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  2. That's exactly what I am trying to do. On the way from KMIA to your home airport this morning.
  3. Oh man, it’s so sad, what they did to the clouds. We went from truly varied and realistic skies, where every flight felt unique, to the least varied, repetitive skies of the peer sims (XP / DCS). And they just refuse to talk about it in any depth. Just a small taste of what they took from us:🥲 https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/4-years-in-and-pretty-much-zero-improvements-to-clouds/637016/299
  4. **Minor update: 1.0.17.EA** - SID selection process improved to reduce flight plan load errors. - An error is displayed when airports only have runways and no parking. Runway starts not currently supported. - Malmo Control changed to Sweden Control - Fixed a bug where if you spoke "XX 8 Whiskey" the AI would interpret this as a food statement and change it to "ate whiskey" 😂 - Fixed a bug with speaking runway 26 wouldn't be understood - Fixed a bug where program would crash if you load an airport with no taxipoints whatsoever - Made the auto respond character UK Male to be less kangaroo 🇦🇺 and more spot of tea 🇬🇧 (Voice sample still not updated, will be in next update) - Removed old tooltip text from outdated version - Updated road map to reflect no traffic in current version - Stability fixes
  5. REX and others have been offering historical weather in MSFS for years. Asobo also confirmed that this functionality will be part of MSFS 2024 as well. Seasons and AI traffic are pretty well covered by third-parties already, but the built-in capabilities should also improve in the next version. The only reason that I still had P3D installed was precisely due to the PMDG 777, which is now being released for MSFS in a matter of weeks. The latest AI-powered ATC solutions will probably never make it to P3D/XP and, after experiencing the immersiveness they bring, it’s hard going back to the clunky solutions available for the other sims.
  6. I've moved this to the MSFS forum, since it's about MSFS software configuration and not the hardware itself.
  7. Are you suggesting that the MS/Asobo SDK/API provides full access to *ALL* ARINC data loaded via Navigraph, including for example any and all airports I might need to divert to? I’d be a bit surprised at that…. Unless that is actually the case, then things aren’t so simple as you portend. I mean, MS/Asobo don’t exactly have a sterling reputation when it comes to APIs, either in terms of completeness, accuracy, or stability. I suspect the real story is actually quite a bit more complicated, which may explain why the developer was talking around the subject without being particularly specific. Its all just speculation unless the developer is a lot more concise or there emerges a storyline from users having had considerable time with the product. Currently we have neither. Just a bunch of YouTuber’s trying to make a living by getting lots of ‘likes’.
  8. Today
  9. CPU Utilization is for productivity not gaming. They will figure it out one day but most will experience crashes. Seb said this almost 4 years ago they attempd to off load main cores from the the sim and it crashed every time.
  10. Ah yes, I love that wood panel! That gives it some more character. And yes, I think you're right about the super clean instruments, they probably add to the familiarity aspect.
  11. Actually, I found out why - because of the stitching. So from now on I will download 1 by one and this time will be fine.
  12. I just have to remember to take it off of HDR before I take a screenshot.
  13. Glad you got it working, Todd. Off to a good start with these shots. Many more to come, I hope. Enjoy!
  14. Chicago O'Hare (1-6), Detroit (7-12) and Minneapolis (13-15). Darryl
  15. It would raise the age ratings, they'll want to keep it what it is now. Combat would be a separate sim if they ever wanted to do it again.
  16. It was Tucker Hatfield who brought us Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator in the past. He and Bob Church has been previously busy with combat controllers (F16 sticks, game mods, etc.) in other non Microsoft sims.
  17. That's a good possibility. Will have to look at that. I'm not at my system right now but IIRC when you switch from easy to real you just need to restart AS not MSFS. Damian will get it sorted when we nail down the issue.
  18. I see what you mean. I think it's kinda the black square trademark way of doing cockpits... very readable instruments. It's hard to tell in the videos but the textures are of very high quality - they are pretty clean though. I prefer super clean myself but I understand some like a little wear and tear. I think that could easily be done by a repainter. I'm not great with interiors but I'm sure someone will come along and do something. As for panel/interiors - there are some nice variations, like this lovely wood panel and schnazzy interior in the piston woodcockpit1 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr woodcockpit2 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
  19. I was in easy mode simply because I already had the sim starting up when I clicked on hard mode and it said a restart was required, which meant a sim restart was required, so I didn't t do it. The way I read the rm manual though, there's nothing in easy mode that should have affected visibility. I went through each option one at a time anyway and set everything to fastest refresh etc. Present pos conditions said it was rendering 1/4sm, 1/8sm etc correctly per Metar but that's sure not what I was seeing. Now I did read in 8888 (the only version I've used) they disabled the generation of the lowest cloud layer in fog conditions; I did wonder if that was related?
  20. s0cks is right. If you look at individual core usage, one or two of them will be much higher than 17%. That 17% you're seeing is the average of all of the cores. So if a couple of cores are low it skews the overall % down. I'm assuming that 23 fps you're showing is the base rate before Frame Gen, so you're getting a much more usable 46 fps on approach. At least I hope 23fps is the pre-frame-gen fps! Anyway I do not have that scenery to test that exact scenario. I wonder what your TLOD is during that approach?
  21. I did two flights. Klga to kmke. Everything worked pretty good until i accidentally hit x and closed it out instead of minimizing it. Luckily it picked up right where i left off…. Well i thought it did but it didn't. It picked back up just out of pa but just about 200 miles from milwaukee at pegee near grand rapids it told me to turn right 100. So i just went to the menu and said. I want to go to pegee and it told me no! Cant go to fixes while being vectored. So back over Detroit and handing me off from Cleveland center it was obvious it was sending me back to laguardia. But i was too far north. Once i got over ct and long island it vectored me out over the ocean and then went in circles. No option could break the vectoring. I closed the program and tried again. And it finally told me to go to newel. My first wpt after laguardia. Thinking maybe it would take me to milwaukee. It did not after newel it just stoped talking qnd got frustrated and got out. Probably would have made it to mke had not closed the window but the window is my least favorite part of the program. It doesn't run in msfs so you have to keep hitting windows key to get to it in the app tray. You can use it minimized, you can talk to it and it will talk but you wont see the beyond atc window. The second flight was tus to phx. I figure this is a nice easy flight no problems. Clearance was good pushback good. Now the wind was being reported as 200at15g 26. Tus has a 12/30 and 22/4. Msfs and fsltl were in agreement the active runway was 12. It was actually 30 but…we know this wind problem. So batc tells me taxi a7 d to runway 21. Well there is no runway 21. So this proves that if the afcad is goofed batc will be goofed as well. So i go to runway 12 see if i can get an option. No option. Demands i use 21. So i try to slew to 21 hold point but this messes it up. It thinks i have started my takeoff roll and says stop immediately. Then says bad pilot. So i ask for take off on 21. Taxi down to 12 take off and i have finally gotten that over. I checked several times and both my simbrief and msfs fp were set for runway 12 so it just decided based on wind 21 was active. Its really 22, so it’s wrong in bullfrog sim tus scenery. The rest of the flight was ok. It was giving me hand offs a bit late. It also made me climb above my cruising altitude because the pinng1 at hottt is 22000. My cruise was supposed to be at 16000. So it took that bad info from msfs. Every thing else was good until i landed. It did not want to give me a gate i wanted no matter what i did. It wanted to give me c11. I wanted a or b, it would not give me either. Thats when i realized Bmw amsim have the gates set up wrong in their “afcad” so if a developer has not done the “afcad” correctly gates,taxiways, runways. It will screw up batc. I think this is too early for early access. But everyone couldn’t hold their horses so here we are. apologies for grammar im typing this on an i phone while i wait an inordinate amount of time at a restaurant for my food.
  22. I can't be sure how you should proceed. There were other reports of your issue here. Maybe something there would help. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/search?q=d3d11.dll
  23. Disastrous news. Aivlasoft is peerless with no equivalent.
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