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  2. Well itโ€™s logical if you are flying airways, not highways! ๐Ÿ˜‡ As for KADM? Not mine. Simply insert the missing KAJO in its place and my fat finger oops goes away. -B
  3. Settings -> UI Sounds uncheck. You're technically right and it would probably have wanted to vector you at the end of the STAR, yes. But you can always call "established on final" to the approach and it should hand you over to tower. Happens on Vatsim too if ATC forgets about you. Once you're "cleared for the approach" you're free to do whatever necessary to intercept the localizer.
  4. It will if you don't call in. Basically it gives you time do call in, but if you don't, it will give you a descent instruction nonetheless before you'd end up way too high.
  5. That's what I basically do for P2ATC, but the base data from the scenery is 90% faulty and has missing taxiway links or even worse no taxiways at all. This is all payware, by the way. Only elite devs like FlyTampa or Flightbeam have flawless taxi data in their sceneries. Not sure about PF3, but if there's a vital link missing in P2ATC, it cannot create a taxi path and you might just hear "taxi to runway". Really frustrating. So I end up fixing the imported data manually every time for new sceneries and it's just too much hassle in the year of 2024.
  6. I use PF3 for ATC, and everytime I update the sim, or change scenery or airports, , I run Makerunways. That way my ATC is always up to date.
  7. I had the same issue with both dukes as well. I opened a ticket with Just Flight and they sent me instructions on how to install to a different directory. Bring up the command prompt through the windows console. drag and drop the duke installer to the command prompt. Add a space, then add the word "browse" without the quotation marks, and hit enter. It will run the installer. A box will come up that will allow you to install it to the folder of your choice. After it installs, copy and paste the aircraft to your community folder. I did this, and it worked like a charm.
  8. How are you going to do that if the charts show something different than what you see? How do you find that uncharted taxiway? Drone around the airport and try to find the correct signs? I doubt people would do that. If they don't see the mentioned taxiway in the charts, they'll probably just say "f*** it BATC has got it wrong, I'll get rolling and find my own taxiway"
  9. Hum... KADM ? Not mine ๐Ÿ˜‰ And where is KAJO ? Finally, I'm not sure to get all the logic behind this route ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. For some reason I can't get near performance figure. You can see fuel flow suppose to be 28 gph but I get 35.8 gph. ISA deviation -10 degrees. Not sure if this is correct or not
  11. Today
  12. Youโ€™re talking to a bloke who has been brought up with SLR cameras for 50 years. 1/4 sec at F2.8 is considered the limit for hand held shots. My experience with smartphones is limited. It was too late to get my Nikon DSLR and tripod out. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. Phones have a nice way of adding vibrancy to these types of things. Been plenty of times where I could barely see them on the plane but through my phone, they look amazing.
  14. People in the southern US states saw the aurora last night. Looks like it they will be out again tonight. https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/05/noaa-says-extreme-solar-storm-will-persist-through-the-weekend/
  15. I'm so over my head on a lot of this stuff. I guess there's a reason I never wanted to be a programmer. I looked up Input Events for MSFS but all I can tell is that it translates something into something else so it's easier to program. I think. But I'll send parts of our conversation to the Dev, see if he can create an Input Event I can use. Thanks, Kat
  16. Having a go and testing my livery flying around the Canadian plains. Hope one day CS can manage to clean this bad times...because sometimes i can get so lost in this sim.
  17. @alr5100 have you excluded all flight sim-related files and folders (inlcuding your add-ons) from live scanning / real-time protection by your anti-virus program/Windows Defender? Like others have suggested, I would try a clean, default MSFS. Just to test whether there is a conflict between mods or outdated mods you're using. Stutters on short final is a known issue, with many threads on the official forums: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/stuttering-on-final-still/611736 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/stutter-and-fps-drop-when-final-approaching-any-airport-dx12-even-worse-happens-everytime/553455 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/freeze-lags-while-touchdown-but-fps-around-50-while-approaching/405138 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/two-years-of-stutters-finally-fixed/582405 However, on my 5800X3D, running many, many add-ons in MSFS and generally high to ultra settings, I don't see any pauses or large stutters on final.
  18. Exactly this. Carenado made several of the aircraft for the 2020 release, had the first aircraft to buy in the market place and have released around a dozen more either under their own name or for Asobo. I suspect theyโ€™re either a) busy building aircraft for Asobo for 2024 b) retired to their own private island in the Caribbean to enjoy the millions they must have made in 2020.
  19. Here are 19 of the 20 (EU was a bit too far to fly). I tried to lay them out in a logical fashion. YMMV and TANSTAAFL unless you dine at Vincentโ€™s Restaurant! -B KOKB KMYF KSEE KADM L78 L08 KHQM KPVF KMPI L70 KTRM L41 UT25 KPGA L05 L52 KRNM L18 KOKB
  20. I think maybe the perfect example of this issue (and likely why Virtuali in particular is brining it up). Is that at FSDreamteam KORD, there have been some sight taxiway changes in real life since the scenery was released and even worse its a common route departing aircraft use. What good will it be for SI to ask a pilot to taxi via this RW route if its not even a taxiway in the sim. Wouldn't it make more sense in this situation to have taxi instructions that a pilot can physically follow without driving over the grass in the scenery?
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