to speak the active departure runway in the clearance. - Continued fixes for speech regcognition with a focus on "Runway Niner Right" and "Niner". - Many voice tweaks; added more Premium Voices. - Added new auto-Respond Character AUS Male. - Fix for a crash entering the options menu. - More fixes for crashes when binding buttons from a non-US keyboard.
  20. Nice. Thanks Mark. That was extremely easy with the included documentation.
  21. Since OP mentioned TTools, there is also AI Flight Planner, you can download it from fsdeveloper
  22. But where does it sit in the scheme of A340-300 FS addons? Black box / PSS Feelthere / wilco xworks Is it good enough to switch to MSFS now for A343 flights? (The bar is low, though at least Xworks is free!)
  23. Yes, TLOD controls far too many different elements in MSFS, including tree draw distance, on one slider. There is a chart that demonstrates the effect of different TLOD values on trees and a tweak to get tress to display further in the distance. I'll share those tomorrow evening once I'm back at my desktop PC.
  24. I was going to mention this. Btw, does TOOD affect tree draw distance? I get a fair bit of trees popping in on final approach. When TLOD is low (since I’m using AutoFPS. Sorry if it has already been answered in this thread. It’s a menace. I really hope it will be better in ‘24. At the moment it’s either crash damage off… or going missed…
  25. Whenever MSFS is not in focus, both FG (fps halved) and g-sync (tearing) are inactive. I sometimes notice terrible stutters as if something is stealing the focus from the sim. Alt-Enter has solved it every time. Also, with AutoFPS’ “on top” feature, FG will be active, but g-sync not. According to my experience.
  26. I didn’t intend to install it, as I saw nothing in the release notes that would possibly benefit the sim. But I installed anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ve not noticed any changes. Also checked both nvidia github and techpowerup for any DLSS updates. 3.7 still seems to be most recent.
  27. Don't need to I've run DLSS FG many times w/ the rate capped at 60 or 70 or 80 and there is no subjective latency so all of your or anyone's theory doesn't mean squat when there is no subjective latency experience. There is NO MOUSE SLUGGISHNESS. Get it yet? Nope? You're stuck in theory and not reality. You might see it on an overlay, but if it's under the radar it's irrelevant. Those worthless CFX captures completely corroborate subjectively exquisitely smooth animation. I first witnessed the animation well before I ever knew about CFX, and learned no other locking device matched either the subjective experience nor the CFX capture. You can believe whatever you wish but I guarantee you this does not apply to all users.
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