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  1. Hi everyone,As we all know, the new and very sexy ASE2012 is out, and if it's not a hot-topic now, it probably will be.I'd like to start up an open discussion to find out how and what is the best way to configure ASE2012 over a network? The ASE2012 document / guide i feel is ambiguous - and doesnt clearly highlight what and where we need to do, or what todo step by step... eg, install SP1a and SP2 for SDK..etc...which im reading this can cause CTD's later on in flight? Also, the simconnect.xml can be located, but the simconnect.ini cant be located, so wondering does this come from SDK installs or from FSUIPC?When installing ASE2012, how do we get this to interract with the PC with FSX on it? EG: How do we find the domain IP so we can write this in to the simconnect. xml if im right?More questions around process and what the steps are to getting ASE to talk to FSX...so far, my attempts are not showing anything other than FSX: Disconnected....etc...Any help would be greatfully appreciated.Darryl
  2. Hi everyone, I have some questions around SDK and ASE2012.1) To install ActiveSKY2012 and have this running over a network, the documentation is saying to install FSX Deluxe with SDK. After installing SDK, do i need next to bring FSX up to date to the correct version number>?EG: SP1A and thats it? SP1A and normal SP2 for FSX, or perhaps, SDK SP2 ...etc...not sure what one I need, after installing SDK SP2, it deletes certain GMAX files from SP1A...and i have read on forums some people are using SP1A and then normal FSX SP2 which could cause issues, when crashing to desktop (CTD) ... whats with the SDK SP2...is this really required?2) Does anyone know how to install and run ASE2012 on a networked connection?When reading the document, I have no idea what the simconnect.xml files should be reading, by way of IP coz I dont even know how to find my IP for my pc? I am running FSX google earth track, where it's set up over IPv4 and my PC name is in the address or host name field and using port 9017, which seems to be working ok, and then i read that ASE2012 needs to use port 500, but in the simconnect doc.xml it only has one entry for the 9017 port, so where do i put the other entry?3) I have found the simconnect.xml but i cant find the simconnect.ini file, and where it should be, it's not, so any ideas guys? Any help would be hugely appreciated....coz right now, im confused.comCheers,Darryl
  3. Is there any offset mapping list available for B777X as I got it for B737 NGX (Offset_Mapping_PMDG737NGX.pdf). I'm programming in VB and I absolutely need offset values for input data in order to adapt my cockpit to B777X. To generate events, offset values are available in PMDG B777 sdk C++ program. For input data, I didn't find anything. Regards Jean-Pierre
  4. Good evening, pilots! I recently noticed after using FS2Crew that the PMDG 737NGX SDK does not load in FSX multiplayer environments. I recently tested this using my own code and found that while the code worked perfectly in single player, it failed to load any data in a multiplayer LAN server. All other SimConnect data and FSUIPC offsets work fine. I've done the following steps to identify issue: Binding a key to Re-Simconnect in FSUIPC (this actually killed SimConnect altogether) Monitored offset 0x642E (Service Interphone Sw). Value changes to 0x1 when switch is toggled in single player, but it remains as 0x0 in multiplayer. Is this a known issue? Are there any fixes that can be suggested? Thanks!
  6. Hi peeps! I have installed the FSX SDK today, but I'm having a lot of issues. I first installed it not to the default location, then uninstalled it and again installed it, this time in the default location. I don't know if this can help, but for some reason when I click on ConfigSDK and write Yes it crashes and also I don't see any SDK box in the FSX bar during the flight. But let's get to the point: the sp1a update doesn't install: when I run it it says: "This service pack requires the original release of Flight Simulator X (FSX) SDK, which you can find on Disk 1 of FSX Deluxe Edition. Please install this by first running Setup.exe in the Disk 1 SDK directory, and then start SDK SP1A installation ..." What can I do? Please help me! :blush:
  7. Hi. Please let me ask a question about SDK. I have tested the 777 SDK, to find that I cannot set MACH speed correctly with "EVT_MCP_MACH_SET" while other SET-MCP-VALUES events were perfectly working. My attempt is 1. Flying at FL300 and at Mach speed 0.80. 2. Set IAS/MACH mode to "MACH mode". 3. Run a program with following code. hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_SET_MACH, "#84135"); SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, 0, EVENT_SET_MACH, 60, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_HIGHEST,SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); //Header comment says "Sets MCP MACH (if active) to parameter*0.01 (e.g. send 78 to set M0.78)", so M0.600 is expected. 4. The value of Mach indicator window is set to "0.780". 5. Re-run the same program, then value is set to "0.762", then -> .746 -> .731 -> .718 ->->->->-> .604 6. No value change after converging on .604. In addition, Setting from M0.600 to M0.800 was result in converging on .795 after several running, and the other setting events (IAS, HDG, ALT, V/S, FPA) worked as I expected. Is it caused by my wrong usage or bug ? And is there any other way to manage to set MACH ? ---------------------- Shunsuke Yamabe
  8. Hi everyone, I would like to control CDU buttons by SDK of NGX. Now I can control all buttons normally except CLR button. I use these method: ...... int parameter=0; hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect,EVENT_CDU_L_CLR, "#70234"); if (parameter) parameter=1; else parameter=0; SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, 0, EVENT_CDU_L_CLR, 1, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); ...... If I push CLR button via SDK quickly, it clears one character in scratch pad line first, then all characters disappear. It seems like I hold the CLR button for a while. But I just want to delete one character. I have tried the other method to send CLR button to NGX but nothing changed. Do you have any ideal? Thanks! Wei
  9. Hi, I don't know if this subject has already been dealt with but in the past several days I have been trying to find a way to read the display offsets from the electrical panel on the 737NG. Unlike the ALT and LAND displays, there are no offsets listed in the SDK file for the 7-segment displays in the electrical panel. Is via PMDG 737NG offsets the only way to interface LEDs? Or is there an other way to read these numbers? thanks for your help in advance! Greetings, Wout
  10. Earlier today I installed FSX SDK from my deluxe edition FSX. Then I installed FSX SDK1a and FSX SDK2. Now my fsx will not load. It is stuck on the splash screen. I have tried registry editor, changing my logbook name, but nothing works. Any help?
  11. Hi can you help me I'm trying to install the SDK to use for My Traffic X Pro. I have Fsx Gold Edition installed on my system.I have done a research on forums and internet from this link: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki/index.php?title=SDK_Installation_%28FSX%29 I have done all the steps listed below from 1 - 5 using my Fsx Gold Edition DVD's and Acceleration pack. FSX Acceleration Pack users[edit]To install the SDK for FSX Acceleration Pack: Install the RTM SDK from FSX Deluxe Edition disk 1, (see 3.1.1 FSX Deluxe RTM users instructions above). Insert your Acceleration Pack DVD. Browse to the subfolder called SDK\SP1a\ Install the SDK SP1A from there using fsx_sdk_sp1a.exe, (dated 26/09/2007, size 165,569KB). Browse to the folder called SDK\ Install the Acceleration SP2/XPack SDK using sdk.msi, (dated 06/10/2007, size 216,929KB). The only problem I have is failing to locate is the Acceleration SP2/XPack SDK as highlighted in green. My Fsx DVD Acceleration seems to missing SP2/XPack SDK from my DVD's. How best can I resolve this issue? Regards Lloyd LdeeFsx247
  12. I have FSX Deluxe discs. Somehow the FSX SDK is missing from my original installation. When I try to read the Deluxe Disc 1, it spins and spins forever (or so it seems) and does not read the disc so that I may install the SDK. I have the SDK on an old computer. Is it OK to simply copy the SDK files from the old one and paste into the new computer, or does the SDK HAVE to be installed from DISC 1 ? Dave Hinson
  13. Now I'm an IT guy, not a coder (too sociable, no beard, and I have a wife :Big Grin: ) so i don't know what i am talking about, but Kevin MV Gibbage does, and I suspect some other lurkers here..Please note, Kevin; that bit about coders is a joke One of the things I like about flying is a sense of purpose. call me picky, but simply sightseeing is not always my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong..I love flying AK as it is so beautiful. I love wilderness, BUT I like to fly for a reason, and get the lovely vistas along the way. Reward-based gaming/flying, let's call it. It's why I play AH So, my point: I, and a few others were really looking forward to some location-specific missions in AK. SAR; relief missions; mining supply etc etc. This is now never going to happen. MS is also not, for the foreseeable future, going to relase the SDK. How easy, and how much access to the SDK would one need to create a mission? I'm guessing full access, but still asking the question..It would be great, for instance, if, as a gesture to the people who paid for FLIGHT and DLC, to allow say a member of the team to accept submissions for new DLC mission content? I dunno..I know FLIGHT is dead, and MS have left the room, but I can't help feeling that, somehow, there is some life left in FLIGHT in an ongoing sense, not just as abandonware... If a limited subset of the SDk was in place, perhaps even an online mission creator? I dunno..Probably loads more work for somebody who doesn't really feel the vibe... cue the "it's never gonna happen" posts Glass half full, me...
  14. Hi i have just recently upgraded my computer and re installed windows and FSX i seem to have a problem now when i run Squawkbox and then try to run FS2Crew i get SDK error but if i don't run Squawk-box then i don't get the SDK error i have res installed PMDG and FS2crew but neither makes a difference can anyone shade any light into this problem?
  15. Hi, I have made several aircraft using Flight Simulator Design Studio. The aircraft are for being static aircraft. Then I export it as a .X file and open it using Model Converter X. In Model Converter, the aircraft has no textures. In the event log, I get this message: "Unsupported X command TextureFilename" At the bottom of the event log, it says "Could not find linked animation for Wing__left_6" even though I do not have any animations on the model. I export it as an .X file because when I try to compile it as a scenery object or aircraft file I get lots of errors and the file comes up empty. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I have SDK on a different hard drive than FSDS. Aircraft is FSDS: Aircraft in MCX with missing textures:
  16. I created this account for the sole purpose of seeing if the AVSIM braintrust had the answer to my problem. I didn't find it so I want to share it with everyone. The situation: Brand new Windows 8 x64 laptop with great specs FSX Deluxe installed with absolutely no issue I wanted to tweak my home airport The problem: The FSX SDK is required for some 3rd party addonsNo big deal, right? The SDK is included on the FSX install disk. Except (DUN DUN DUN) - The bleeping installer for the RTM SDK would simply not successfully run. Every time the installer throws error "1628: Failed to complete installation." You can Google your heart out about Windows 8, FSX SDK, Flight Simulator X SDK Windows 8, or any combination thereof and not find a single helpful link within spitting distance. You will find a mountain of links about error 1678 telling you to rename the InstallShield folder, kill some processes, re-install InstallShield (you can't, Win8 won't recognize older versions), or create a new user account (link to Microsoft's article on this error). Forget it. On Win8 this is a complete waste of time. The solution: All that preamble aside, the solution was incredibly simple in comparison to all the hoops I was trying to jump through. The double-secret-probation Administrator account. Win8's admin account is disabled by default. Even when you choose "Run as administrator" you're not really running as THE ADMINISTRATOR. Here's what you do, and here's a link to a comprehensive guide to this super admin account. Open an elevated command prompt. Type this command and hit enter: net user administrator /active:yes Hit Win+L to lock your computer. At the login screen, click the leftward-pointing arrow at the top left of your login picture. Click on the Administrator account. Find your troublesome installer and run it. Voila! Your SDK is installed! Install SDK SP1a and SP2 as needed. Log out of the admin account by going back to the Start screen, clicking Administrator in the top right corner and choosing Sign out. Log back in as your normal account IMPORTANT! For security's sake, disable the super admin account when you're done by running this command in an elevated prompt: net user administrator /active:no Happy flying - TangoPapa
  17. Dear all, is it possible to detect the end of the initialization phase (you know the countdown) has been done? So can I detect in my plugin that this has been done, and I can start. In my client, I want to do things, as soon as everything is properly setup (i.e. sim is running, init is done)... Thanks for your help Jan-Patrick
  18. I know that this question has been asked and answered a thousand times, but I cannot find the thread. On starting FS2 CREW I keep getting the message "warning SDK failed to load" I only purchased FS2 CREW recently and PMDG so I assume I have SPIc FYI: I am disabled and in a wheelchair and 63. I suppose all that combined makes me a thicko for these procedures, so therefore in anyone is interested I am prepared to pay £500 to someone to help me to set up and fly PMDG, FS2 CREW button version. I live in London and can accommodate if required. Patrick Horan
  19. Greetings virtual pilots, Welcome to the content creation/modding thread! When we announced DTG Flight School and DTG Flight Simulator one of the very first questions that we were asked was “Will there be an open, publicly released SDK?” Since that day you have not stopped asking us this question, so we completely understand that being able to create your own content is extremely important to the flight simulation community. From professional developers producing the well-known add-ons that we all love, to the bedroom developers, there are loads of you who spend your free time creating liveries, missions, aircraft, airports/airfields and other freeware and payware. We recognise that flight simulation would not be what it is today without the hard work and dedication of content creators, and we fully intend to continue this tradition with Dovetail Games Flight Simulator. We also recognise that technology has advanced substantially since the FSX SDK was released with FSX Deluxe back in 2006. Ten years ago the modding and user generated content (UGC) scene was a lot different from how things are today. Over recent years we have seen modding and UGC move into the mainstream across both PC and consoles. More and more titles are now arriving with comprehensive editors and tools, while services like Steam Workshop make it easier than ever for players to share their content. We know the needs of livery creators are very different from the needs of sound pack creators; that the requirements of mission designers are not the same as airport creators. Over time, we fully intend to provide content creators with the tools that they need in DFS, however in order to do this to best of our ability, we have a few questions we need you to answer: Why do you want an SDK? What exactly do you currently use the FSX SDK for? What sort of content do you create with it? What does your workflow look like? Are there certain things about the current SDK that annoy you or that you wish were different? Would some sort of scripting tool or editor be more useful to you? What third party tools or software do you use with the SDK? Photoshop, Blender The more you can tell us, the more we can understand how to make the content creation process more enjoyable for you! - Martin
  20. Hello guys, I have 2 computers. I wrote a code which is using PMDG 737NGX(SP1d) and 777X(SP1d) SDK to control CDU. It works well with both products in FSX, but when I use the same code with PMDG products in P3d v3, I can only enter keyboard data to CDU, but I can NOT read out the light data (Eg. MSG, OFST, EXEC) from PMDG 737NGX and 777X. My computer 1 : Windows7 SP1, FSX v10.0.61637.0, PMDG 737NGX(SP1d), 777X(SP1d). My computer 2 : Windows7 SP1, P3d v3, PMDG 737NGX(SP1d), 777X(SP1d). Is there anyone having the same problem? Thank a lot!
  21. I'm developing a C++ SimConnect plugin with the PMDG SDK. I am able to set the state of the overhead electrical panel battery selector switch guard using SimConnect_SetClientData and EVT_OH_ELEC_BATTERY_GUARD, however for my application I also need to be able to read the state of the switch guard. The PMDG_NGX_Data structure in PMDG_NGX_SDK.h provides a field for the battery switch, but no field for the switch guard. Is there a way to read the state of the switch guard using the PMDG SDK and SimConnect? Thank you, Aaron Smith
  22. Hi, Is it possible to get the Engine Start Lever information (IDLE / Cutoff) through the SDK or FSUIPC offset? I cannot find it in the header file and the "traditional" FSUIPC offset 0x3590 Fuel Valve does not seem to work for the 737NGX. (note: I am not interested is setting the level, but getting its state) Thanks! Emile van Gerwen.
  23. Hello Together! I've got a huge Problem for a few weeks. Every Aircraft-Addon I install doesn't seem to work. I can't even find them in the Addon bar and it's not asking for permission when I startup FSX:SE. I think it's a SDK or SimConnect issue because the Aircraft isn't initializing at all, as you can see in this picture: I already reinstalled it and cleaned the registry, even using the normal FSX:MS, it doesn't work anymore. I also installed the SDK for FSX:SE on FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces. I really don't know any solution anymore. Could you help me? Best Regards! Robert
  24. When I mount the FSX DVD #1, the installation screen pops up seeking permission to make changes in my computer. All I want to do is browse the disk so I select no and cancel the install shield. When I open Windows Explorer, I see the SDK folder but when I click it to open it, the computer seems to be searching the disk and it doesn't stop. My system is 64-bit Windows 7. It does this with the Acceleration DVD, too. Any and all help will be appreciated.
  25. Any excitement on the World Hub feature entering Alpha? Did someone here applied and got news? For those who skipped the last SDK Live Stream, it's a basic way to improve the .xml definition of ignored airfields/airports by fixing for example taxiways organisation/signs, close vegetation... despite Eric Pellisier mentionned MSFS library would be accessible but no custom 3D objects addition possibility. A cool way to involve the community, at least the one that want to participate, for the ten's thousand airfields around the world which suffered from automatic re-creation process. Here the link of the SDK stream with the timecode of World Hub : https://youtu.be/0G512kRLPOQ?t=2196
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