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Everything posted by FrankSalo

  1. Did a quick test TFFJ -> TFFG. The weather depiction is much more accurate than it was previously. Hats off to Asobo on a nice update so far. The platform is slowly getting there.
  2. You may be able to exclude the Prepar3d Addons Folder, maybe this link may help? https://www.thewindowsclub.com/how-to-remove-a-folder-from-onedrive
  3. The airport bridges issue has been fixed since the last P3D hotfix. It was a P3D issue and the LM team resolved it.
  4. Hey Pixels, Matt had a run in with COVID this year and it hit him pretty hard, he gives updates on his recovery on his Twitter: https://twitter.com/MattDaviesHD.
  5. It is fictional and LM needed a default in that category to demonstrate the SDK. Any Cessna/Textron aircraft needs a Liscence to be represented in a sim and it would seem LM didn't want to go through the hassle given their target market (military).
  6. I agree, the Base + the Sharklets price made me pause but I eventually jumped in wanting the FSL airbus experience. First time I bought an addon plane that I fly more than the NGXu, thats saying something. I even ended up buying the Thrustmaster TCA Officer pack because of this plane. I only wish Aerosoft's A330 TCA support was more like the way FSL did theirs.
  7. With Windows 11 being released this month and support for Windows 7 ending in January 2020, you're going to see more developers dropping it as supporting 4 Windows Versions (11,10, 8, 7) would simply be too much for many developers. Since almost all Win 8.x folk have gone to Win 10 and given 10 and 11 both use the Windows Store, DirectX 12 and similar drivers, you'll see Win 10 and 11 being the supported platforms going forward.
  8. That's interesting, haven't had any issues with my 3900X so far. I'll count myself fortunate.
  9. The core launcher files are located in the ...\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator folder and when the launcher runs you can choose a directory to install to. I chose D:\MicrosoftFlightSimulator on my gaming drive. Given the sheer amount of changes since the gold release you'd end up downloading 100GB of update data anyway so might as well get the download version and be done with it.
  10. @Radial9 When you say not working, what is the issue you're having? Did you use the latest installer mjc8-400-Pro-1_021_x64-inst.exe (Installer name for pro version 1.021). Is the Navdatabase up to date from Navigraph? I like many in this thread have done a few flights in 5.2 without issue. If you gave us a particular problem we may be able to assist.
  11. So after the release of the TFDI MD11, Justflight A300, FSlabs Concord and ORBX Asia LC's we'll probably be at end of the line for P3D development as far as simmers are concerned? I'll still be using it as I can't have MSFS as my main driver until GSX, AIG , PMDG, QW etc have themselves comfortably running there.
  12. Caribbean islands in default FSX/ P3D are always underwhelming. Use the Fly Tampa St Maarten package that has TNCM, TNCS and TFFJ http://flytampa.org/tncm.html Happy flying.
  13. See this page here: https://carenado.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046625614-Installing-Carenado-aircraft-in-P3Dv5 I have the PC12, C208, B120, ATR72 and D0228 in 5.2 working fine.
  14. I'm hoping GSX is ready when the 737 releases. Then I'll shift more into MSFS.
  15. Remember back in 2006 when I built my first gaming rig Nvidia drivers were 70-80Mb. Then again the beta for FSX came out and we thought it was amazing. Look what we have now.
  16. Yep, tried it and found it more troublesome and immersion breaking than helpful. With a controller it is neat, but for mouse keyboard and joystick/yoke, it breaks the experience.
  17. Waiting how long now for version 0.9 (or even V5 compatibility) of the widebodies? I jumped to Aerosoft and Fslabs for my wide/narrow body enjoyment. Considering FBW have the neo, Aerosoft have the 330 and Fenix bringing the 320ceo in the new sim, BB won't even have a market and have to live off their Birdog and Islander.
  18. Found this out recently and think it may help those who encounter greyed out options or non working "Fly" button in MSFS. Acronis Cyberprotect and other modern backup solutions have a built in anti ransomware component. For some reason when the flightsimulator executable is downloading the game files it will delete the files in certain folders while leaving the folder structure intact. Funny thing is, when loading, the sim will see the folders and think all is well even though no files are in the nested folders. This results in missing components and MSFS not downloading the missing files no matter how many times you restart. I have noticed this happen with navigraph manual installers as it seems all those text files in the addons navdata folder being replaced triggers the cyber protect ransomware mitigation (installing navdata via the apllication has no issues though). The kicker is, Acronis does not give a pop up alert it is doing this. You actually have to log into the Acronis management page and read the logs to catch it. After adding the exe's and folders to the allowed processes and exceptions list and deleting the empty folders in the MSFS official folder, the sim downloads the missing components once started. Hope this helps someone, especially with crappy DSL like me who can't put aside a whole day to re download 100GB of files every time something acts up. What is odd is that Bitdefender EDR has no issues with either the sims or addons but the backup program does. Oh well. You live and learn.
  19. If they take the money they made from the 74-777 hybrid and actually make a decent 767 for the new platform, with proper flight model, vnav/lnav, custom fmc, sounds and just flies right at a good price, that will be the comeback of the decade. Would I bet money on it? No sure, but it would be spectacular to see.
  20. "10% of the billionaut’s net worth as estimated by Forbes’ “Real-Time Billionaire List” at the time of their launch. " This sentence alone demonstrates people have no clue on how things like net worth or finances actually work. If you live in a house valued at $500 000 and a few possessions worth $5000, $1000 in the bank and $10000 in debts, your net worth is $496 000. 10% of that is $49 600. Can you pull that out at a moments notice? This is by no means a defense of the wealthy, but in an era where its all about categorizing people and outrage, I like to understand the facts and nuances of certain things. Wealthy people do not have stacks of cash lying around, given continual inflation of fiat currency that is a terrible way to store wealth. People build wealth by creating companies that produce goods and services, buying property and using the money they earn to buy shares (pieces of ownership) of another company that naturally gain value over time. When you understand these ideas, their status is calculated not some miracle that is impossible to all but a select few, Which means that you can apply the same ideas and principles to improve your own life bit by bit. You may not be a billionaire in 20 years, but you'll be way better off than you are not making an attempt. Just a thought.
  21. I wonder what Dovetail is thinking now. Imagine next summer Microsoft announces "Microsoft Train Simulator" built on the world of MSFS. Microsoft bring their original properties back to prominence would be crazy.
  22. I suspected as much, the truth is whether we like it or not MSFS makes the most sense right now to get a return on investment for a complex aircraft. Businesses have to pivot to survive, its just the way it is. I was wondering what you guys would do given Asobo's ATR announcement for 2022. I'll be a day one purchase for sure.
  23. I run both P3D and MSFS and have no issue in doing so. MSFS updates on a 10-20MB connection can be a pain but doesn't stop me from using it. My only gripes with MSFS are the weather inaccuracies (I fly on VATSIM so kinda important), the lack of GSX and my study airliners (737, 787, Dash 8). Once GSX, PMDG 737 and Aerosoft Twin Otter hit my time will move from 90% P3D 10% MSFS to more 60% P3D 40% MSFS. The scale will slide as more come over. MSFS is getting better but doesn't mean I'll abandon everything for it. That said, I think we all need to keep something in mind. Yes Microsoft said this is a 10 year project however I have been through Zune, Kin, FSX, Flight, Windows Phone, Windows 8 Start screen over the last 20 years, so while MSFS is awesome and I look forward to the amazing projects coming out for it, I want Xplane and P3D to keep developing and pushing forward to keep Microsoft/Asobo on their toes and should the day Microsoft decide that Enterprise VM's or Forza data is more valuable than MSFS Photogrammy on their Azure Servers, we have something our developers can slide back into that they are familiar with. I'm optimistic but also realistic. I don't want a repeat of 2009/2010. Luckily Laminar and Lockheed will keep grinding, so they'll always be my backup plan. Have a great weekend guys.
  24. If its an A220/C Series, I'll definitely bookmark it.
  25. Hey Guys, I'm new to the FSLabs bus. When updating, is it a complete uninstall and run the new installer or does the new installer do the updating? Searched on the forum but didn't find the answer. Thanks.
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