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  2. @martin-w, I hope it’s your spell checker that’s calling it a gun instead of a camera make. 😉 Lots of quality kit there. Never had large or medium format cameras. Too expensive and too heavy. I bought a 200-500mm Nikkor but it needs a tripod or monopod. Or I need to go to the gym. 🤣
  3. As stated, it depends on which airplane you absolutely "must" have.. IMHO, the standard edition will keep you happy until the 2024 edition comes out..
  4. Meanwhile... truly diggin' the old-school KLN90b integration. Nice match for the "vintage" base model B60 piston Duke!
  5. Seems microtubules DO display quantum effects. If the research is correct, of course.
  6. Hi there I was wondering, if anyone can tell me how I can place a jetway to a 3rd party addon. I know I have to switch to developer mode and I found this video on youtube, but on this video, the beginning for me is missing. I can not reacreate how he came to these options. SDK is installed. Kind Regards and many thanks in advance Patrick
  7. So if I understand correctly, if we are using FG, we should NOT be capping FPS with RTSS. ONLY via the NVIDIA CP?
  8. From the video comments: Step 1: 2:41 clean up the cache in MSFS. Options>General Options>Data[scroll down]>Rolling Cache>Delete>Apply & Save. Step 2: 3:11 exit MSFS>Launch Nvidia Control>Manage 3D settings>[scroll down]Shader Cache size> Disable>Exit & Save Settings. Step 3: 3:45 open Appdata>Local>Nvidia>Keep Folders but Delete ALL files [or sub folders] within DX Cache and GL Cache folders. Step 4: 4:31 type in Disk Cleanup App>Open Disk Cleanup>Delete ALL in DirectX Shader Cache Step 5: 5:04 Restart PC Step 6: Open back Nvidia>Manage 3D settings>set Shader Cache Size to Default.
  9. I was a proffesional photographer back in the day, Ray. Sinar 5X4 studio camera, Bronica 6X6 roll film SLR, Hasalblad 6X6, Nikon SLR. Sloshing stuff around in dev tanks in those days, crossing your fingers it comes out okay. I always favoured Cannon for my SLR's after giving up the pro stuff. Smartphones are a pain, re the screen. I have to boost the brightness. I was photographing a cruise ship the other day, just arriving out of the mist, could barely see it. They should make an accessory optical viewfinder. There are some handy gadgets for them, like thermal etc.
  10. I always find I need a little bit of rudder to keep centerline, especially as most wind conditions are not straight down the runway. Although I find this much more pronounced in the Fenix A320 where I do find myself chasing the centerline a bit more. Good to know the transition should be smooth as the aircraft lifts off.
  11. Something's got to be up. I've been hand-flying the snot out of this thing since release and find it to be very solid. The pitch trim sensitivity for me is very very low. That being said, I've always found it pretty normal in any flight simulator and any plane to tweak the power, prop settings or mixture juuuuuusssst ever so slightly to get perfectly straight & level hands-off flight without some very very minor creeping up or down over the long haul (in perfectly calm air of course). It's certainly not changing pitch from positive to negative in any noticeable degree with one click of pitch trim. Might there be a conflict somewhere? So far this is all with the straight "stripper model" B60 Piston Duke, Haven't yet flown the Grand or Royal Turbine version since I want to work my way up to it to fully enjoy the differences. But, I'll say that hand-flying it has been so smooth that it very much strikes me as a worthy successor to the RealAir version. The wandering left and right down the runway on takeoff, I've expected given MSFS shortcomings and what's been said about SU15 correcting that. Again not much worse to me than some other high-powered piston aircraft in the sim.
  12. Sure, there needs to be a backup for those cases. I'd say anyone agrees on that, and from what I've read, the devs are already working on it.
  13. As if older software did not have issues. They do and, unlike new releases, they aren’t typically improved at the same pace, if at all.
  14. Deluxe is worth it for the Longitude & 787 alone but depending on what you want to fly, your mileage may vary!.. G
  15. The runway issue is so easily fixed. Either: add add “force arrival runway” choice like Pilot2ATC has or, even better, just allow “request runway 27L” option (like IRL.) I got assigned a crossing grass runway on a small airport. With BATC your only option is to end the software if it gives you a runway you can’t use.
  16. I know the feeling Noel About 45 minutes ago i said to myself, time to venture out.. So i went and bought a burger It felt so good to leave because i go for days at a time without leaving the house,
  17. Today
  18. You might try going over areas with different humidity and seeing if that isolates the problem. If that does make a difference, then you're probably just looking down onto obscured skies from above.
  19. Just a small point: It used to be "affirmative", but it's now just "affirm" to reduce the risk of confusion with "negative" if the first part of the word is clipped.
  20. I wish some developer would build a Saab 2000/340 passenger /cargo variant for XP-12. One plane i need for my hangar. I e-mailed Carenado a few years back, and they want nothing to do with X Plane Dave. Their loss. !!!!!!!
  21. Yes, the specs surprised me but three big drawbacks for me. 1) The screen is a pain on sunny days and eats battery life. 2) No RAW format for editing. 3) No interchangeable lenses. Clearly two different camps. I owned Olympus OM2 for over 20 years before switching to Nikon.
  22. With symmetrical thrust on a multiengine aircraft, rudder is minimal unless there's a crosswind. With a crosswind, you would transition smoothly from rudder input to coordinated flight right after your aircraft leaves the runway -- never climb in a sideslip.
  23. Now that I am living in a retirement community I find myself withdrawing from the world more and more and being assimilated into this community more and more. I call this place 'The Warehouse' as it is a warehouse for those of us in our 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s who are really escaping back to the generations we grew up in and are ignoring the current ones. This is the perfect place to do that. I still venture out on the internet but not so much anymore. My posts are further and further apart as are my replies. A lot of it is not caring so much about what goes on in politics or the world anymore. We in the community are like pre-schoolers in a daycare center enjoying the entertainment available to us. My house is gone. My wife is gone so I have no one to care fore anymore. Except for the rent I pay here I have no bills. We watch TV and play games. Four of us, two old ladies and two old men, play poker every Friday night for dimes. Many of my wildlife photographs are hanging on the wall in the hall outside my apartment. There is still room for a few more so every once in a while I'll frame a couple of new ones and one of the maintenance guys will hang them up for me. They feed us three times a day in the dining room but we also have kitchenettes in our apartments so we can skip the dining room and prepare our own meals if we don't care for what's on the menu. I have a nurse who comes in once a week to check my vitals and a physical therapist who makes sure I take my morning walk and do my simple exercises. Luckily I can still drive and have my car so I don't have to take the community bus to go shopping once a week. I still have that amount freedom. I'll still be around from time to time but I wont be a regular anymore as old interests are being replaced by new ones. Noel
  24. Also, this is now really an aside, but: "Roger" means I understood your last transmission. (Example: "N12345, an A330 at your altitude reported moderate turbulence 20 miles ahead." "Roger.") "Wilco" means I will comply with your last instruction. (Example: N12345, turn left 5 degrees for spacing into O'Hare." "Wilco." Of course, a full readback is more proper.) "Affirmative" means yes. (N12345, do you have the traffic ahead in sight?" "Affirmative.")
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